Subject: Helping FlyBase: Tctex Dear Dr. Caggese, We have been curating the DNA sequence records for FlyBase and have a question for you. You have recently submitted a sequence record, accession number AF123058; AAD30033 for the Tctex gene, which you say encodes a dynein light chain and maps to 90F9--91A2. We already have a record for a dynein light chain gene at 90F, and I was wondering whether you knew if this was the same gene as yours? I enclose what we have about the other gene below, for you to see. I will be querying the authors of the abstract to see if they can add anything more. \*a Dlc90F \*z FBgn0024432 \*c 90F \*c Left limit from (method unavailable) (FBrf0101355) \*c Right limit from (method unavailable) (FBrf0101355) \*x FBrf0101355 == Li et al., 1998, A. Conf. Dros. Res. 39: 318A \*e Dynein light chain 90F \*c 90F \*d dynein light chain \*p Lethal lines have been obtained by imprecise excision of a P-element \*p inserted 800bp upstream of the transcription start site of Dlc90F. \*u Southern blot analysis indicates that Dlc90F is encoded by a single \*u copy gene and is expressed as a single transcript throughout Drosophila \*u development. Western blot experiments show that the 14kD light chain is \*u co-purified with cytoplasmic dynein from embryos and there exist two \*u isoforms, suggesting a post-translational regulation of the light chain. Also, you annotated your sequence with three intriguing gene symbols > gene 1672..2476 > /note='EP(3)3634, l(3)04091, l(3)05089' This implies to me that you know that the flanking sequence of insertions in genome project lines EP(3)3634, l(3)04091 and l(3)05089 matches sequence corresponding to Tctex. This is of relevance because we (FlyBase) already have a gene entry for l(3)04091, with an allele l(3)0409104091. If that maps to Tctex I should merge the records for l(3)04091 and Tctex (keeping Tctex as the valid symbol) and record an allele Tctex04091 to correspond to what we have now as l(3)0409104091. Similarly, if the P insertion in line l(3)05089 maps to the Tctex gene, I need to record an allele Tctex05089 (we already have and allele of quag, quag05089, at 94A8--B5, but we know that the quag phenotype in the line is separable from the P insertion). Finally, if EP(3)3634 has an insertion in/affecting the Tctex transcription unit I would record it as an an allele of Tctex, Tctex3634. So, if you could give me this little bit more information, we would be most grateful. With best wishes, Rachel. Subject: Re: Helping FlyBase: Tctex Dear Rachel, I isolated a cDNA encoding the putative Drosophila tctex-1 gene at 91F9-11 by a strategy for identification of nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial protein (accession number Y08968; Caggese et al.(1999). Mol. Gen. Genet. 261: 64-70). Developmental Northern blot analysis reveals a 0.85-kb transcript in all stages examined. This transcript is also present at high levels in the oocyte nurse cells. Some overlapping genomic clones were isolated and a subclone of 3115 nucleotides that contained the entire tctex-1 gene was sequenced (accession number AF123058). Sequence analysis revealed that no introns interrupt the tctex-1 cDNA sequence . A search in the GenBank and Expressed Sequence Tag database using genomic nucleotide sequences revealed that two unidentified ESTs (LD12970, accession numbers AA438652; CK01205, accession number AA141098) are also transcribed from the genomic subclone. EST LD12970 (clot 3142): 1262...540 exon; 539...1.. intron tctex: 1672...2176 EST CK01205: ..3115...2662 (the numbers correspond to positions of the genomic subclone) I received many available single P-element insertion mutants mapping at 90F-91A from Bloomington, Berkeley and Szeged stock collections. In order to identify mutant alleles of the tctex-1 gene we used PCR between divergent primers derived from the tctex-1 nucleotide sequence and a primer derived from the 31-bp terminal inverted repeat sequence of the P element. A specific amplification product was detected in the genomic DNA from: l(3)05822 single P-element insertion mutant mapping at 90F9-10. Sequence analysis revealed that a PZ element is present in this mutant stock at position 756-757 of the genomic clone and disrupts the EST sequence LD12970. EP(3)3634 single P-element insertion mutant mapping at 91F9-11;91A1. Sequence analysis revealed that a EP element is present in this mutant stock at position 1671-1672 of the genomic clone and disrupts the tctex-1 transcription unit. l(3)04091 single P-element insertion mutant mapping at 91F9-11; 91A1. Sequence analysis revealed that a PZ element is present in this mutant stock at position 1710-1711 of the genomic clone and disrupts the tctex-1 transcription unit. l(3)05089 single P-element insertion mutant mapping at 91F9-11; 91A1. Sequence analysis revealed that a PZ element is present in this mutant stock at position 1714-1715 of the genomic clone and disrupts the tctex-1 transcription unit. BLAST analysis of tctex-1 cDNA sequence showed that 35 nucleotides in the UTR are identical to the 35 nucleotides 5' flanking sequence of P element in the ms(3)05090 (sdl-2, seedless; Castrillon et al. (1993) Genetics 135:489-505 ) reported as single insertion line at 84F1-84F16 region. In reality, sdl-2 is a allele of tctex-1 at 91F9-11; 91A1 since specific amplification products were detected in the genomic DNA of sdl-2 mutant flies by using different primers derived from the tctex-1 nucleotide sequence and a primer derived from the 31-bp terminal inverted repeat sequence of the P element. Sequence analysis confirmed that in this mutant allele a P element disrupts the dtctex-1 transcription unit by insertion at positions 1721-22 of the genomic clone. I don't know if multiple inserts are present in this line, but a P element is certainly inserted in the tctex-1 gene at nucleotide position which is reported in Berkeley Fly Database. The phenotypic analysis of the EP(3)3634, l(3)04091, l(3)05089 and sdl-2 (ms(3)05090) mutations showed that tctex-1 is required for production of functional sperms. The manuscript entitled 'The Drosophila melanogaster homolog of tctex-1, a putative murine t-complex distorter encoding a dynein light chain, is required for production of functional sperm' will be submitted for publication as soon as possible. With best wishes, Corrado Prof. Corrado Caggese Istituto di Genetica Universita di Bari via Amendola 165/A 70126 Bari, Italia