FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Reference Report
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Doerig, R. (1999.8.9). P lethals from Paul Lasko. 
FlyBase ID
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
Subject: P lethals from Paul Lasko
From: Kevin Cook, Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center
Subject: P lethals from Paul Lasko
The following information was communicated by Ruth Doerig in Paul Lasko's
lab, McGill University 7/99.
1. The P{w+mC=lacW}k09017a insertion (FBti0006603) at 39E1-4 is
associated with a lethal mutation based on its noncomplementation with
Df(2L)TW65 and Df(2L)TW161 and its complementation with Df(2L)C',
Df(2L)DS5, Df(2L)DS6, Df(2L)DS8, Df(2L)TW84 and Df(2L)Acon-21.
The P allele should probably be named P{w+mC=lacW}l(2)k09017ak09017a
2. The P{ry+t7.2=PZ}02660b insertion is associated with a lethal
mutation based on its noncomplementation with Df(2L)OD15, Df(2L)TW3,
Df(2L)TW50 and Df(2L)TW137. (This information is also available from the
BDGP web site.) The l(2)02660r entry (FBgn0025775) refers to this P
insertion. Lasko et al. refer to the lethal locus defined by the
P{ry+t7.2=PZ}02660b insertion as l(2)37Ad.
The P allele should probably be named P{ry+t7.2=PZ}l(2)37Ad02660b.
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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Data From Reference
    Aberrations (12)
    Alleles (2)
    Genes (2)
    Insertions (2)