Subject: FlyBase query Dear Dr. Andrew, I am curating your paper for FlyBase: Seshaiah and Andrew, 1999, Molec. Biol. Cell 10(5): 1595-1608 In this paper you look at the expression of all 20 aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. You state that you found Berkeley EST's which correspond to each of these tRNA synthetases. It would be very helpful to FlyBase if you could tell me the number of each EST (e.g. LD10023) which corresponds to each particular tRNA synthetase. This information would be recorded as a personal communication from you to FlyBase, I look forward to hearing from you, Gillian \-------------------------------------------------------------- Gillian Millburn. FlyBase (Cambridge), \-------------------------------------------------------------- > Subject: tRNA synthetases Dear Gillian, Sorry for taking so long to get this information to you--its the info on which Berkeley ESTs correspond to the 20 AA-tRNA synthetases. The information should be recorded as a personal communication from both me and the graduate student who did the work (Partha Seshaiah and Deborah J. The information is in the enclosure. Cheers, Debbie Deborah J. Andrew Dept. of Cell Biology and Anatomy The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine ClassI ArgRS GM08880 CysRS LD07625 GlnRS LD25392 GluRS LD14109 IleRS LD11930 LeuRS GM06905 MetRS LD07463 TrpRS GH06221 TrpRS LD24552 TyrRS GM09071 ValRS GM09906 ClassII AlaRS LD07142 AsnRS GM04706 AspRS LD24891 GlyRS GM01134 HisRS GM05203 LysRS LD13687 PheRS LD05193 ProRS GM03563 SerRS HL02233 ThrRS LD06190