Ashburner, M., Misra, S., Roote, J., Lewis, S.E., Blazej, R., Davis, T., Doyle, C., Galle, R., George, R., Harris, N., Hartzell, G., Harvey, D., Hong, L., Houston, K., Hoskins, R., Johnson, G., Martin, C., Moshrefi, A., Palazzolo, M., Reese, M.G., Spradling, A., Tsang, G., Wan, K., Whitelaw, K., Kimmel, B., Celniker, S., Rubin, G.M. (1999). Table S2. Genes, known and predicted, that have been determined on the sequence of the Adh region. All genes are protein coding, unless indicated tscan in the prediction column, these are tRNAs.
Genetics 153(1): .