Subject: Adh Gillian This is our working file. It can be taken as a personal communication to FlyBase from Ashburner, Misra, Roote, Lewis & Rubin. This version will have the new genes analysed since the paper was submitted. These should be curated. This file is authorative over the paper <up>except for the 'product' lines which were never u/dated</up>. Also ignore the 'cytology' & lines & refs - these were all unaltered from FB about a year ago. Ignore the .* suffixes on EST names. MA ========================================================================== Region 34-36 genes. Michael Ashburner and John Roote and Sima Misra and Suzanna Lewis and Gerry M. Rubin. Version 18.1 13 Sept. 1999 \+symbol = identified on sequence direction = direction of transcription + = distal to proximal - = proximal to distal ? = unclear since only P insertion product - often very very tentative BLAST results: expect < e-7 GB = GenBank/dbEST TBLASTX SP = SwissProt BLASTX TR = trEMBL BLASTX YPD = yeast protein database BLASTX genefinder scores > 20 genscan scores > 45 If only part of gene prediction used, indicated number of spans. \* = split gene prediction between 2 gene records. Results in parentheses less than the above cutoffs. =========================================================================== \+symbol: B4 \+formal_name: BG:DS07660.4 references: Sotillos et al., 1997 Development 124: 4769-4779 cDNA_sequence: AF022364; g2636727 pr_sequence_TREMBL:O16865 P_element_allele: PZ05337 sequenced EP2503 sequenced genefinder: 48(BACR48E02)/21(BACR48E02) genscan: 153(BACR48E02) product: match_to: SP P46591 e-9 O (Candida albicans) match_to: SP P08399 e-7 M (serine residues) EST: LD07105.5', LD33628.5' BAC: BACR48E02 direction: - MA_notes: This is a divergent transcript from kuz encoding a 964 aa protein with no matches. 5' ends of anon-B4 and kuz a few kb apart Sotillos et al., 1997. SM_notes: Translation from alignment to GenBank AF022364 (only 1-2314 of 4053). n(2)05337 maps to 187441 (in 4th exon), EP2503 maps to 151575 of BACR48E02 (in 1st exon). =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:BACR48E02.1 \+formal_name: BG:BACR48E02.1 genefinder: 21 genscan: (31) product: match_to: EST: BAC: BACR48E02 direction: - Nested_in: B4 SM_notes: Translation from Genefinder. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:BACR48E02.2 \+formal_name: BG:BACR48E02.2 genefinder: (15) genscan: 63 product: match_to: EST: BAC: BACR48E02 direction: + Nested_in: B4 SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:BACR48E02.3 \+formal_name: BG:BACR48E02.3 genefinder: 23 genscan: 54 product: match_to: EST: BAC: BACR48E02 direction: + Nested_in: B4 SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: kuz \+formal_name: BG:DS07660.3 synonym: l(2)34Da synonym: l(2)03782 name: kuzbanian UID: FBgn0015954 references: FBrf0089802 == Rooke et al., 1996, Science 273(5279): 1227--1231 FBrf0090545 == Fambrough et al., 1996, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 93(23): 1 3233--13238 Sotillos et al., 1997 Development 124: 4769-4779 cytology: 34C5--34C5 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b88c75 (FBrf0092813) cytology_data: Right limit from in situ hybridisation (FBrf0067338) cDNA_sequence:U60591 ; g1531633 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q94902 genefinder: 23/77(BACR48E02) genscan: 286/83(2 spans)(BACR48E02) product: metalloprotease/disintegrin family protein match_to: TR G2739037 (AF024614) e-128 W match_to: TR E1246683 (Z96047) e-128 W match_to: TR O14672 (AF009615) e-113 H match_to: TR O35598 (AF011379) e-112 M EST: LD04086.5', LD20268.5', LD04356.5' BAC: BACR48E02 direction: + TE_insert_allele: kuz1 (TE13=TE34Cb) kuz2 (TE60=TE34Ca) kuz3 (TE94=TE34Cc) P_element_allele: kuzk01403 sequenced l(2)k01405, cluster mate ? kuzk07601 sequenced kuzk12004 sequenced kuzk14817 sequenced kuzk09934 kuzk11804 kuzk14701 l(2)0378203782 (hypomorphic allele) sequenced rK028 sequenced P_element_derivative_allele: kuze29-4 kuzk01405Rev4 kuzk01405Rev11 kuzk01405Rev23 aberration_associated_allele: kuzTE34Cc-GV2 (In(2)TE34Cc-2) kuzTE34Cc-SV1 (In(2L)TE34Cc-1) kuzTE34Cc-GV1 (T(2;3)TE34Cc-1) kuzTE34Ca-GV1 (T(Y;2)TE34Ca-1) misc_allele: kuzIK5 kuzH143 phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: Translation from alignment to GenBank U60591 (edited 3' end of 2nd exon). rK028 maps to 151448 of BACR48E02. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07660.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS07660.1 genefinder: 20(BACR48E02) genscan: 99(BACR48E02) product: Na-dependent transporter match_to: TR Q94886 (Y07720) e-56 D match_to: SP Q03567 e-72 W match_to: TR Q62634 (U07609) e-60 M match_to: SP Q61983 e-55 M match_to: SP Q14916 e-44 H match_to: TR G3582333 (AC005496) e-57 A match_to: LP07553.5' e-42 D EST: BAC: BACR48E02 direction: - Nested_in: kuz SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:BACR48E02.4 \+formal_name: BG:BACR48E02.4 genefinder: 42 genscan: 68 product: ras suppressor protein rsp-1 match_to: SP Q15404 e-69 H match_to: SP Q01730 e-68 M match_to: TR Q09497 (Z46996) e-58 W match_to: TR E1226129 (Y16045) e-15 A EST: LD13077.5', LD11984.5', LD18845.5', LP02171.5' BAC: BACR48E02 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD13077. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01368.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS01368.1 genefinder: 80(DS01368) genscan: 153(DS01368) product: match_to: TR Q18202 e-13 W EST: CK00026.3', LP04233.5' P1: DS01368 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from full-length CK00026. CK00026.3' matches but CK00026.5prime.contig sequence does not match; only nts 612-2123 of 2131 CK00026 full-length sequence align by sim4. LP04233.5' looks alternatively spliced, overlaps exon 4 and 6, not 5. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS08249.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS08249.1 genefinder: 36 genscan: 139(DS01368)/103(DS08249) product: similar to lachesin? match_to: SP Q26474 e-9 O (grasshopper) EST: P1: DS01368, DS08249, BACR48E02 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan on DS01368. match_to: GB Z81045;g1627647 e-8 W but by 1/99 this protein in the cosmid accession no longer exists. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS08249.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS08249.2 genefinder: 73 genscan: 163 product: mitochondrial glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase match_to: GB U12424 e-87 H match_to: SP P43304 e-97 H match_to: GB U60987 e-87 M match_to: SP Q64521 e-100 M match_to: TR E1323155 e-97 W (EMBL; Z72516) match_to: GB Z73906 e-67 W match_to: TR P90795 e-78 W match_to: YPD 763191 e-61 Y match_to: SP P32191 e-52 Y EST: P1: DS08249 direction: + SM_notes: Genefinder used rather than Genscan for translation since Genscan adds on stuff at amino terminus. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS08249.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS08249.3 genefinder: 50 genscan: 91 product: match_to: TR G3342562 e-72 H (EMBL; AF077599) match_to: GB AA305709 e-29 H (Hum EST) match_to: GB AA212211 e-13 M (Mus EST) match_to: LD19320.5' e-16; LD28635.5' e-16 EST: P1: DS08249 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS08249.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS08249.4 genefinder: 38 genscan: 97 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS08249 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS08249.5 \+formal_name: BG:DS08249.5 genefinder: (18) genscan: 50 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS08249 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00797.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS00797.1 synonym: l(2)k07245 UID: FBgn0022093 genefinder: 59 genscan: 185 product: similar to Yeast EMP70 (70kd endomembrane) gene product P24A protein precursor match_to: GB D87444 e-159 H (KIAA0255) match_to: TR Q92544 e-210 H (KIAA0255) match_to: TR Q94422 e-180 W match_to: TR E1247604 e-180 W match_to: TR Q12101 e-103 Y match_to: SP P32802 e-102 Y match_to: GB X67316 e-50 Y match_to: GB AA272456 e-37 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA117787 e-35 M (Mus EST) match_to: TR O04091 e-73 A match_to: GB T45159 e-24 A EST: HL07777.5'; HL07777.3'; LD32761.5'; GH02822.5' P_element_allele: l(2)k07245 sequenced P1: DS08284 direction: + SM_notes: k07245 inserted at 7502 of DS08284, LD32671.5' is from 7511-8360, extends further 5' than HL07777. Translation from full-length LD32761 sequence. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00797.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS00797.2 genefinder: 39 genscan: 77 product: match_to: YPD 854436 e-16 Y match_to: GB C90076 e-15 O (Dictyostelium discoideum) EST: HL03175.5'; HL03175.3' P1: DS08284 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length HL03175 sequence. =========================================================================== \+symbol: p38b \+formal_name: BG:DS00797.3 genefinder: 71 genscan: 173 product: MAP Kinase match_to: GB L35253 e-115 H match_to: GB L35264 e-115 H match_to: SP Q16539 e-136 H match_to: GB U10871 e-116 M match_to: SP P47811 e-136 M match_to: TR Q17466 e-116 W match_to: SP P32485 e-92 Y match_to: SP Q39026 e-86 A EST: GM01004.3'; GM01004.5'; GM04790.5'; GM06395.5'; HL03933.5'; LD24658.5' P1: DS08284 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from full-length GM01004. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00797.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS00797.4 genefinder: 30 genscan: 69 product: match_to: TR Q17843 e-31 W match_to: GB Z81275 e-24 O (Scrofa EST) match_to: GB AA114025 e-19 H (Hum EST) match_to: GB R90322 e-16 A (Arabidopsis EST) EST: P1: DS08284 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00797.5 \+formal_name: BG:DS00797.5 genefinder: 87 genscan: 296 product: ABC transporter match_to: GB X97187 e-82 H match_to: TR Q92473 e-102 H match_to: TR Q99758 e-102 H match_to: GB AF000149 e-71 M match_to: SP P41233 e-86 M match_to: TR O01790 e-69 W match_to: TR O22231 e-58 A match_to: SP P55476 e-31 B EST: CK01017.3'; CK01017.5'; LD33192.5' P1: DS08284 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from complete sequence of CK01017 at 5' end and LD33192 at 3' end--neither full-length. Because homology extends 5' of CK01017 and this library not full-length clones, gene may extend further 5' than translation. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00797.6 \+formal_name: BG:DS00797.6 genefinder: 71 genscan: 170 product: match_to: TR Q25239 e-10 O (Lucilia cuprina) EST: P1: DS08284 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00797.7 \+formal_name: BG:DS00797.7 genefinder: 218 genscan: 632 product: guanine nucleotide-exchange protein (SEC7) match_to: GB J03918 e-161 Y match_to: SP P11075 e-178 Y match_to: TR G2674107 0.0 O (Bos taurus) match_to: TR E1287857 e-181 A match_to: TR Q92538 e-51 H match_to: GB M85169 e-42 H match_to: TR O08967 e-44 M match_to: SP P34512 e-25 W EST: LD10472.3'; LD10472.5'; HL01681.5'; LD29171.5' P1: DS08284 direction: + MA_note: Bet this is anon-34Da SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD29171. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00941.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS00941.1 genefinder: 56 genscan: 122 product: carbonic anhydrase match_to: GB U55177 e-50 O (Danio rerio) match_to: TR G2576335 e-53 O (Danio rerio) match_to: SP P23589 e-47 M match_to: GB X51971 e-40 M match_to: SP P43166 e-50 H match_to: GB L19297 e-40 H match_to: TR Q21614 e-28 W match_to: GB Z68118 e-14 W match_to: TR O04846 e-7 A EST: GH09688.5'; GH05601.3'; GH06111.3'; GH08627.5'; GH08470.5'; GH05849.5' P1: DS00941 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from full-length GH09688, but problem aligning 1321-2642 (internal exon) of GH09688; GH05601.3' and GH05601.3' align there so used these for middle of 3rd exon. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00941.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS00941.2 genefinder: 55 genscan: 54 product: RNA editase match_to: GB X99383 e-23 H match_to: GB U76420 e-23 H match_to: SP P55265 e-18 H match_to: TR G2981097 e-16 M match_to: SP Q22618 e-15 W match_to: SP P53065 e-12 Y EST: P1: DS00941 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Missing key dsRNA binding domains. MA_notes: Liam Keegan (Edinburgh) named it Adat and think it is a tRNA adenosine deaminase =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00941.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS00941.3 genefinder: 44 genscan: 99 product: match_to: GB D76471 e-7 M (Mus EST) match_to: TR G2772565 e-12 H (Hum EST) EST: P1: DS00941 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== symbol: l(2)34Db name: lethal (2) 34Db UID: FBgn0001959 references: cytology: 34D3--34D3 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b81a1 (FBrf0091422) cytology_data: Right limit from complementation mapping against In(2L)tsh3 (citation unavailable) ems_allele: l(2)34Db1 l(2)34Db2 l(2)34Db3 l(2)34Db4 l(2)34Db5 l(2)34Db6 l(2)34Db7 l(2)34Db8 l(2)34Db9 l(2)34Db10 l(2)34Db11 l(2)34Db12 misc_allele: l(2)34DbAS1 aberration_associated_allele: l(2)34Dbtsh3 (In(2L)tsh3) phenotypic_notes: escapers with rough eyes; etched wing margin; bristle loss etc; fertile both sexes. phenotypic_class: vital. JR_notes: OM's in situs of DS00797 suggest that this P1 is almost entirely distal to tsh3 break, ie that 34Db is probably either BG:DS00941.1 , .2 or .3. One lethal excision (out of loads of viables) from k07245 is kuz-, 34Db+, Sos+, black+ i.e. 34Db is to the right of k07245. =========================================================================== symbol: anon-34Da synonym: transcript 7 references: FBrf0057637 == Bonfini et al., 1992, Science 255: 603--606 MA_note: Bet this is BG:DS00797.7 =========================================================================== \+symbol: Sos \+formal_name: BG:DS00941.4 name: Son of sevenless synonym: l(2)34Ea UID: FBgn0001965 references: FBrf0057637 == Bonfini et al., 1992, Science 255: 603--606 FBrf0053370 == Rogge et al., 1991, Cell 64: 39--48 FBrf0053392 == Simon et al., 1991, Cell 67: 701--716 FBrf0057544 == Bowtell et al., 1992, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 89: 6511--6515 FBrf0057536 == Rogge et al., 1992, Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA. 89: 5271--5275 cytology: 34D4--34D4 cytology_data: Left limit from complementation mapping against In(2LR)b71k1A (FBrf0091347) cytology_data: Right limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)b77c (citation unavailable) product: guanine-nucleotide-exchange-factor motifs: PS00720 == Guanine-nucleotide dissociation stimulators CDC25 family signature. motifs: PS50003 == PH domain profile. genefinder: 230 genscan: 573 match_to: TR Q07889 e-254 H match_to: TR G303382 e-254 H match_to: TR Q62245 e-249 M match_to: GB L13857 e-232 H match_to: GB Z11574 e-229 M match_to: SP P04821 e-26 Y match_to: TR Q22503 e-14 W EST: GH01796.5' P1: DS00941 direction: + homology: species == Homo sapiens; gene == SOS2; GDB: 230041; OMIM: 601247 MEDLINE: 94102743 homology: species == Homo sapiens; gene == SOS1; GDB: 230004; OMIM: 182530 homology: species == Mus; gene == Sos1; MGD: MRK-14489 homology: species == Mus; gene == Sos2; MGD: MRK-14490 cDNA_sequence:M83931 ; g158485 genomic_sequence:M77501 ; g158471 pr_sequence_PIR:A41216 pr_sequence_SwissProt:P26675 ems_allele: Sos34Ea-1 Sos34Ea-2 Sos34Ea-3 Sos34Ea-4 Sos34Ea-5 Sos34Ea-6 Sos34Ea-7 Sos34Ea-8 Sos34Ea-9 Sos34Ea-10 Sos34Ea-11 Sos34Ea-12 Sos34Ea-13 Sos34Ea-14 Sos34Ea-15 Sos34Ea-16 Sos34Ea-17 Sos34Ea-18 Sos34Ea-19 SosF1 SoseCN6 SoseCS3 SoseDN4 SoseJ2 SoseN6 P_element_allele: E(var)3091 E(var)1891 l(2)k05224 sequenced l(2)k06321 l(2)k05705 misc_allele: SosJC2 SosSutor-157 SosSutor-405 Sose0D Sose1A Sose2H Sose4G Sose6C Sosex63 Sosx122 Sosx15 phenotypic_class: vital. phenotypic_notes: escapers with small rough eyes; wing vein gaps. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank M83931. =========================================================================== \+symbol: b \+formal_name: BG:DS00941.5 name: black synonym: Gad2 synonym: anon-34Db synonym: transcript 1 Bonfini UID: FBgn0000153 UID: FBgn0005622 references: FBrf0064653 == Phillips et al., 1993, J. Neurochem. Suppl. 61(4): 1291--1301 FBrf0082478 == Phillips et al., 1995, Abstr. Europ. Symp. Dros. Neurobiol. 5: 44--45 FBrf0053317 == Phillips et al., 1991, Greenspan, Palka, 1991: 97 cytology: 34D6--34D6 cytology_data: Left limit from complementation mapping against T(2;3)b79b6 (citation unavailable) cytology_data: Right limit from complementation mapping against T(2;3)b79b6 (citation unavailable) enzyme: glutamate decarboxylase == EC cDNA_sequence:U01239 ; g402252 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24062 pr_sequence_PIR:JH0827 genefinder: 109 genscan: 259 match_to: GB X69936 e-109 H match_to: SP Q05329 e-115 H match_to: TR Q64611 e-127 O (Rattus norvegicus) match_to: TR O35119 e-114 M match_to: SP P48320 e-114 M match_to: GB L16980 e-110 M match_to: GB Z14925 e-14 W EST: HL08051.5'; HL07852.5' P1: DS00941 direction: + spontaneous_allele: b1 b14b28 b18c27 b23b2 b24b15 b29 b34g b39 b39j b40c b82c1 UV_allele: b50d b51f gamma_ray_allele: b661 b71k2 b75a b76e1 b76e2 b76f3 b77j b78a b79b1 b79d2 b79df2 b79dt3 b79g2 b79h2 b79h3 b80c1 b80i2 b80i3 b80j1 b80j2 b80k1 b80k2 b80l1 b80l2 b81a2 b81c17 b81c2 b81f2 b81h2 b81k b81l2 b81l40 b81l42 b83b1 b83b40 b83c20 b83c25 b83c26 b83c35a b83c35b b83c36 b83c47 b83f17 b83f18 b83f51 b83f52 b84b1 b84h70 b85b3 b85b4 caffeine/gamma_ray_allele: b74b2 b74b4 b74b5 b74c2 b74c4 b74c5 b74d2 b74d4 b74d6 b76b1 b76b2 actinomycin_D/gamma_ray_allele: b76j1 b76j2 b76j3 b76k1 b76k2 b77a1 b77a2 b77a3 b77a4 b77a5 NaF/gamma_ray_allele: b78f1 b78f2 b78g b78k1 b78k2 b78k3 b78k4 b78k5 neutrons/gamma_ray_allele: b79d6 b79d8 b79dt0 X_ray_allele: b77.1X b77.2X b77.5X b83fXD b84g b84h34 b84h40 neutron_allele: b79a1 b79a2 b79a3 b79b7 b79d4 b79dt1 b81c b82c16 b82c3 b82c54 b82c7 b83d29b b83d35 b83d36 b83l b85c3 ems_allele: b75f b77.3e b77.4e bA bA51 bA53 bA54 bA55 diepoxyoctane_allele: b78.1 misc_allele: b66h b81dt P_element_allele: bP aberration_associated_allele: b36f (Tp(2;3)dp) b79b6 (T(2;3)b79b6) b79d5 (In(2L)b79d5) b79d6 (T(2;3)b79d6) b79h1 (Tp(2;2)b79h1) b80c2 (In(2L)b80c2) b81a (In(2LR)b81a2) b81f1 (Df(2L)b81f1) b81f3 (In(2L)b81f3) b81l17 (In(2L)b81l7) b82c44 (In(2L)b82c44) b83b2 (In(2L)b83b22) b85c2 (T(2;3)b85c2) phenotypic_notes: black body color; puparial case light; lacks beta-alanine; presumably on beta-alanine pathway. phenotypic_class: visible; non_vital. misc_note: if GAD acts as an aspartate decarboxylase then b = Gad2. JR_notes: Marie Phillips (Melbourne) wrote (1991) that Gad2 was in Df(2L)b84a4 but not in Df(2L)b84a8. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank U01239. =========================================================================== \+symbol: tamas \+formal_name: BG:DS00941.6 name: lethal (2) 34Dc synonym: DNApol-γ125 synonym: l(2)34Dc synonym: anon-34Dc synonym: transcript 2 Bonfini UID: FBgn0001960 UID: FBgn0004406 references: FBrf0090361 == Lewis et al., 1996, J. Biol. Chem. 271(38): 23389--23394 FBrf0092749 == Ropp and Copeland, 1996, Genomics 36(3): 449--458 FBrf0089488 == Ropp, 1996.9.23, personal communication FBrf0056420 == Olson and Kaguni, 1992, J. Biol. Chem. 267: 23136--23142 FBrf0050857 == Kaguni and Olson, 1989, Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA. 86(17): 6469--6473 FBrf0047578 == Wernette et al., 1988, Biochemistry 27: 6046--6054 FBrf0044677 == Wernette and Kaguni, 1986, J. Biol. Chem. 261(31): 14764--14770 FBrf0063558 == Kaguni et al., 1988, Cancer Cells 6: 425--432 FBrf0064748 == Williams et al., 1993, J. Biol. Chem. 268(33): 24855--24862 FBrf0079622 == Williams and Kaguni, 1995, J. Biol. Chem. 270(2): 860--865 FBrf0085690 == Olson et al., 1995, J. Biol. Chem. 270(48): 28932--28937 FBrf0090538 == Dusenbery and Smith, 1996, Mutat. Res. 364(3): 133--145 cytology: 34D6--34D8 cytology_data: Left limit from complementation mapping against In(2L)b79d5 (citation unavailable) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b82a3 (citation unavailable) enzyme: mitochondrial DNA-directed DNA polymerase, catalytic subunit == EC genefinder: 143 genscan: 337 match_to: TR Q92515 e-232 H match_to: GB U60325 e-215 H match_to: GB X98093 e-215 H match_to: SP P54099 e-216 M match_to: GB U53584 e-203 M match_to: SP P15801 e-129 Y match_to: GB Z75238 e-104 Y match_to: GB D35928 e-10 W EST: LD06421.5'; LD18609.5'; LD02053.5' P1: DS00941 direction: - genomic_sequence:U60298 ; g1401344 cDNA_sequence:U62547 ; g1552493 pr_sequence_SwissProt:Q27607 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q94906 ems_allele: l(2)34Dc1 l(2)34Dc2 l(2)34Dc3 l(2)34Dc4 l(2)34Dc5 l(2)34Dc6 l(2)34Dc7 l(2)34Dc8 phenotypic_class: vital. JR_notes: Ann Regina Campos (Ontario) picked up as mutation in adult/larval visual system; B. Iyengar SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank U62547. =========================================================================== \+symbol: Sop2 \+formal_name: BG:DS00941.7 name: Suppressor of profilin synonym: l(2)34Dd UID: FBgn0001961 references: . to JR 13 March 1997. cytology: 34D6--34D8 cytology_data: Left limit from complementation mapping against In(2L)b79h1A (citation unavailable) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b82a3 (citation unavailable) homology: species == S. pombe; gene == sop2 EMBO J. 15: 6426 genefinder: 75 genscan: 199 match_to: TR Q92747 e-106 H match_to: GB Y08999 e-102 H match_to: GB Z36103 e-59 Y match_to: SP P38328 e-60 Y match_to: GB W08597 e-49 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA408535 e-49 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB C12211 e-36 W EST: CK00388.3' P1: DS00941 direction: - ems_allele: l(2)34Dd1 l(2)34Dd2 l(2)34Dd3 phenotypic_notes: interallelic escapers. phenotypic_class: vital. JR_notes: Information on product & orders from Andrew Hudson (chez Cooley). SM_notes: Translation from alignment of cDNA from A. Hudson (from GM library). =========================================================================== \+symbol: Orc5 \+formal_name: BG:DS00941.8 name: Origin recognition complex subunit 5 synonym: l(2)34Df UID: FBgn0001963 references: FBrf0085120 == Gossen et al., 1995, Science 270(5242): 1674--1677 FBrf0086393 == Ehrenhofer-Murray et al., 1995, Science 270(5242): 1671--1674 cytology: 34D6--34E2 cytology_data: Left limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)b88b42 (citation unavailable) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b83l1 (citation unavailable) product: origin recognition complex subunit genefinder: 59 genscan: 166 match_to: TR G2906228 e-58 H match_to: TR G2739446 e-58 H EST: P1: DS00941 direction: + cDNA_sequence:U43505 ; g1136136 pr_sequence_SwissProt:Q24169 ems_allele: l(2)34Df1 l(2)34Df2 phenotypic_class: vital. JR_notes: Information on Orc5 from Michelle Pflumme (chez Mike Botchan). SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank U43505. =========================================================================== \+symbol: MtPolB \+formal_name: BG:DS00941.9 synonym: l(2)34De UID: FBgn0020398 UID: FBgn0001962 cytology: 34D8--34E1 cytology_data: Left limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)b85b2 (citation unavailable) cytology_data: Right limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)A47 (FBrf0038050) references: FBrf0093778 == Wang et al., 1997, J. Biol. Chem. 272(21): 13640--13646 cDNA_sequence:U94702 ; g2114434 pr_sequence_TREMBL:O02005 enzyme: mitochondrial DNA-directed DNA polymerase, accessory subunit == EC genefinder: 25/26 genscan: 86 match_to: SP P54098 e-231 H match_to: TR Q92515 e-232 H EST: GM03048.3'; GM03048.5' P1: DS00941 direction: - ems_allele: l(2)34De1 l(2)34De2 l(2)34De3 phenotypic_class: vital. JR_notes: Identity of 34De and MtPolB based on mapping with b89e12 ordering 34De and 34Dg. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank U94702. =========================================================================== \+symbol: RpII33 \+formal_name: BG:DS00941.10 name: lethal (2) 34Dg synonym: l(2)34Dg UID: FBgn0001964 references: cytology: 34D8--34D8 cytology_data: Left limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)b85b2 (citation unavailable) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b81l42 (citation unavailable) product: RNA polymerase II 33 KD subunit enzyme: DNA-directed RNA polymerase == EC genefinder: 53 genscan: 161 match_to: GB AF008443 e-105 H match_to: TR O15161 e-107 H match_to: SP P19387 e-106 H match_to: GB D83999 e-100 M match_to: SP P97760 e-101 M match_to: TR Q93338 e-82 W match_to: GB Z81079 e-41 W match_to: GB M27496 e-53 Y match_to: SP P16370 e-56 Y match_to: TR Q39211 e-45 A EST: LD09978.3'; LD09978.5'; LD05121.5'; LD08178.5' P1: DS00941 direction: + ems_allele: l(2)34Dg1 l(2)34Dg2 P_element_allele: l(2)k05605 sequenced phenotypic_class: vital. JR_notes: Information on product & orders from Andrew Hudson (chez Cooley). SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD09978. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00941.11 \+formal_name: BG:DS00941.11 genefinder: 47 genscan: 98 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS00941 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00941.12 \+formal_name: BG:DS00941.12 genefinder: 58 genscan: 139 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS00941 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00941.13 \+formal_name: BG:DS00941.13 genefinder: 50 genscan: 113 product: match_to: EST: LP05416.5' P1: DS00941 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from full-length LP05416. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00941.14 \+formal_name: BG:DS00941.14 genefinder: 65 genscan: 145 product: match_to: EST: LP05733.5', LP01570.5', LP03350.5' P1: DS00941 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from full-length LP05733. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00941.15 \+formal_name: BG:DS00941.15 genefinder: 32 genscan: (43) product: match_to: EST: LP04791.5' P1: DS00941 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from LP04791.5' at 5' end and Genscan at 3' end. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS08220.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS08220.1 P_element_allele: PZ06646 sequenced rN149 sequenced ms(2)k10802 sequenced not male-sterile genefinder: 127(DS08220) genscan: (22)(DS00941)/298(DS08220) product: match_to: GB D79989 e-103 H (KIAA0167) match_to: TR O00578 e-114 H match_to: GB C08626 e-16 W (worm EST) match_to: GB C08427 e-14 W (worm EST) match_to: TR O04097 e-11 A match_to: GB T04032 e-9 A EST: LD11783.5'; LD11783.3'; GM01069.5'; GM01069.3' P1: DS00941, DS08220 direction: + JR_notes: all excisions of 06646 viable; 2/44 excisions of rN149 are lethal but lethality not to this region (being mapped by JR). SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD11783. n(2)rN149 and PZ06646 map to ex actly the same nucleotide with the same orientation, 4552 of DS00941 (d>p revcomp 76272 of DS00941); ms(2)k10802 maps at 3710 of DS00941. LD11783.5' is from 3699-3125 (d>p revcomp 77325-77899), 1kb downstream of rN149/PZ06646, and 11bp downstream of ms(2)k10802. ========================================================================== \+symbol: anon-34Ea \+formal_name: BG:DS08220.2 references: FBrf0083469 == Tatei et al., 1995, Mech. Dev. 51(2-3): 157--168 P_element_allele: EP(2)2171 sequenced genefinder: 175 genscan: 505 product: match_to: EST: LD02558.3'; LD02558.5'; LD06162.3'; LD06162.5'; LD20278.5'; LD12350.5'; LD22235.5'; LD29084.5' P1: DS08220 direction: - misc_data: 16.5kb EcoRI fragment including the Ance and anon-34Ea genes. SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD02558. EP(2)2171 is inserted at 3159 of DS08220, LD29084.5' first exon is 3139-3164, so P is 5bp upstream of first intron. =========================================================================== \+symbol: Ance \+formal_name: BG:DS08220.3 synonym: l(2)34Eb name: Angiotensin converting enzyme UID: FBgn0012037 references: FBrf0081664 == Cornell et al., 1995, J. Biol. Chem. 270(23): 13613--13619 FBrf0083469 == Tatei et al., 1995, Mech. Dev. 51(2-3): 157--168 FBrf0087131 == Frank and Rushlow, 1996, Development 122(5): 1343--1352 FBrf0090455 == Biehs et al., 1996, Genes Dev. 10(22): 2922--2934 FBrf0092672 == Rusch and Levine, 1997, Development 124(2): 303--311 cytology: 34E2--34E2+ cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)Adh-nBR55 (FBrf0083469) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b74c6 (citation unavailable) enzyme: peptidyl-dipeptidase A == EC homology: species == Mus; gene == Ace; MGD: MRK-1032 homology: species == Homo sapiens; gene == DCP1; GDB: 119840; OMIM: 106180 genefinder: 41(DS08220)/107(DS00180) genscan: 114(DS08220)/296*(DS00180) match_to: SP Q10715 e-71(DS08220)/e-208(DS00180) O (Haematobia irritans) match_to: GB L43965 e-66(DS08220)/e-206(DS00180) O (Haematobia irritans) match_to: SP P22966 e-16(DS08220)/e-101(DS00180) H match_to: GB M26657 e-13(DS08220)/e-99(DS00180) H match_to: GB A31567 e-13(DS08220)/e-99(DS00180) H match_to: GB X16295 e-13(DS08220)/e-99(DS00180) H match_to: GB J04144 e-13(DS08220)/e-173(DS00180) H match_to: GB A00914 e-13(DS08220)/e-173(DS00180) H match_to: SP P22967 e-16(DS08220)/e-106(DS00180) M match_to: SP P09470 e-190(DS00180) M match_to: GB M55333 e-14(DS08220)/e-104(DS00180) M match_to: GB J04946 e-151(DS00180) M match_to: TR Q18581 e-26(DS00180) W EST: LD11258.5'; LD11258.3'; LD06090.5'; LD17344.5'; GM02190.5'; GM01822.5' P1: DS08220, DS00180 direction: + cDNA_sequence:U25344 ; g1373009 cDNA_sequence:U34599 ; g1002909 pr_sequence_SwissProt:Q10714 pr_sequence_PIR:A57533 ems_allele: Ance34Eb-1 Ance34Eb-2 phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: Translation of 3' from aligned GenBank U25344 on DS00180. =========================================================================== symbol: l(2)34Ec JR_notes: predicted by non rescue by Ance transgene of some Ance- o/laps. =========================================================================== \+symbol: Acyp \+formal_name: BG:DS00180.1 UID: FBgn0025115 references: \*x FBrf0104497 == Pieri et al., 1998, FEBS Lett. 433(3): 205--210 enzyme: acyl phosphatase == EC genefinder: 20 genscan: 296* (one span) match_to: SP P56375 e-15 M match_to: SP P07311 e-15 H match_to: GB X84194 e-13 H match_to: GB X84195 e-13 H match_to: GB AA285985 e-13 M (mus EST) EST: P1: DS00180 direction: + pr_sequence_SwissProt:P56544 SM_notes: Translation from Genefinder. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00180.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS00180.2 genefinder: 69 genscan: 184 product: match_to: TR Q39721 e-49 O (Euglena gracilis) match_to: TR Q22807 e-9 W EST: P1: DS00180 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genefinder. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00180.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS00180.3 genefinder: 66 genscan: 142/145(2 spans) product: articulin match_to: TR Q39721 e-49 O (Euglena gracilis) match_to: SP Q02817 e-21 H match_to: YPD 763364 e-19 Y match_to: SP P15265 e-8 M EST: HL02234.5'; HL02234.3' P1: DS00180 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length HL02234. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00180.5 \+formal_name: BG:DS00180.5 genefinder: 23/35 genscan: 201*(9 spans) product: match_to: SP Q10715 e-203 O match_to: SP P09470 e-190 M match_to: SP P12821 e-187 H match_to: TR Q18581 e-8 W EST: P1: DS00180 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from edited Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00180.12 \+formal_name: BG:DS00180.12 genefinder: 32*(3 spans) genscan: 201*(3 spans) product: match_to: SP Q61554 e-43 M match_to: SP P35555 e-41 H match_to: TR Q23587 e-22 W EST: GH08194.5'; GH07762.5' P1: DS00180 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from full-length GH07762. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00180.7 \+formal_name: BG:DS00180.7 genefinder: 67 genscan: 100 product: tenascin X-like repeat match_to: SP P24821 e-30 H match_to: TR Q08424 e-44 H match_to: TR O35452 e-43 M match_to: SP P98133 e-37 O (cow) match_to: SP P14585 e-13 W match_to: TR O18375 e-29 D EST: HL01444.5'; HL01444.3' P1: DS00180 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length HL01444 =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00180.8 \+formal_name: BG:DS00180.8 genefinder: 62 genscan: 128 product: tenascin-like repeat match_to: SP P24821 e-30 H match_to: TR Q08424 e-44 H match_to: TR O18375 e-29 D match_to: TR Q64706 e-26 M match_to: TR O01343 e-16 W EST: CK00536.5'; CK00194.5' P1: DS00180 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length CK00536. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00180.9 \+formal_name: BG:DS00180.9 genefinder: 30 genscan: 85 product: tenascin/Notch-like repeat match_to: SP P10039 e-31 O (chicken) match_to: TR D1013803 e-15 H match_to: SP Q61554 e-31 M EST: P1: DS00180 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00180.10 \+formal_name: BG:DS00180.10 genefinder: 21 genscan: 120 product: Notch-like repeat match_to: SP Q01705 e-26 M match_to: TR Q23587 e-24 W match_to: TR O18375 e-29 D match_to: HL01967.5' D (Dros EST) EST: LP05465.5' P1: DS00180 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from 5'EST and Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00180.11 \+formal_name: BG:DS00180.11 genefinder: 91*(5 spans) genscan: 217*(6 spans) product: cytochrome P450 match_to: TR G2673981 e-153 O (D.mettleri) match_to: TR Q64407 e-18 M match_to: SP P33268 e-16 H match_to: HL05525.5' D (Dros EST) EST: P1: DS00180 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from edited Genscan. Cyp28a5 67% identical to Cyp28a1 ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00180.14 \+formal_name: BG:DS00180.14 genefinder: 91*(2 spans) genscan: 217*(3 spans) match_to: TR Q15567 e-32 H match_to: TR O18375 e-32 D EST: P1: DS00180 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from edited Genscan. ========================================================================== symbol: j name: jaunty UID: FBgn0001277 references: cytology: 34E3--34E3 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)fn26 (FBrf0030161) cytology_data: Right limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)A376 (FBrf0038050) spontaneous_allele: j2 j49j j50e j58i ems_allele: j63 jSF7 misc_allele: j1 phenotypic_notes: wings upturned. phenotypic_class: visible; non_vital. =========================================================================== \+symbol: rk \+formal_name: BG:DS00180.13 name: rickets UID: FBgn0003255 references: cytology: 34E4--34E5 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)fn12 (FBrf0030161) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b-L (FBrf0036112) genefinder: 87/12(DS00180)/26(DS01514) genscan: 207(DS00180)/59(DS01514) product: lutropin/choriogonadotropin receptor match_to: TR U47005 e-77(DS00180) D match_to: TR Q94979 e-77(DS00180) D match_to: GB M73746 e-79(DS00180) H match_to: GB M63108 e-79(DS00180) H match_to: SP P22888 e-82(DS00180) H match_to: SP P30730 e-82(DS00180) M match_to: GB M81310 e-77(DS00180) M match_to: TR Q18759 e-41(DS00180) W match_to: GB Z73971 e-19(DS00180) W match_to: TR O15421 e-9(DS01514) H EST: P1: DS00180, DS01514 direction: - spontaneous_allele: rk4 rk5 rkcyl X_ray_allele: rk6 gamma_ray_allele: rk81f2 rk84b1 UV_allele: rk1 rk2 rk3 ems_allele: rk1250 rk76 rk80l1 rk80l2 rkEMS PM_dysgenesis_allele: rkKe1 P_element_allele: rk11P sequenced misc_allele: rkAS3 rkIK6 aberration_associated_allele: rknoc11 (Df(2L)noc11) phenotypic_notes: legs 'crippled'; tarsal segements short etc. phenotypic_class: visible; non_vital. JR_notes: James Baker (chez Jim Truman) suspects rk to be involved in control of eclosion behaviour by peptide hormones. SM_notes: Translation 5' from Genscan on DS01514, 3' from Genscan on DS00180. rk11P maps to 9522 of DS01514, sequence from Baker is from 5576-1. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01514.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS01514.3 genefinder: genscan: 49 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS01514 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01514.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS01514.1 genefinder: genscan: tRNAscan-SE: 69 product: transfer RNA:gln match_to: GB X68534 e-5 O (rat) EST: P1: DS01514 direction: - Nested_in: BG:DS01514.3 ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01514.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS01514.2 synonym: 2a9hom P_element_allele: k09909 sequenced genefinder: 93(DS01514)/93(DS00131) genscan: 210(DS01514)/230(DS00131) product: long chain fatty acid CoA-ligase match_to: SP Q10776 e-35(DS01514)/e-42(DS00131) B (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) match_to: TR O30039 e-34(DS01514)/e-40(DS00131) B (Archaeoglobus fulgidus) match_to: GB Z74020 e-22(DS01514)/e-37(DS00131) B (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) match_to: SP P33121 e-28(DS01514)/e-31(DS00131) H match_to: GB D10040 e-23(DS01514)/e-29(DS00131) H match_to: SP P41216 e-27(DS01514)/e-32(DS00131) M match_to: GB U15977 e-31(DS00131) M match_to: TR Q18660 e-20(DS01514)/e-21(DS00131) W match_to: TR Q20264 e-16(DS01514) W match_to: TR G2736373 e-24(DS00131) W match_to: SP P30624 e-23(DS01514) Y match_to: SP P39518 e-23(DS00131) Y match_to: TR O22898 e-25(DS01514)/e-25(DS00131) A EST: LD10778.5'; LD10778.3'; LD02830.5'; HL05723.5'; GM08372.5'; GM14009.5'; GH01357.5'; GH02862.5'; GH02258.5' P1: DS01514, DS00131 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from aligned cDNA sequence from M. Leptin (expressed in anterior mesoderm, later in hemocytes) on DS01514 (5') and DS00131 (3'). ========================================================================== \+symbol: l(2)34Fa \+formal_name: BG:DS05899.2 name: lethal (2) 34Fa UID: FBgn0001967 cytology: 34F2+--34F2+ cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)Adh-nBR41 (FBrf0091422) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b88f43 (FBrf0092813) genefinder: 37(DS00131)/37(DS05899) genscan: 84(DS00131)/57(DS05899) product: match_to: EST: P1: DS00131, DS05899 direction: - ems_allele: l(2)34Fa1 l(2)34FaCH59 P_element_allele: l(2)34Fak00811 sequenced EP(2)2418 sequenced aberration_allele: Df(2L)el20 (hypomorphic) phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: Translation from Genscan prediction on DS00131. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS05899.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS05899.1 synonym: 2a9 genefinder: 87 genscan: 252 product: long chain fatty acid CoA-ligase match_to: GB AL021957 e-46 O (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) match_to: TR E1253260 e-54 O (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) match_to: TR D1032567 e-108 H match_to: SP P41215 e-25 H match_to: SP P41216 e-24 M match_to: TR Q19339 e-19 W match_to: SP P39518 e-16 Y match_to: TR O23268 e-28 A EST: LD28132.5' P1: DS05899 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from aligned cDNA sequence from M. Leptin (expressed in mesoderm and later in fatbody). =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS05899.7 \+formal_name: BG:DS05899.7 genefinder: genscan: 55 product: repeated Leucine-rich segment found in many proteins match_to: TR Q18902 e-27 W match_to: SP P35858 e-21 H match_to: SP P70389 e-21 M match_to: SP P36047 e-14 Y EST: P1: DS05899 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan prediction. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS05899.6 \+formal_name: BG:DS05899.6 genefinder: genscan: 46 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS05899 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan prediction. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS05899.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS05899.3 genefinder: 42 genscan: 106 product: match_to: SP Q61554 e-8 M (fibrillin precursor) match_to: SP P41990 e-7 W (Apx-1 precursor) EST: P1: DS05899 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan prediction. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS05899.5 \+formal_name: BG:DS05899.5 genefinder: genscan: 94 product: match_to: GB L42311 e-12 D (shn) match_to: GB U42403 e-10 D (sr) EST: P1: DS05899 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan prediction. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS05899.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS05899.4 genefinder: (14) genscan: 64 product: neuronal acetylcholine receptor, α-7 chain precursor match_to: TR E1246208 e-102 H match_to: SP P36544 e-103 H match_to: SP P49582 e-104 M match_to: GB L37663 e-75 M match_to: SP P48180 e-99 W match_to: GB X83887 e-73 W match_to: SP P09478 e-62 D match_to: HL02253.5' D (Dros EST) EST: P1: DS05899 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from edited Genscan. Not DopR. Region 6.5kb upstream and 2 regions downstream with good homology to receptor but no start codon (stop codon just after nearest M). Removed last 2 exons of Genscan prediction (low prob.) and used for translation. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01759.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS01759.1 genefinder: 77 genscan: 192 product: proline-rich region like mucin match_to: TR Q29071 e-11 O (pig) match_to: SP Q02817 e-9 H match_to: SP P37370 e-7 Y EST: P1: DS01759 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01759.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS01759.2 genefinder: (14) genscan: 45 product: match_to: EST: HL03474.5' P1: DS01759 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length HL03474. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01523.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS01523.1 genefinder: 112 genscan: 230 product: match_to: GB W26043 e-18 H (Hum EST) EST: P1: DS01523 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01523.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS01523.2 genefinder: 153 genscan: 510 product: repeated segment found in mucin match_to: SP Q02817 e-65 H match_to: TR Q61002 e-21 M match_to: TR O17893 e-51 W match_to: SP P08640 e-46 Y match_to: TR O23054 e-28 A match_to: GB D49534 e-12 D (cno) match_to: LD02410.5' e-6;LD17667.5';LD12158.5';LD34053.5';GM09485.5';LD033260.5';LD23668.5' D (Dros EST) EST: P1: DS01523 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: smi35A \+formal_name: BG:DS01523.3 genefinder: 48/33 genscan: 217 product: Dyrk2 kinase match_to: TR Q92630 e-81 H match_to: SP Q13627 e-48 H match_to: TR Q61214 e-48 M match_to: GB U58497 e-28 M match_to: TR Q20604 e-61 W match_to: SP P14680 e-33 Y EST: CK02015.5'; LD10161.5'; LD10161.3'; LD20817.5'; LD20817.3'; HL01379.5'; HL01379.3'; GM04027.5'; LD02884.5'; LD15788.5'; LD33744.5' P1: DS01523, DS01652, DS03792 direction: - P_element_allele: rff(2)k11509 sequenced smi35A1 sequenced by Anholt rff(2)k06901 sequenced SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD10161 on DS01523 edited (542-3970), DS01652 (426-541), DS03792 (1-425). k11509 maps to 82600 of DS03792 (first exon), k16716 maps to 53181, smi35A to 53174, and k06901 to 53160 of DS03792. =========================================================================== \+symbol: wb \+formal_name: BG:DS03792.1 synonym: l(2)34Fb name: wing blister UID: FBgn0004002 references: FBrf0046354 == Hilliker and Trusis-Coulter, 1987, Genetics 117: 233--244 cytology: 34F5--34F5 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35B-10 (FBrf0091422) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b78j (citation unavailable) genefinder: (14)/(16)/79(DS03792);68/150(DS01068) genscan: 337/(41)(DS03792);565(DS01068) product: laminin-α2 subunit (merosin) match_to: SP P24043 e-128(DS01068) H laminin-α2 match_to: GB X58531 e-112(DS03792) H laminin-α1 match_to: SP P25391 e-112(DS03792)/e-125(DS01068) H laminin-α1 match_to: SP Q60675 e-128(DS01068) M laminin-α2 match_to: GB J04064 e-114(DS03792) M laminin-α1 match_to: SP P19137 e-114(DS03792)/e-122(DS01068) M laminin-α1 match_to: TR E1247268 e-122(DS03792) W laminin-like match_to: SP Q21313 e-95(DS01068) W laminin-like match_to: SP Q00174 e-104(DS01068) D laminin-α EST: CK00390.5'; CK02229.5'; CK02229.3'; CK01592.3' P1: DS03792, DS01068 direction: + cDNA_sequence: AF135118.1 ems_allele: wb1 wb3 wb4 wb91g2 wbBMW22 wbBMW32 wbCH18 wbCH20 wbCH38 wbCH41 wbCH57 wbCH67 wbCH70 wbCR1 wbDM10 wbGM2 wbHG10 wbHG14 wbHG16 wbHG17 wbHG18 wbHG19 wbHG24 wbHG26 wbHG7 wbHG9 wbL412 wbOK14 wbPA43 wbSF19A wbSF20 wbSF25 tem_allele: wbSF11 P_element_allele: wb09437 sequenced Baumgartner wb10002 sequenced Baumgartner wbk06511 cluster: k06520 wbk08909 wbk14208 wbk05612 wbk00805 wbk13507 wbH155 sequenced Baumgartner rL918 sequenced n(2)k16716 sequenced PM_dysgenesis_allele: wbPI5 X_ray_allele: wbSF30 gamma_ray_allele: wbGR301 aberration_associated_allele: wb6r28 (T(2;3)6r28) wbDTD121 (In(2LR)DTD121) wbH68 (T(2;3)H68) misc_allele: wbIK4 phenotypic_class: behavioural. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank AF135118.1 on DS03792 (5'; 1-3644) and on DS01068 (3'; 3645-10817). n(2)k16716 (viable over deletion but phenotypically wb) maps to 53181 of DS03792, smi35A to 53174, rff(2)k06901 to 53160, l(2)09437 to 15219, n(2)rL918 to 14850. phenotypic_notes: escapers or weak alleles with wing blister phenotype. phenotypic_class: vital. JR_notes: product data from Baumgartner & Prokop. =========================================================================== symbol: ms(2)34Fe name: male sterile (2) 34Fe synonym: ms(2)34Fh UID: FBgn0002822 references: FBrf0051916 == Davis et al., 1990, Genetics 126: 105--119 cytology: 35A1--35A4 cytology_data: Left limit from complementation mapping against T(2;3)GT10 (citat ion unavailable) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b80e3 (FBrf0091422) misc_allele: ms(2)34Fe1 phenotypic_class: male_sterile. JR_notes: 34Fe = 34Fh because these classes male sterile (b78j/do-1,b78j/el15,b78j/ms(2)34Fe1715,do-1/ms(2)34Fe1715,el15/ms(2)34Fe1715) and these classes male fertile (b85f1/do-1,b79b4/do-1,b85f1/el15,b79b4/el15,b85f1/ms(2)34Fe1715,b79b4/ms(2)34 Fe1715) since ms(2)34Fh was inferred from b78j/do-1 and b78j/el15 being ms. =========================================================================== symbol: l(2)34Fc name: lethal (2) 34Fc UID: FBgn0001968 cytology: 35A1--35A4 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)A217 (FBrf0038050) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b80e3 (FBrf0038047) gamma_ray_allele: T(2;3)GT10 ems_allele: l(2)34Fc1 l(2)34Fc2 l(2)34Fc3 l(2)34Fc4 l(2)34Fc5 l(2)34Fc6 l(2)34Fc7 l(2)34Fc8 l(2)34Fc9 l(2)34Fc10 l(2)34FcOK9 phenotypic_class: vital. JR_notes: the synthetic deletion GT10 TE35BC-GV8 is hypomorphic for 34Fc, thus GT10 breaks in 34Fc. JR_notes: 3/37 excisions of k08712=Rab14 lethal; all lethal excisions 34Fd- or 35Aa-; therefore gene order is 34Fe, 34Fd, Rab14, 35Aa. =========================================================================== symbol: l(2)34Fd name: lethal (2) 34Fd UID: FBgn0001969 references: FBrf0051916 == Davis et al., 1990, Genetics 126: 105--119 cytology: 35A1--35A4 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)A217 (FBrf0038050) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b80e3 (FBrf0091422) ems_allele: l(2)34Fd1 l(2)34Fd2 l(2)34Fd3 l(2)34Fd4 l(2)34Fd5 l(2)34Fd6 l(2)34Fd7 l(2)34Fd8 l(2)34Fd9 l(2)34FdCH35 phenotypic_class: vital. JR_notes: 3/37 excisions of k08712=Rab14 lethal; all lethal excisions 34Fd- or 35Aa-; therefore gene order is 34Fe, 34Fd, Rab14, 35Aa. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS03792.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS03792.2 genefinder: (20) genscan: 109 product: match_to: LD23113.5' e-7 EST: P1: DS03792 direction: + Nested_in: wb SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Could be ms(2)34Fe. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01068.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS01068.1 genefinder: 100 genscan: 397 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS01068 direction: + SM_notes: Could be ms(2)34Fe or l(2)34Fc. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01068.11 \+formal_name: BG:DS01068.11 genefinder: (17)/172*(1 span) genscan: 487*(2 spans) product: match_to: GB AA313794 e-16 H (Homo EST) match_to: GB AA087241 e-14 M (Mus EST) match_to: SP P34664 e-10 W match_to: LD22379.5' e-22; LD34776.5' e-21; LD31155.5' e-21; LD06669.5' e-21; LD16573.5' e-21;LD16570.5' e-21;LD10017.5' e-21; LD21139.5' e-21;LD17209.5' e-21;LD17733.5' e-21 D (Dros EST) EST: GH05919.3' P1: DS01068 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from edited Genscan on 5' end and G05919.3' on 3' end. Could be ms(2)34Fe or l(2)34Fc. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01068.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS01068.2 genefinder: 172*(6 spans) genscan: 487*(6 spans) product: match_to: TR O01893 e-101 W match_to: TR P73619 e-63 B (Synechoscystis sp.) match_to: GB R13905 e-18 H (Homo EST) match_to: GB T08003 e-18 H (Homo EST) match_to: GB AA451516 e-15 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB T76924 e-11 A (Arab EST) EST: P1: DS01068 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from edited Genscan. Could be ms(2)34Fe or l(2)34Fc. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01068.10 \+formal_name: BG:DS01068.10 genefinder: 38 genscan: 30 product: similar to trypsin (serine protease) match_to: SP P15948 e-24 M match_to: SP P42278 e-31 D match_to: SP P54628 e-31 O (Drosophila erecta) EST: P1: DS01068 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Could be ms(2)34Fe or l(2)34Fc. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01068.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS01068.4 genefinder: 41 genscan: 92 product: match_to: EST: LD33443.5'; LD22904.5' P1: DS01068 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD33443. Could be ms(2)34Fe or l(2)34Fc. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01068.5 \+formal_name: BG:DS01068.5 genefinder: 35 genscan: 382* (2 spans) product: match_to: EST: P1: DS01068 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genefinder. Could be ms(2)34Fe, l(2)34Fc, or l(2)34Fd. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01068.6 \+formal_name: BG:DS01068.6 genefinder: 112 genscan: 382* (4 spans) product: match_to: TR Q19974 e-108 W (worm EST) match_to: SP P48234 e-82 Y match_to: GB Z72930 e-74 Y match_to: GB AA107580 e-41 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB X83354 e-25 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA314293 e-33 H (Hum EST) EST: LD09509.3'; LD09509.5'; GM05483.5'; GM06063.5'; GM08820.5'; LD21252.5'; LD32056.5' P1: DS01068 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD09509. Best bet for 34Fd. JR_notes: Was thought to be broken by T(2;3)GT10 by in situ with LD09509, but this data disagrees with genetic data showing GT10 breaks in 34Fc. =========================================================================== \+symbol: Rab14 \+formal_name: BG:DS01068.7 full name: Rab-protein 14 synonym: ESTS:57H4T UID: FBgn0015791 cytology: 36A--36B references: FBrf0098074 == Ozaki, 1997.8.1 FBrf0093208 == Satoh et al., 1997, FEBS Lett. 404(1): 65--69 FBrf0077724 == Kohno et al., 1993, Zool. Sci., Tokyo 10: 119 FBrf0080163 == Kohno et al., 1994, Zool. Sci., Tokyo 11: 99 FBrf0086498 == Kono et al., 1995, Zool. Sci., Tokyo 12: 113 P_element_allele: n(2)k08712 sequenced genefinder: 39 genscan: 55 product: Rab14 match_to: SP P35287 e-79 M (rat) match_to: TR Q93874 e-73 W match_to: SP P20338 e-48 H match_to: GB AA214461 e-30 H (Hum EST) match_to: SP P38555 e-36 Y match_to: TR O23657 e-24 A EST: LD03340.3'; LD03340.5'; LD32887.5'; LD29476.5'; LD26806.5' P1: DS01068 direction: + cDNA_sequence: D84316 pr_sequence_SPTREMBL: O18336 phenotypic_class: not vital JR_notes: 3/37 excisions of k08712 lethal; all lethal excisions 34Fd- or 35Aa-, indicating that Rab14 is between 34Fd and 35Aa. Since 35Aa- deletion is rescued by a 5-kb GalNac (=35Aa) fragment (from Flores), and P in 5' end of Rab 14, Rab14 not vital. SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD03340 (longer than GenBank D84316). n(2)k08712 inserted at 39329 of DS01068; Rab14 at 39278-42449. =========================================================================== \+symbol: l(2)35Aa \+formal_name: BG:DS01068.8 UID: FBgn0001970 references: FBrf0051916 == Davis et al., 1990, Genetics 126: 105--119 cytology: 35A3--35A4 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35B-7 (FBrf0051916) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b80e3 (FBrf0091422) enzyme: polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase == EC genefinder: 107 genscan: 263 match_to: TR Q10471 e-91 H match_to: GB X85019 e-83 H match_to: TR G3047191 e-91 W match_to: TR G3047193 e-91 W match_to: TR G3047195 e-91 W match_to: TR O08912 e-89 M EST: LD24449.5' P1: DS01068 direction: + ems_allele: l(2)35Aa1 l(2)35Aa2 l(2)35Aa3 l(2)35Aa4 l(2)35Aa5 l(2)35Aa6 l(2)35Aa7 phenotypic_class: vital. phenotypic_notes: early pupal lethal. SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD24449. JR_notes: Product & transformation rescue information from Flores (chez Engels). =========================================================================== \+symbol: spel1 \+formal_name: BG:DS01068.9 name: spellchecker1 UID: FBgn0015546 references: FBrf0078419 == rd1552 == Flores and Engels, 1995, A. Conf. Dros. Res. 36: 204A cytology: 35A1--35A1 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)A217 (FBrf0038050) cytology_data: Right limit from sequence databank entry U17893 genefinder: 83(DS01068);33(DS06238) genscan: 211(DS01068);33(DS06238) match_to: SP P43246 e-97(DS01068)/e-70(DS06238) H match_to: GB U04045 e-84(DS01068)/e-64(DS06238) H match_to: SP P43247 e-92(DS01068)/e-68(DS06238) M match_to: TR O24617 e-60(DS01068)/e-56(DS06238) A match_to: SP P25847 e-50(DS01068)/e-60(DS06238) Y EST: LD33650.5'; GM13404.5'; LD14009.5' P1: DS01068, DS06238 direction: + motifs: PS00486 == DNA mismatch repair proteins mutS family signature. homology: species == Escherichia coli; gene == mutS; ECOGENE: EG10625 homology: species == Mus; gene == Msh2; MGD: MRK-18634 homology: species == Homo sapiens; gene == MSH2; GDB: 203983; OMIM: 120435 cDNA_sequence:U17893 ; g675456 partial pr_sequence_SwissProt:P43248 phenotypic_class: non_vital. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank U17893 on DS01068 & DS06238. =========================================================================== \+symbol: ppk \+formal_name: BG:DS06238.1 name: pickpocket synonym: mdNaC1 UID: FBgn0020258 cDNA_sequence: Y16225; e1237841 cDNA_sequence: AF043263; g2811254 pr_sequence_TREMBL:O46104 pr_sequence_TREMBL:O44940 genefinder: (9)/28 genscan: 132 product: epithelial sodium channel. match_to: TR AF043264 e-61 D EST: P1: DS06238 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank on AF043263. ========================================================================== \+symbol: elB \+formal_name: BG:DS06238.3 name: elbow B UID: FBgn0004858 references: FBrf0051916 == Davis et al., 1990, Genetics 126: 105--119 cytology: 35A4--35A4 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35B-14 (FBrf0092813) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b83d29a (FBrf0051916) genefinder: 74 genscan: 199 product: noc-like Zinc-finger protein match_to: TR Q24423 e-59 D match_to: TR Q41805 e-7 O (Zea mays) EST: P1: DS06238 direction: - spontaneous_allele: see elA ems_allele: see elA gamma_ray_allele: see elA elB8 X_ray_allele: aberration_associated_allele: elB4 (T(Y;2)el4) elB6 (In(2LR)el6) elB7 (T(2;3)dpps19) elB9 (In(2L)el9) elB5 (T(Y;2)a15) P_element_allele: EP(2)2039 sequenced (elbow over a deletion) EP(2)0965 sequenced k07706 sequenced phenotypic_notes: reduced posterior compartment in wing; very similar, but complements, elA. SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. EP(2)2039 & sequence from Cohen at 45657 of DS06238; EP(2)0965 at 45828; k07706 at 45738. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS06238.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS06238.4 genefinder: 30 genscan: 63 product: larval cuticle protein match_to: GB M71249 e-11 D (Edg84A) match_to: SP P04929 e-33 O (Plasmodium lophurae) (His-rich, repeat segment) match_to: TR Q92504 e-11 H (His-rich, repeat segment) match_to: TR D1012195 e-11 H (His-rich, repeat segment) match_to: SP Q31125 e-11 M (His-rich, repeat segment) match_to: TR O35957 e-11 M match_to: TR O18272 e-9 W EST: P1: DS06238 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. MA_notes: Best bet for pu, since matches Edg84A. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS08340.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS08340.1 genefinder: (9) genscan: (42) product: match_to: GB AA419695 e-8 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA778038 e-8 H (Hum EST) match_to: GH12842.5' e-19; LP06079.5' e-19; LP02268.5' e-19; GH06541.5' e-19; GH10679.5' e-19 D EST: P1: DS08340 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. MA_notes: Best bet for elA. ========================================================================== symbol: pu name: pupal UID: FBgn0003161 references: FBrf0051916 == Davis et al., 1990, Genetics 126: 105--119 cytology: 35B1--35A4+ cytology_data: Left limit from complementation mapping against T(2;3)GT3 (citation unavailable) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b83d29a (FBrf0051916) spontaneous_allele: pu1 ems_allele: pu2 pu3 pu4 pu5 pu6 pu7 phenotypic_notes: wings unexpanded. phenotypic_class: visible; non_vital. =========================================================================== symbol: elA name: elbow A UID: FBgn0004857 references: FBrf0051916 == Davis et al., 1990, Genetics 126: 105--119 cytology: 35B1--35B1 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)ARR1 (FBrf0051916) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b81a1 (FBrf0038047) spontaneous_allele: elA1 (25-kb deletion) ems_allele: elA2 elA3 elA21 elA22 elA23 elA27 elA29 elA30 gamma_ray_allele: elA8 elA10 elA11 elA12 elA25 elA26 aberration_associated_allele: elA24 (T(2;3)el24) phenotypic_notes: reduced posterior compartment in wing; very similar, but complements, elB. phenotypic_class: visible; non_vital. =========================================================================== \+symbol: noc \+formal_name: BG:DS04641.1 name: no ocelli UID: FBgn0005771 references: FBrf0066938 == Cheah et al., 1994, Molec. Cell. Biol. 14: 1487--1499 FBrf0043115 == Chia et al., 1985, J. molec. Biol. 186: 689--706 FBrf0087599 == McNabb et al., 1996, Genetics 143(2): 897--911 cytology: 35B1+--35B1+ cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)A178 (FBrf0038047) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b81a1 (FBrf0038047) motifs: Zinc finger protein. genefinder: 88 genscan: 179 match_to: TR Q90237 e-11 O (Anolis pulchellus) match_to: SP P32323 e-7 Y EST: GM07914.5'; LD28078.5'; LD28077.5' P1: DS04641 direction: + cDNA_sequence:L14009 ; g457883 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24423 pr_sequence_PIR:A55929 ems_allele: noc18 noc19 noc22 noc23 noc35Ba-1 noc35Ba-2 noc35Ba-3 noc35Ba-4 nocSco-rv15 TE_insert_allele: nocTE35B (TE146) X_ray_allele: nocSco-rv27 gamma_ray_allele: noc14 noc15 noc21 noc6 aberration_associated_allele: noc2 (In(2L)noc2) noc4 (In(2LR)noc4) noc7 (In(2LR)noc7) nocGT8 (T(2;3)GT8) nocSco (Tp(2;2)Sco) nocSco-rv1 (In(2LR)Scorv1) nocSco-rv2 (In(2L)Scorv2) nocSco-rv5 (In(2L)Scorv5) nocSco-rv8 (In(2L)Scorv8) nocSco-rv9 (In(2LR)Scorv9) nocSco-rv11 (In(2L)Scorv11) nocSco-rv12 (Tp(2;2)Scorv12) nocSco-rv13 (T(2;3)Scorv13) nocSco-rv17 (In(2L)Scorv17) nocSco-rv21 (In(2L)Scorv21) nocSco-rv23 (Tp(2;1)Scorv23) nocSco-rv24 (In(2L)Scorv24) nocSco-rv26 (In(2L)Scorv26) TE146 derivatives P_element_allele: EP(2)2000 sequenced EP(2)2173 sequenced phenotypic_notes: visible phenotype is loss of ocelli; lethal may show failure of head involution; Sco is antimorphic allele. phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank L14009. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS04641.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS04641.2 genefinder: genscan: tRNAscan-SE: 57 product: tRNA-pro match_to: (GB M26848 e-6 M) EST: P1: DS04641 direction: + ========================================================================== \+symbol: tRNA:G3:35Ba \+formal_name: BG:DS04641.3 name: transfer RNA:gly3: 35Ba UID: FBgn0011862 references: FBrf0048836 == Meng et al., 1988, Nucleic Acids Res. 16: 7189 cytology: 35B1--35B2 genefinder: genscan: tRNAscan-SE: 72 product: tRNA-gly3 match_to: (GB Z14135 e-6 O (Bombyx mori)) match_to: (GB Z15047 e-6 O (Bombyx mori)) EST: P1: DS04641 direction: + na_sequence:X07778 =========================================================================== \+symbol: tRNA:G3:35Bb \+formal_name: BG:DS04641.4 name: transfer RNA:gly3: 35Bb UID: FBgn0011863 references: FBrf0048836 == Meng et al., 1988, Nucleic Acids Res. 16: 7189 cytology: 35B1--35B2 genefinder: genscan: tRNAscan-SE: 72 product: tRNA-gly3 match_to: GB M13661 e-9 H match_to: GB Z49226 e-12 O (Bombyx mori) match_to: TR O17337 e-8 W EST: P1: DS04641 direction: - na_sequence:X07778 =========================================================================== \+symbol: tRNA:G3:35Bc \+formal_name: BG:DS04641.5 name: transfer RNA:gly3: 35Bc UID: FBgn0011864 references: FBrf0048836 == Meng et al., 1988, Nucleic Acids Res. 16: 7189 cytology: 35B1--35B2 genefinder: genscan: tRNAscan-SE: 72 product: tRNA-gly3 match_to: GB M13661 e-9 H match_to: GB Z49226 e-12 O (Bombyx mori) EST: P1: DS04641 direction: - na_sequence:X07779 =========================================================================== \+symbol: tRNA:G3:35Bd \+formal_name: BG:DS04641.6 name: transfer RNA:gly3: 35Bd UID: FBgn0011865 references: FBrf0048836 == Meng et al., 1988, Nucleic Acids Res. 16: 7189 cytology: 35B1--35B2 genefinder: genscan: tRNAscan-SE: 72 product: tRNA-gly3 match_to: GB M13661 e-9 H match_to: GB Z49226 e-12 O (Bombyx mori) EST: P1: DS04641 direction: - na_sequence:X07779 =========================================================================== \+symbol: tRNA:G3:35Be \+formal_name: BG:DS04641.7 name: transfer RNA:gly3: 35Be UID: FBgn0011866 references: FBrf0048836 == Meng et al., 1988, Nucleic Acids Res. 16: 7189 cytology: 35B1--35B2 genefinder: genscan: tRNAscan-SE: 68 product: tRNA-gly3 match_to: GB M13661 e-9 H match_to: GB Z49226 e-12 O (Bombyx mori) EST: P1: DS04641 direction: - na_sequence:X07779 ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS04641.8 \+formal_name: BG:DS04641.8 genefinder: 27 genscan: 94 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS04641 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01486.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS01486.1 genefinder: (8) genscan: (44) product: ubiquitin--protein ligase match_to: SP Q16781 e-60 H match_to: SP P52490 e-50 Y match_to: GB AA271547 e-45 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB U62483 e-26 M match_to: SP P35129 e-31 W match_to: GB S70118 e-44 D match_to: GB L20126 e-44 D match_to: SP P35132 e-30 A match_to: LD24448.5' e-43; LD16328.c e-43; GM02759.5' e-43;LD14534.5'e-40; LD31794.5' e-35 EST: P1: DS01486 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01486.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS01486.2 genefinder: genscan: tRNAscan-SE: 57 product: transfer RNA:pro match_to: GB X55888 e-9 O (chicken) EST: P1: DS01486 direction: + ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01486.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS01486.3 genefinder: genscan: tRNAscan-SE: 57 product: transfer RNA:pro match_to: GB X55888 e-10 O (chicken) EST: P1: DS01486 direction: - ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01486.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS01486.4 genefinder: genscan: tRNAscan-SE: 57 product: transfer RNA:pro match_to: GB X55888 e-9 O (chicken) EST: P1: DS01486 direction: + ========================================================================== \+symbol: osp \+formal_name: BG:DS01486.7 synonym: BG:DS01486.5 synonym: BG:DS07721.2 name: outspread UID: FBgn0003016 references: FBrf0087599 == McNabb et al., 1996, Genetics 143(2): 897--911 cytology: 35B3--35B3 cytology_data: Left limit from complementation mapping against T(2;3)GT7 (citation unavailable) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)A178 (FBrf0038047) genefinder: 94/34(DS01486); 9(DS07721) genscan: 431(DS01486); (30)* (2 spans)(DS07721) match_to: TR P97434 e-18 M (p116Rip) match_to: GB AA118415 e-10 M (Mus EST) match_to: SP P11055 e-10 H (myosin heavy chain) match_to: SP P13535 e-10 H (myosin heavy chain) match_to: TR Q20042 e-10 W match_to: TR Q18082 e-9 W (myosin heavy chain) match_to: SP P25386 e-8 Y EST: LD14119.5'; LD14119.3'; LD13781.5'; CK02594.5'; LD15891.5'; LD15891.3' P1: DS01486, (DS09219), DS07721 direction: - na_sequence:M14802 ; g552081 na_sequence:M17837 ; g903720 na_sequence:Z00030 ; g7559 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24231 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q27421 ems_allele: osp1 osp16 osp19 osp24 osp25 osp27 osp4 osp6 osp7 osp76e osp77e osp8 ospCH63 diepoxyoctane_allele: osp80.1D P_element_allele: osprJ571 sequenced l(3)00865 sequenced k13218 sequenced gamma_ray_allele: osp104 osp201 osp29 osp35 osp40 osp83 aberration_associated_allele: osp22 (In(2L)osp22) osp3 (Tp(2;3)osp3) osp29 (Df(2L)osp29) osp59 (In(2L)osp59) osp90 (T(2;3)osp90) ospH47 (T(2;3)H47) ospMpe (T(2;3)Mpe) osppb3 (T(2;3)pb3) ospH86 (In(2L)dppH86) misc_allele: ospalw phenotypic_notes: wings outspread; not vital. phenotypic_class: visible; non_vital. MA_notes: includes BG:DS01486.6 ; Note that k13218 is not a phenotypic osp allele. SM_notes: Appears to be alternatively spliced: translation of osp-LD14119 from complete sequence LD14119 (not full-length on 5' end?), doesn't use penultimate exon of LD15891 but does use last exon (longer 3'). Translation of osp-3prime from full-length LD15891 on DS01486 (838-5324), osp-5prime on DS07721. =========================================================================== \+symbol: Adh \+formal_name: BG:DS01486.8 name: Alcohol dehydrogenase UID: FBgn0000055 cytology: 35B3--35B3 cytology_data: Left limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)TE35B-8 (FBrf0087599) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)A178 (FBrf0038047) enzyme: alcohol dehydrogenase == EC genefinder: genscan: 132* (1 span) match_to: SP P15428 e-11 H match_to: TR Q61106 e-10 M EST: HL01670.5'; HL05782.5'; GH01616.5' P1: DS01486 direction: + motifs: PS00061 == Short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase family signature. na_sequence:J01066 na_sequence:M14802 ; g156803 na_sequence:M17827 ; g156860 na_sequence:M17828 ; g156862 na_sequence:M17830 ; g156866 na_sequence:M17831 ; g156868 na_sequence:M17832 ; g156870 na_sequence:M17833 ; g156872 na_sequence:M17834 ; g156874 na_sequence:M17835 ; g156876 na_sequence:M17836 ; g156878 na_sequence:M17837 ; g156880 na_sequence:M17845 ; g156906 na_sequence:M19547 ; g156864 na_sequence:M22210 ; g156839 na_sequence:M29635 na_sequence:M29636 ; e124826 na_sequence:M36580 ; g156805 na_sequence:M57239 ; g156800 na_sequence:M71284 na_sequence:M73256 na_sequence:U20765 ; g684944 na_sequence:U35852 na_sequence:X04454 na_sequence:X15607 na_sequence:X60791 ; g8152 na_sequence:X60792 ; g8441 na_sequence:X60793 ; g8282 na_sequence:X66233 na_sequence:X78384 ; e315259 na_sequence:X78385 na_sequence:X78386 na_sequence:X78387 na_sequence:X78402 na_sequence:X78916 na_sequence:X78917 na_sequence:X98338 ; e248823 na_sequence:Z00030 ; g599727 pr_sequence_SwissProt:P00334 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q27332 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q27579 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q27596 pr_sequence_PIR:A37092 pr_sequence_PIR:B93309 pr_sequence_PIR:A93713 pr_sequence_PIR:A93875 pr_sequence_PIR:A93309 pr_sequence_PIR:A93873 pr_sequence_PIR:S17083 pr_sequence_PIR:S17084 phenotypic_class: visible; non_vital. Nested_in: osp SM_notes: Translation from alignment of trEMBL Q27332. =========================================================================== \+symbol: Adhr \+formal_name: BG:DS01486.9 name: Adh-related UID: FBgn0000056 references: Brogna, EMBO J. 16: 2023-2031 cytology: 35B3--35B3 cytology_data: Left limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)TE35B-8 (FBrf0091422) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)A178 (FBrf0091422) genefinder: (15) genscan: 132* (2 spans) product: alcohol-dehydrogenase \like match_to: SP P15428 e-11 H match_to: TR Q61106 e-10 M EST: GM04306.5' P1: DS01486 direction: + na_sequence:M14802 ; g765036 na_sequence:Z00030 na_sequence:X78384 ; g483719 na_sequence:X98338 ; e248898 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24230 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24232 phenotypic_notes: complete deletion associated with malformation of gastric caecea. phenotypic_class: visible; non_vital. Nested_in: osp SM_notes: Translation from alignment of SwissProt P91615. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS09219.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS09219.1 genefinder: genscan: (41)(DS09219)/(34)(DS07721) product: match_to: EST: P1: DS09219, DS07721 direction: - Nested_in: osp SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07721.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS07721.1 genefinder: genscan: product: match_to: EST: CK02594.5'; CK02594.3' P1: DS07721 direction: + Nested_in: osp SM_notes: Translation from full-length CK02594. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07721.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS07721.3 genefinder: 21 genscan: 47/(44) product: match_to: LP02495.5' e-8; LP04185.5' e-8; LP03565.5' e-8; LP03436.5' e-8 EST: P1: DS07721 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07721.6 \+formal_name: BG:DS07721.6 genefinder: genscan: 271 match_to: EST: P1: DS07721 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00810.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS00810.1 genefinder: 25 genscan: 97 product: match_to: GB AA313794 e-14 H (Homo EST) match_to: SP P34664 e-14 W match_to: GB AA087241 e-10 M (Mus EST) match_to: LD20357.5' e-13;LD22379.5' e-12;LD34776.5' e-12;LD31155.5' e-12;LD16573.5' e-12;LD16570.5' e-12;LD06669.5' e-12;LD21139.5' e-12;LD28856.5' e-12;LD15550.5' e-12 EST: P1: DS00810 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00810.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS00810.2 genefinder: (19) genscan: product: ribosomal protein 15a match_to: GB Z21673 e-47 D match_to: LD11847.3' e-25; GM02304.5' e-27; GM04832.5' e-25; GM06369.5' e-54; GM13983.5' e-48; HL07857.5' e-43; LD03678.5' e-25; LD04294.5' e-21; LD07181.5' e-50; LD14972.5' e-25; LD33594.5' e-48; GH04971.3' e-45 EST: LP03565.5'; LP04185.5'; LP02495.5'; LP04636.3'; LP06216.3'; LP03436.5' P1: DS00810 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length LP03565. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00810.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS00810.3 genefinder: (16) genscan: (14) product: match_to: SP Q25055 e-10 O match_to: SP P17816 e-12 O match_to: TR O02049 e-9 W EST: GH13704.5'; GH07880.5'; LP02868.5'; LP03582.5' P1: DS00810 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from complete sequence GH13704 at 5' (not full-length clone?) and GH07880.5' EST at 3'.. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS06874.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS06874.1 genefinder: 27 genscan: 59 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS06874 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genefinder. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS06874.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS06874.2 genefinder: (19) genscan: 111 product: match_to: SP P97834 e-58 (rat) match_to: GB X87885 e-57 (rat) match_to: SP Q13098 e-56 H match_to: SP P45432 e-37 A match_to: GB W65922 e-13 M (Mus EST) EST: P1: DS06874 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. MA_notes: Fusca; GPS1 homolog see MCB 16: 6698-6706 =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS06874.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS06874.3 genefinder: 44 genscan: 127 product: MSP1 homolog (TAT-binding) match_to: SP P54815 e-62 W match_to: YPD 1323004 e-62 Y match_to: GB X68055 e-56 Y match_to: GB X81069 e-58 Y match_to: TR G3193292 e-50 A match_to: GB AA028745 e-36 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA268776 e-36 M (Mus EST) match_to: TR G2984586 e-33 H match_to: TR G3283072 e-33 H match_to: SP P91638 e-33 D match_to: GH13949.5' e-58; LP05581.5' e-39; GH08677.5' e-39; LD20618.5' e-22;GM07738.5' e-12;GM05721.5' e-15;GM04824.5' e-12;CK00306.5' e-28 EST: P1: DS06874 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS06874.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS06874.4 genefinder: (16) genscan: 103*(2 spans) product: serine protease match_to: SP P40313 e-13 H match_to: TR D1029835 (AB015206) e-11 M match_to: SP P05049 e-10 D EST: P1: DS06874 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS06874.6 \+formal_name: BG:DS06874.6 genefinder: genscan: (35) product: serine protease match_to: TR D1029835 (AB015206) e-8 M match_to: SP P40313 e-13 H EST: P1: DS06874 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS06874.7 \+formal_name: BG:DS06874.7 genefinder: genscan: 119 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS06874 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS03431.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS03431.1 genefinder: 55 genscan: 111 product: proline transporter match_to: TR G3252836 e-115 O (tobacco hornworm) match_to: SP P51905 e-74 D match_to: SP Q99884 e-69 H match_to: TR Q99884 e-69 H match_to: SP P31659 e-63 M match_to: TR O17372 e-54 W match_to: LD18557.5' e-31 EST: P1: DS03431 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ether resistant P-element insert; may or may-not be this. =========================================================================== \+symbol: Mst35Ba \+formal_name: BG:DS03431.2 name: Male-specific-transcript-35Ba references: FBrf0058368 == Russell and Kaiser, 1993, Europ. Dros. Res. Conf. 13: n.p. cytology: 35B1--35B10 genefinder: genscan: product: protamine \like match_to: SP P17502 e-7 O (boll weevil) EST: P1: DS03431 direction: - cDNA_sequence:Z46790 ; g608696 genomic_sequence:Z46783 ; g608700 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24401 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24405 pr_sequence_PIR:S52155 pr_sequence_PIR:S52157 SM_notes: Translation from GenBank Z46790. =========================================================================== \+symbol: Mst35Bb \+formal_name: BG:DS03431.3 name: Male-specific-transcript-35Bb references: FBrf0058368 == Russell and Kaiser, 1993, Europ. Dros. Res. Conf. 13: n.p. cytology: 35B1--35B10 genefinder: (11) genscan: product: protamine \like match_to: EST: P1: DS03431 direction: - cDNA_sequence:Z46784 ; g608698 genomic_sequence:Z46785 ; g608702 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24402 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24406 pr_sequence_PIR:S52156 pr_sequence_PIR:S52158 SM_notes: Translation from GenBank Z46784. =========================================================================== symbol: ms(2)35Bi JR_notes: Inferred from deletion o/laps. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS03144.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS03144.1 genefinder: 49/(11) genscan: 123 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS03144 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS03323.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS03323.1 genefinder: 102(DS03323) genscan: 133(DS03144);405(DS03323) product: strawberry-notch-like match_to: GB U95760 e-197 D (sno) match_to: TR O01737 e-241 W match_to: TR G3152595 e-176 A match_to: GB AA413592 e-51 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB W25975 e-31 H (Hum EST) match_to: HL01650.5' e-24 EST: P1: DS03144, DS03323 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01219.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS01219.3 genefinder: (10) genscan: 99 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS01219 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== symbol: l(2)35Bb name: lethal (2) 35Bb UID: FBgn0001972 references: FBrf0087599 == McNabb et al., 1996, Genetics 143(2): 897--911 cytology: 35B4--35B4 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35BC-34 (FBrf0091422) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b84a3 (FBrf0055544) spontaneous_allele: l(2)35Bb6 ems_allele: l(2)35Bb1 l(2)35Bb2 l(2)35Bb3 l(2)35Bb4 l(2)35Bb5 l(2)35Bb7 l(2)35Bb8 l(2)35Bb9 neutron_induced_allele: l(2)35Bb10 P_element_induced_allele: l(2)35Bbk11524 sequenced(DS00929) phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: k11524p inserted at 5037 of DS00929, in ORF of BG:DS00929.16 , but BG:DS01219.1 ESTs from 1533-1359 of DS00929. =========================================================================== symbol: l(2)35Bf name: lethal (2) 35Bf UID: FBgn0001976 references: cytology: 35B4--35B4 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35BC-4 (FBrf0038053) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b84a3 (FBrf0055544) ems_allele: l(2)35Bf1 l(2)35Bf2 l(2)35Bf3 l(2)35Bf4 l(2)35Bf5 l(2)35Bf6 l(2)35Bf7 l(2)35Bf8 l(2)35BfQL53 phenotypic_class: vital. JR_notes: Excision of k08808=l(2)35Bc indicates gene order is 35Bb, 35Bf, 35Be, 35Bc, 35Bd. ========================================================================== symbol: l(2)35Be name: lethal (2) 35Be UID: FBgn0001975 references: cytology: 35B4--35B4 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35BC-4 (FBrf0038053) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b84a3 (FBrf0055544) ems_allele: l(2)35Be1 l(2)35Be2 l(2)35Be3 l(2)35Be4 l(2)35Be5 l(2)35Be6 l(2)35Be7 phenotypic_class: vital. JR_notes: Excision of k08808=l(2)35Bc indicates gene order is 35Bb, 35Bf, 35Be, 35Bc, 35Bd. =========================================================================== symbol: l(2)35Bc name: lethal (2) 35Bc UID: FBgn0001973 references: cytology: 35B4--35B4 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35BC-4 (FBrf0038053) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b84a3 (FBrf0055544) ems_allele: l(2)35Bc1 l(2)35Bc2 l(2)35Bc3 l(2)35Bc4 l(2)35Bc5 l(2)35Bc6 l(2)35Bc7 l(2)35Bc8 P_element_allele: l(2)35Bck08808 sequenced phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: yoyo is in intron of l(2)35Bb; P sequences map to yoyo LTRs (therefore nested in 35Bb).. The following P-elements match the sequence of the yoyo LTR but some may be from other sites: l(3)06264, l(2)01092, EP(x)1031, l(2)rH280, l(2)k00611, EP(2)0533, EP(3)0396, EP(x)1102, l(3)j2D5, l(3)rL061 JR_notes: Of 84 viable and 38 lethal excisions of k08808, 3 are deletions: 1 mutant for 35Be and 35Bc, 2 mutant for 35Bc and 35Bd. This suggests order is 35Bb, 35Bf, 35Be, 35Bc, 35Bd. PZ06264 is a 2nd site insertion. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS01219.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS01219.1 genefinder: 40/9 genscan: 53(2 spans)/37(1 span)(DS01219) product: match_to: SP P34298 e-11 W EST: LD16050.5'; LD16050.3'; LD13118.5'; LD13118.3'; LD14488.5'; LD17401.5'; LD27791.5' P1: DS01219, DS00929 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD16050 3' on DS01219 (166-1993), 5' on DS00929 (1-165). k11524p (l(2)35Bb) inserted at 5037 of DS00929, ESTs from 1533-1359 of DS00929, so could be l(2)35Bb. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00929.16 \+formal_name: BG:DS01219.16 genefinder: genscan: 71 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS00929 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from 5' edited Genscan (missing 5' end?). Good bet for l(2)35Bb because P element k11524p maps to 5037 of DS00929 and one ORF of genscan prediction is 4992-5160. JR_notes: Could also be l(2)35Bf. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00929.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS00929.1 genefinder: 21 genscan: 49 product: match_to: GB AA221255 e-32 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA245336 e-32 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA166258 e-32 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA25934 e-27 H (Hum EST) match_to: GB AA004508 e-10 H (Hum EST) EST: P1: DS00929 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Could be l(2)35Bf or l(2)35Be. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00929.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS00929.2 genefinder: 43 genscan: 75 product: ankyrin-like match_to: GB AA200445 e-17 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA200439 e-17 M (Mus EST) match_to: TR Q19822 e-14 W match_to: SP P16157 e-10 H match_to: TR Q24241 e-7 D EST: LD17234.5'; LD17234.3' P1: DS00929 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD17234. Could be l(2)35Bf, l(2)35Be, or l(2)35Bc. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00929.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS00929.3 genefinder: 44 genscan: 70 product: TATA-binding protein associated phosphoprotein match_to: SP Q01658 e-33 H match_to: GB M97388 e-31 H match_to: GB AA413894 e-31 M (Mus EST) match_to: TR E1246915 e-19 W match_to: SP P49592 e-17 A match_to: TR Q92317 e-10 Y match_to: YPD 1666487 e-16 Y EST: P1: DS00929 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Could be l(2)35Be or l(2)35Bc. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00929.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS00929.4 genefinder: 29 genscan: 62 product: match_to: SP P53215 e-56 Y match_to: GB Z72809 e-55 Y match_to: GB T04261 e-29 A match_to: GB AA450700 e-23 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB W77781 e-7 H (Hum EST) EST: P1: DS00929 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Could be l(2)35Bc. =========================================================================== \+symbol: l(2)35Bd \+formal_name: BG:DS00929.5 name: lethal (2) 35Bd UID: FBgn0001974 references: cytology: 35B4--35B4 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)AntpCtxrv1 (FBrf0092813) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b84a3 (FBrf0055544) genefinder: 49 genscan: 684*(2 spans) product: mRNA cap methyltransferase match_to: TR D1024575 e-72 H match_to: SP P32783 e-24 Y match_to: GB L12000 e-22 Y match_to: GB Z81038 e-11 W match_to: GB T21843 e-8 A EST: LD09819.3'; LD09819.5'; LD27566.5'; LD02165.5'; LD07429.5'; LD10977.5'; LD13245.5'; LD13885.5'; LD19803.5'; LD21076.5'; LD21952.5'; LD22017.5'; LD26541.5'; LD26968.5'; LD27714.5' P1: DS00929 direction: + ems_allele: l(2)35Bd1 l(2)35Bd2 l(2)35Bd3 l(2)35Bd4 l(2)35Bd5 l(2)35Bd6 P_element_allele: l(2)35Bd10408 sequenced aberration_associated_allele: l(2)35BdCtx (Tp(3;2)AntpCtx) phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD09819. l(2)35Bd 17448-19229 (ESTs), l(2)10408 at ~17507 (plasmid rescue). =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00929.6 \+formal_name: BG:DS00929.6 genefinder: 8/31 genscan: 684*(16 spans) product: GABA receptor match_to: TR O08621 e-139 O (rat) match_to: GB Y10370 e-135 O (rat) match_to: GB W48985 e-30 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA036134 e-12 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB X90543 e-18 H (Hum EST) match_to: TR Q23442 e-15 W match_to: GB U58748 e-9 W EST: P1: DS00929 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from 5' and 3' edited Genscan (missing 5' end?). ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00929.7 \+formal_name: BG:DS00929.7 genefinder: genscan: product: ficolin match_to: SP P21520 e-23 D match_to: TR O18546 e-30 O (bloodfluke planorb) match_to: TR D1026054 e-28 M match_to: TR Q28763 e-27 H match_to: TR O17043 e-7 W EST: P1: DS00929 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from 3' edited BLASTX homology to GenBank P21520. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00929.8 \+formal_name: BG:DS00929.8 genefinder: 66 genscan: 684*(4 spans) product: yellow-like match_to: SP P09957 e-74 D match_to: TR O18330 e-21 O (honey bee) EST: P1: DS00929 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from 5' edited Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: l(2)35Bg \+formal_name: BG:DS00929.9 synonym: anon-35Ba name: lethal (2) 35Bg UID: FBgn0001977 UID: FBgn0015867 references: FBrf0055545 == Schweisguth and Posakony, 1992, Cell 69: 1199--1212 cytology: 35B10--35B10 cytology_data: Left limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)b80k (FBrf0092813) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)ARR1 (FBrf0038053) ems_allele: l(2)35Bg1 l(2)35Bg2 PM_dysgenesis_allele: l(2)35BgPI2 P_element_allele: k10011 sequenced (semilethal) phenotypic_class: vital. genefinder: 41 genscan: 47 product: match_to: TR G3252826 e-14 H match_to: YPD YKR071C e-9 Y match_to: GB AA289143 e-7 M (Mus EST) match_to: SP P41847 e-7 W EST: GM08660.5'; GM08660.3';GM10279.5'; LD23249.5'; LD32407.5' P1: DS00929 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD32407. cDNA overlaps BG:DS00929.8 but on opposite strand--does this mean BG:DS00929.8 not real gene? l(2)35Bg 46305-43777(ESTs), l(2)k10011 inserted 46297 DS00929. ========================================================================== \+symbol: Su(H) \+formal_name: BG:DS00929.10 synonym: l(2)35Bh name: Suppressor of Hairless UID: FBgn0004837 references: FBrf0054340 == Furukawa et al., 1991, J. Biol. Chem. 266: 23334--23340 FBrf0055544 == Furukawa et al., 1992, Cell 69: 1191--1197 FBrf0079374 == Schweisguth et al., 1994, Dev. Biol. 166(2): 812--814 FBrf0079375 == Schweisguth, 1995, Development 121(6): 1875--1884 FBrf0068637 == Posakony, 1994, Cell 76(3): 415--418 FBrf0074389 == Schweisguth and Posakony, 1994, Development 120(6): 1433--1441 FBrf0055545 == Schweisguth and Posakony, 1992, Cell 69: 1199--1212 FBrf0084115 == Lecourtois and Schweisguth, 1995, Genes Dev. 9(21): 2598--2608 cytology: 35B10--35B10 cytology_data: Left limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)b80k (FBrf0092813) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)ARR1 (FBrf0038053) product: DNA-binding-protein genefinder: 80 genscan: 188 match_to: GB M81871 e-175 M match_to: GB X17459 e-175 M match_to: SP P31266 e-176 M match_to: SP Q06330 e-158 H match_to: GB L34543 e-157 H match_to: GB L34544 e-157 H match_to: TR Q27427 e-107 W match_to: GB U49794 e-98 W match_to: YPD 825569 e-10 Y EST: LD17227.5'; GM10826.5'; LD22806.5'; LD24729.5' P1: DS00929 direction: + homology: species == Mus; gene == Igkrsbp; MGD: MRK-11327 homology: species == Homo sapiens; gene == IGKJRB; GDB: 138293; OMIM: 147183 MEDLINE: 94010923 homology: species == Homo sapiens; gene == IMAGE: 32996; EMBL: R19314; DRES: 55 cDNA_sequence:X58393 ; g10957 cDNA_sequence:M94383 ; g158515 pr_sequence_SwissProt:P28159 pr_sequence_PIR:A41585 pr_sequence_PIR:A42770 spontaneous_allele: Su(H)1 Su(H)2 ems_allele: Su(H)3 Su(H)4 Su(H)5 Su(H)6 Su(H)7 Su(H)9 Su(H)AM1 Su(H)10 Su(H)11 Su(H)16 Su(H)IB115 Su(H)O5 Su(H)T4 Su(H)eBC11 Su(H)sA21 Su(H)sK2 Su(H)sO10 Su(H)E86 tem_allele: Su(H)8 PM_dysgenesis_allele: Su(H)12 Su(H)13 Su(H)14 Su(H)15 P{X6}Su(H)M28=Su(H)1356 P_element_allele: k07904 sequenced P_element_derivative_allele: Su(H)rv1 misc_allele: Su(H)E(H) phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank M94383. =========================================================================== \+symbol: ck \+formal_name: BG:DS00929.11 name: crinkled synonym: Mhc35BC; UID: FBgn0015260; synonym: anon-35Bb UID: FBgn0000317 references: FBrf0083719 == Agrawal et al., 1995, Dev. Biol. 172(1): 218--229 FBrf0054380 == Chen et al., 1991, J. Cell Biol. 115(3/2): 330a FBrf0089920 == Wright and Jackson, 1996, Trends Genet. 12(6): 206--209 FBrf0055545 == Schweisguth and Posakony, 1992, Cell 69: 1199--1212 cytology: 35B10+--35B10+ cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35BC-3 (FBrf0038047) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35BC-7 (FBrf0055544) product: myosin VIIA genefinder: 179 genscan: 630 match_to: GB U39226 0 H match_to: GB U81453 0 M match_to: TR P91443 0 W match_to: GB U80848 0 W match_to: TR G3142302 e-128 A match_to: SP P19524 e-112 Y match_to: GB Z75234 e-112 Y EST: LD10736.3'; LD10736.5'; LD14917.5'; LD14874.5' P1: DS00929 direction: - spontaneous_allele: ck1 note that the existing ck1 allele is l(2)35Fb ems_allele: ck2 ck3 ck4 ck5 ck6 ck7 ck8 ck9 ck10 ck11 ck12 ck13 ck14 ck15 ck16 ck17 ckA11 ckGJ2 P_element_allele: ck07130 sequenced EP2051 sequenced aberration_associated_allele: ckH67 (T(2;3)H67) misc_allele: ckIK3 TE_insert_allele: ckTE35BC (TE36) TE36 derivatives phenotypic_notes: cell polarity gene; affects denticle belts, microchaetae etc. phenotypic_class: visible; non_vital. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of cDNA from D. Kiehart (unfinished). PZ07130 at nt 65322, first exon of Kiehart's cDNA 65294-65143. EP2051 at 62404 of DS00929. =========================================================================== \+symbol: TfIIS \+formal_name: BG:DS00929.12 name: RNA polymerase II elongation factor synonym: l(2)35Cf synonym: DmS2 UID: FBgn0010422 UID: FBgn0001982 (l(2)35Cf) product: RNA-polymerase-II-elongation-factor motifs: PS00466 == TFIIS zinc ribbon domain signature. genefinder: 69 genscan: 128 match_to: TR E1309841 e-62 M match_to: TR Q15560 e-61 H match_to: SP P52652 e-45 W match_to: YPD 1322528 e-28 Y EST: LD32510.5'; LD34766.5'; LD33310.5'; LD15545.5'; GM02906.5'; GM03078.5'; GM04006.5'; GM09514.5'; LD18436.5' P1: DS00929 direction: - genomic_sequence:L26091 ; g416355 cDNA_sequence:X53670 ; g7921 pr_sequence_PIR:S12106 pr_sequence_PIR:S55899 pr_sequence_SwissProt:P20232 references: cytology: 35C1--35C1 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35BC-3 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)64j (FBrf0051973) PM_dysgenesis_allele: l(2)35Cf1 l(2)35Cf2 phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank L26091.Genomic sequence has a stop codon in middle of gene--this is good sequence from 7 reads of 3 different subclones. Problem sequence: CGGGATTAGC'TAA'CGTGCCGCG =========================================================================== \+symbol: vas \+formal_name: BG:DS00929.14 name: vasa synonym: no-relish synonym: cgt UID: FBgn0003970 UID: FBgn0004805 references: FBrf0047652 == Hay et al., 1988, Cell 55: 577--587 FBrf0048768 == Lasko and Ashburner, 1988, Nature 355: 611--617 FBrf0051865 == Lasko and Ashburner, 1990, Genes Dev. 4: 905--921 FBrf0051573 == Hay et al., 1990, Development 109: 425--433 FBrf0052735 == Dorer et al., 1990, Nucleic Acids Res. 18: 5489--5494 FBrf0054956 == de Valoir et al., 1991, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 88: 2113--2117 FBrf0054123 == Schupbach and Wieschaus, 1991, Genetics 129: 1119--1136 cytology: 35C1--35C1 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35BC-3 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)A267 (FBrf0048768) genefinder: 26(DS00929); 27(DS04929) genscan: 285*(3 spans)(DS00929); 131(DS04929) match_to: YPD 1430979 e-13(DS00929) Y match_to: TR O01378 e-122(DS04929) O (silkworm) match_to: SP Q61496 e-96(DS04929) M match_to: SP P06634 e-88(DS04929) Y match_to: TR O15523 e-87(DS04929) H match_to: SP P34689 e-69(DS04929) W match_to: TR O22907 e-52(DS04929) A EST: LD06084.5'; LD12044.5'; LD17083.5' P1: DS00929, DS04929 direction: + motifs: PS00039 == DEAD-box subfamily ATP-dependent helicases signature. homology: species == Caenorhabditis elegans; gene == glh-1 homology: species == Mus; gene == 'Vasa'; EMBL: D14859 genomic_sequence:X12945 ; g1054723 genomic_sequence:X12946 cDNA_sequence:M23560 ; g158796 pr_sequence_SwissProt:P09052 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24582 pr_sequence_PIR:A31922 pr_sequence_PIR:S01676 ems_allele: vas1 vas2 vas3 vas4 vas5 vas6 vasAQB3 vasD5 vasHE1 vasPW72 vasQS17 vasRG53 fs(2)ltoRJ36RJ36 vasPH165 misc_allele: vas3F vas4C vasAS vasKD vas88c25 P_element_allele: vasLYG2 EP(2)0812 sequenced k07233 sequenced PM_dysgenesis_allele: vasP808 phenotypic_class: female_sterile; non_vital. JR_notes: identity of vasa and courgette based on our complementation data and those of Montell. SM_notes: Translation of 5' from alignment of GenBank X12945 on DS00929, but with LD06084.5' at 5' end. Translation of 3' from alignment of GenBank M23560 on DS04929. k07233 maps to 74616 of DS00929. EP0812 maps to 72346, 2.3kb upstream. =========================================================================== \+symbol: vig \+formal_name: BG:DS00929.13 name: vasa intronic gene UID: FBgn0024183 genefinder: 81 genscan: 248 product: match_to: YPD 927699 e-8 Y match_to: TR O24106 e-7 O (tobacco) EST: LD07162.5'; LD07162.3'; HL01210.5'; LD20406.5'; P1: DS00929 direction: - Nested_in: vasa MA_notes: This is vig (vasa intronic gene) of Kevin Edwards. P-elements (EP(2)0812, k07233) that map within vig behave genetically as vasa alleles. SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD07162. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00929.15 \+formal_name: BG:DS00929.15 genefinder: genscan: 285*(2 spans) product: match_to: EST: P1: DS00929 direction: + Nested_in: vasa SM_notes: Translation from 5' edited Genscan (missing 5' end?). Paul Lasko's ORF within 3rd vasa intron. Paul's coordinates are 76407-77600 and 77894-79528 on the same strand as vasa. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS04929.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS04929.1 genefinder: (11)/68 genscan: 302 product: match_to: GB R18707 e-11 H (Hum EST) match_to: GB W71312 e-17 M (Mus EST) EST: P1: DS04929 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. This is Hawley's Axs-like gene. JR_notes: Hawley says in b87e25, but not in A267. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS04929.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS04929.3 genefinder: 54 genscan: 461* (3 spans) product: Zinc-finger protein (snail-like) match_to: TR G3098097 e-35 D match_to: SP P51814 e-49 H match_to: TR Q62512 e-49 M match_to: GB M92443 e-46 H match_to: GB D10627 e-46 M match_to: SP P47043 e-24 Y match_to: GB Z49331 e-24 Y match_to: TR Q22874 e-27 W match_to: TR O02265 e-27 W EST: P1: DS04929 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from 3' edited Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: stc \+formal_name: BG:DS04929.4 name: shuttle craft synonym: l(2)35Cb UID: FBgn0001978 references: FBrf0085996 == Stroumbakis et al., 1996, Molec. Cell. Biol. 16(1): 192--201 FBrf0086298 == Aasland et al., 1995, Trends Biochem. Sci. 20: 56--59 cytology: 35C1--35C1 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35BC-3 (FBrf0038047) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35B-5 (FBrf0092813) genefinder: 114 genscan: 461*(6 spans) product: DNA-binding-protein-(single-stranded) match_to: TR Q18034 e-136 W match_to: SP Q12986 e-92 H match_to: GB U15306 e-90 H match_to: YPD 1301855 e-71 Y match_to: SP P53971 e-69 Y match_to: GB AA034687 e-9 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AB005237 e-35 A EST: LD08727.5'; LD09946.5'; LD02285.5'; LD08763.5'; LD22726.5'; LD27525.5'; LD32773.5'; LD25467.5'; LD29364.5'; LD25490.5' P1: DS04929 direction: + motifs: RD-domain protein. motifs: Zinc finger, C4HC3 type (PHD finger), protein. homology: species == Homo sapiens; gene == 'NF-X1'; EMBL: U15306 cDNA_sequence:U09306 ; g487400 pr_sequence_SwissProt:P40798 ems_allele: stc1 stc2 stc3 stc4 stc5 P_element_allele: stc05441 sequenced this is aka PZ9 aberration_associated_allele: stc6 (In(2L)dpps22) Df(2L)Sco-rv4 hypomorphic phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank U09306. PZ05441 is in intron of DS04929.3. Only 9bp of sequence from k11112, which maps to DS07851 by in situ, but by sequence matches many Adh P1s. JR_notes: PZ05441 confirmed as stc allele, but k11112 unlikely to be stc allele. 10 excisions of k11112; all are lethal over stc-. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS03192.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS03192.1 genefinder: genscan: tRNAscan-SE: 66 product: transfer RNA:leu match_to: EST: P1: DS03192 direction: - ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS03192.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS03192.3 genefinder: genscan: product: match_to: EST: HL02392.5'; HL02392.3' P1: DS03192 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from full-length HL02392. No good ORF in HL02392 cDNA, so short. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS03192.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS03192.2 genefinder: 82/(15) genscan: 301 product: chaoptin_like match_to: GB M19017 e-57 D match_to: TR Q18902 e-50 W match_to: SP O02833 e-28 H match_to: SP P70389 e-22 M match_to: YPD 1006714 e-17 Y match_to: TR Q42371 e-11 A match_to: TR G3075386 e-11 A EST: P1: DS03192 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS03192.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS03192.4 genefinder: genscan: product: match_to: EST: CK01083.5' P1: DS03192 direction: - Nested_in: BG:DS03192.2 SM_notes: Translation from full-length CK01083. No good ORF so short. CK01083.3prime sequence doesn't match. No good ORF. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07295.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS07295.1 genefinder: 35 genscan: 66 product: Zinc transporter match_to: TR Q62941 e-49 O (rat) match_to: GB U50927 e-41 O (rat) match_to: TR Q22541 e-45 W match_to: TR O35149 e-27 M match_to: TR P97441 e-39 M match_to: TR O14863 e-27 H match_to: TR Q99726 e-35 H match_to: YPD 1420694 e-10 Y EST: GM01103.5'; GM01103.3'; GM10990.5'; GM010990.3'; GM02135.5'; GM03441.5'; GM04177.5'; GM07809.5' P1: DS03192 (was DS07295) direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length GM01103. Interesting that it is only in ovary cDNA library. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07295.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS07295.4 genefinder: genscan: 76 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS03192 (was DS07295) direction: + Nested_in: BG:DS07295.1 SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07295.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS07295.2 genefinder: 128 genscan: 261 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS03192 (was DS07295) direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07295.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS07295.3 genefinder: 60 genscan: 139 product: match_to: YPD 486581 e-7 Y match_to: YPD 1323271 e-7 Y EST: LD09767.5'; LD09767.3'; LD17641.5'; GM09074.5' P1: DS03192 (was DS07295), (DS05639) direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD09767. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07295.5 \+formal_name: BG:DS07295.5 genefinder: 26(DS03192) genscan: 96(DS03192) product: match_to: EST: P1: DS03192 (was DS07295), DS05639 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS05639.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS05639.1 genefinder: 22(DS03192)/59/26(DS05639) genscan: 64(DS03192)/205(DS05639) product: match_to: EST: P1: DS03192 (includes DS07295), DS05639, DS07851 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from genscan--was formerly 3' end of BG:DS07851.11 . ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07851.11 \+formal_name: BG:DS07851.11 genefinder: 32(DS07851) genscan: 349* (2 spans)(DS07851) product: match_to: EST: GH14032.5' P1: DS05639, DS07851 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length GH14032 on DS07851. ========================================================================== symbol: rd name: reduced UID: FBgn0003213 references: FBrf0092806 == Mohler, 1997, Mini-AIR 1997-02 cytology: 35C3+--35C3+ cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35D-15 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)A215 (FBrf0038050) spontaneous_allele: rd1 rds gamma_ray_allele: rd4 rd7 rd9 misc_allele: rdGJ3 phenotypic_notes: bristles short and thin. phenotypic_class: visible; non_vital. JR_notes: Rare male recombinants of gftPZ06430 are either rd+, 35Cc+, gft-, ms(2)35Ci- or rd+, 35Cc-, gft-, ms(2)35Ci+ i.e. we have separated rd from 35Cc (35Cc is real) and ordered rd, 35Cc and gft (in that order). =========================================================================== symbol: l(2)35Cc name: lethal (2) 35Cc UID: FBgn0001979 references: cytology: 35C3+--35C3+ cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35D-15 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)A263 (FBrf0055544) alleles: none known; associated with lethality of Df(2L)rd9. phenotypic_class: vital. JR_notes: Rare male recombinants of gftPZ06430 are either rd+, 35Cc+, gft-, ms(2)35Ci- or rd+, 35Cc-, gft-, ms(2)35Ci+ i.e. we have separated rd from 35Cc (35Cc is real) and ordered rd, 35Cc and gft (in that order). =========================================================================== \+symbol: gft \+formal_name: BG:DS07851.2 name: guftagu synonym: l(2)35Cd UID: FBgn0001980 references: FBrf0085597 == Mistry et al., 1996, A. Conf. Dros. Res. 37: 352 cytology: 35C3+--35C3+ cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35D-15 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)A263 (FBrf0038050) genefinder: 79 genscan: 349*(10 spans) product: CUL-3 homolog match_to: SP Q17391 e-152 W match_to: GB U58085 e-134 W match_to: TR G3139079 e-176 H match_to: TR O22770 e-43 A match_to: SP P53202 e-20 Y EST: LD10516.3'; LD10516.5'; LD03316.5'; LD03964.5'; LD34096.5'; LD29530.5' P1: DS07851 direction: - ems_allele: gft1 gft2 gft3 gft4 gft5 gft6 gft7 P_element_allele: gft06430 sequenced PM_dysgenesis_allele: gftd577 gamma_induced_allele: gftGR18 misc_allele: gftIK1 phenotypic_notes: lethal escapers with unexpanded wings, small eyes. phenotypic_class: vital. JR_notes: Rare male recombinants of gftPZ06430 are either rd+, 35Cc+, gft-, ms(2)35Ci- or rd+, 35Cc-, gft-, ms(2)35Ci+ SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD10516. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07851.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS07851.3 genefinder: 22 genscan: product: perchloric acid soluble match_to: SP P52759 e-17 O (rat) match_to: SP P52760 e-23 M match_to: SP P52758 e-22 H match_to: SP Q10121 e-18 W match_to: SP P40185 e-10 Y match_to: SP P40037 e-7 Y EST: GM01181.3'; GM01181.5' P1: DS07851 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length GM01181. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07851.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS07851.4 genefinder: 22 genscan: 65 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS07851 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07851.8 \+formal_name: BG:DS07851.8 genefinder: 22 genscan: 59 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS07851 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. maps close to ms(2)02316=ms(2)35Ci (27661-29308 vs 30208) JR_notes: ms(2)46AB02316 maps within A263, osp18 and TE35D-6 but not noc11, nBR129, TE35D-2 or TE35D-21. Zuker's ms 14-107 maps to the same place i.e. it is ms over A263 (Df(2L)34E5-F1;35C3-5) and osp18. ms(2)46AB02316 is homozygous male fertile and fertile over ms 14-107, but could be a weak allele of the same gene. ms 14-107 is homozygous ms. ========================================================================== \+symbol: ms(2)35Ci \+formal_name: BG:DS07851.10 synonym: 14-107 genefinder: genscan: (35) product: match_to: EST: P1: DS07851 direction: - P_element_allele: ms(2)35Ci02316 SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ms(2)02316 maps in intron of gene prediction (29377-33910 vs 30208) BG:DS07851.8 maps close to ms(2)02316=ms(2)35Ci (27661-29308 vs 30208) ms(2)02316 maps in intron of BG:DS07851.10 gene prediction(29377-33910 vs 30208) JR_notes: ms(2)46AB02316 maps genetically to the same region as the Zuker ms 14-107 i.e. it is ms over A263 (Df(2L)34E5-F1;35C3-5) and osp18 ms(2)46AB02316 is homozygous male fertile and fertile over ms 14-107, but could be a weak allele of the same 14-107 is homozygous ms. JR_notes: Zuker EMS male-sterile mapped to gft-esg interval ms(2)46AB02316 maps within A263, osp18 and TE35D-6 but not noc11, nBR129, TE35D-2 or TE35D-21.Zuker's ms 14-107 maps to the same place i.e. it is ms over A263 (Df(2L)34E5-F1;35C3-5) and osp18. ms(2)46AB02316 is homozygous male fertile and fertile over ms 14-107, but could be a weak allele of the same gene. ms 14-107 is homozygous ms. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07851.5 \+formal_name: BG:DS07851.5 genefinder: 31 genscan: 108 product: match_to: GB AA864782 e-8 H (Homo EST) match_to: TR Q94547 e-19 D match_to: TR Q10923 e-12 W match_to: YPD 1431262 e-7 Y EST: P1: DS07851 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07851.6 \+formal_name: BG:DS07851.6 genefinder: (20) genscan: 60 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS07851 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== symbol: l(2)35Cg JR_notes: Predicted from deletion o/laps. ========================================================================== \+symbol: esg \+formal_name: BG:DS07851.7 name: escargot synonym: l(2)35Ce synonym: shof synonym: l(2)k08225 UID: FBgn0001981 references: FBrf0057128 == Whiteley et al., 1992, Mech. Dev. 36: 117--127 FBrf0055837 == Smith et al., 1992, Development 116(4): 1033--1039 FBrf0058108 == Hayashi et al., 1993, Development 118(1): 105--115 references l(2)k08225: FBrf0058618 == Torok et al., 1993, Genetics 135(1): 71--80 FBrf0080244 == Mechler, 1994, J. Biosci., Bangalore 19(5): 537--556 cytology: 35C4--35C5 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35D-13 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35B-1 (FBrf0091422) motifs: PS00028 == Zinc finger, C2H2 type, domain. genefinder: 65 genscan: 158 match_to: TR P97469 e-50 M match_to: GB U79550 e-49 M match_to: TR G2832266 e-50 H match_to: TR E1297902 e-28 W match_to: SP P47043 e-12 Y match_to: YPD 1008197 e-17 Y EST: P1: DS07851 direction: + homology: species == Homo sapiens; gene == IMAGE: 198754; EMBL: R95170; DRES: 51 homology: species == Xenopus laevis; gene == 'XSNA'; SWP: P19382 cDNA_sequence:M83207 ; g157367 pr_sequence_SwissProt:P25932 pr_sequence_PIR:S33639 ems_allele: esg35Ce-1 esg35Ce-2 esg35Ce-3 P_element_allele: esg05729 esg05730 sequenced esg07082 sequenced esgB7-2-22 esgG66 esgM5-4 esgP1 esgP2 esgk00109 esgk00418 esgk00606 esgk01107 esgk01502 esgk02706 esgk02811 k03506 esgk04408 esgk04802 esgk05210 esgk05517 esgk05818 esgk07808 esgk07902 esgk08104 esgk08418 esgk08505 esgk08610 esgk08910 esgk10811 cluster: k10817* in situ & seq at 50C, hit&run esgk14104 cluster: k14108 esgk14811 esgk15418 esgk15818 esgk16117 PZ06346 sequenced this a second site; PZ06346 per se Stat92E allele l(2)k08225k08225 sequenced n(2)k09122 sequenced n(2)k04509 sequenced n(2)k06817b sequenced n(2)k05652 sequenced n(2)k03802 sequenced n(2)k04207 sequenced n(2)k03503 sequenced n(2)k15310 sequenced EP(2)0633 sequenced EP(2)0683 sequenced EP(2)0684 sequenced EP(2)2408 sequenced EP(2)2009 sequenced EP(2)2159 sequenced n(2)k02405 sequenced l(2)k07018 sequenced l(2)k06211 k03012 k17032 P_element_derivative_allele: esgL2 esgL3 esgL6 esgL7 PM_dysgenesis_allele: esg148 esg80 esg94 esgflg aberration_associated_allele: esgGW2 (Df(2L)TE35D-2) esgGW13 (Df(2L)TE35D-13) esgGW21 (Df(2L)TE35D-21) esgdgl (T(Y;2)J165) k15711 sequenced this is a deletion 35Bb-esg, hypomorphic esg phenotypic_class: vital. phenotypic_notes: l(2)k08225 = neoplastic brain phenotype, vital. JR_notes: k15310, k09122 and k03503 have no esg phenotype - they are viable & fertile - over esg- JR_notes: k08225 viable and fertile with A48, b84a7 and r10 (reduced female fert with A48). Worrying because Torok et al states: P-element excision demonstrates the insertion to be the cause of lethality. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank M83207. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS03023.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS03023.4 genefinder: genscan: 194 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS03023 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: wor \+formal_name: BG:DS03023.1 name: lethal (2) 35Da name: worniu synonym: l(2)35Da synonym: schnecke UID: FBgn0001983 references: cytology: 35D1--35D1 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35D-2 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from complementation mapping against Tp(2;2)Sco (citation unavailable) product: Zinc-finger protein genefinder: 73 genscan: 147 match_to: GB M83207 e-51 D match_to: SP P25932 e-67 D match_to: TR G2832266 e-50 H match_to: TR P97469 e-50 M match_to: TR E1297902 e-28 W match_to: SP P47043 e-12 Y match_to: YPD 1008197 e-15 Y EST: P1: DS03023 direction: - ems_allele: l(2)35Da1 l(2)35Da2 l(2)35Da3 l(2)35Da4 misc_allele: l(2)35DaAB108 l(2)35DaAB114 l(2)35DaAB48 l(2)35DaAS79 phenotypic_notes: disrupted polarity in larval cuticle belts. phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of cDNA sequence from T. Ip (was called zfp). =========================================================================== symbol: l(2)35Ch synonym: l(2) phenotypic_class: lethal JR_notes: No alleles; overlapping deletion phenotype; predicted between l(2)35Da and sna. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS03023.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS03023.2 genefinder: 30 genscan: 127 product: match_to: LD26668.5' e-8 match_to: TR E1246803 e-53 W match_to: SP Q04371 e-22 Y match_to: GB AA450460 e-15 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA223779 e-7 H (Hum EST) EST: P1: DS03023 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: sna \+formal_name: BG:DS01845.1 name: snail synonym: l(2)35Db UID: FBgn0003448 references: FBrf0053832 == Alberga et al., 1991, Development 111: 983--992 FBrf0047066 == Boulay et al., 1987, Nature 330: 395--398 FBrf0064312 == Boulay, 1988, Ph.D. Thesis, Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg., 107pp. FBrf0056115 == Ip et al., 1992, Genes Dev. 6: 1728--1739 FBrf0057499 == Sommer et al., 1992, Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA. 89(22): 10782--10786 FBrf0046065 == Carroll et al., 1987, Development 99: 327--332 FBrf0063478 == Grau et al., 1984, Genetics 108: 347--360 FBrf0057526 == Kasai et al., 1992, Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA. 89: 3414--3418 FBrf0051581 == Leptin and Grunewald, 1990, Development 110(1): 73--84 FBrf0054033 == Leptin, 1991, Genes Dev. 5: 1568--1576 FBrf0054034 == Rao et al., 1991, Genes Dev. 5: 1577--1588 FBrf0051595 == Sargent and Bennett, 1990, Development 109: 967--973 cytology: 35D1--35D2 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)Scorv16 (FBrf0039455) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b80e4 (FBrf0051973) product: transcription-factor product: DNA-binding-protein genefinder: 73 genscan: 136 (2 spans) match_to: TR O16139 e-55 O (sea urchin) match_to: TR P97469 e-51 M match_to: GB U79550 e-50 M match_to: TR G2832266 e-51 H match_to: TR E1297902 e-31 W match_to: SP P47043 e-15 Y match_to: YPD 1008197 e-15 Y EST: P1: DS01845 direction: - motifs: PS00028 == Zinc finger, C2H2 type, domain. homology: species == Mus; gene == Sna; MGD: MRK-14460 MEDLINE: 93130772 cDNA_sequence:Y00288 ; g8630 pr_SwissProt:P08044 pr_sequence_PIR:S06222 pr_sequence_PIR:C46363 ems_allele: sna1 sna2 sna3 sna4 sna9 sna10 sna11 sna12 sna13 sna14 sna15 sna16 sna17 sna18 X_ray_allele: sna5 sna6 sna8 sna19 sna20 snaS1 misc_allele: snaAM15 snary40 aberration_associated_allele: sna7 (T(2;3)sna7) snaH50 (T(2;3)H50) phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank Y00288. =========================================================================== \+symbol: Tim17 \+formal_name: BG:DS01845.2 name: Translocase inner membrane 17 references: FBrf0090402 products: preprotein translocase of the inner mitochondrial membrane genefinder: (19) genscan: 80 match_to: LD02976.5' e-54 D match_to: SP Q99595 e-45 H match_to: GB X97544 e-43 H match_to: GB AA014040 e-40 M (Mus EST) match_to: YPD 1015553 e-32 Y match_to: SP P39515 e-31 Y match_to: TR G2702415 e-30 W match_to: GB T45278 e-21 A match_to: CK01513.3' e-26 D EST: P1: DS01845 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR products from GH(4) and LP(2) libraries. =========================================================================== \+symbol: lace \+formal_name: BG:DS01845.3 name: lace synonym: l(2)35Dc UID: FBgn0002524 references: FBrf0064312 == Boulay, 1988, Ph.D. Thesis, Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg., 107pp. cytology: 35D3--35D3 cytology_data: Left limit from in situ hybridisation (FBrf0067338) cytology_data: Right limit from complementation mapping against T(Y;2)b8 (citation unavailable) genefinder: 11/67 genscan: 147 product: serine palmitoyl transferase match_to: GB X95642 e-128 M match_to: TR P97363 e-130 M match_to: TR O15270 e-129 H match_to: TR D1026382 e-129 H match_to: TR Q20375 e-109 W match_to: YPD 798913 e-97 Y match_to: SP P40970 e-90 Y EST: LD17449.5'; LD17449.3' P1: DS01845 direction: + spontaneous_allele: lace1 ems_allele: lace2 lace4 lace5 lace6 lace7 lace8 lace9 lace10 lace11 lace12 lace14 lace15 lace16 lace17 P_element_allele: lacek00706 lacek02303 lacek05305 sequenced lacek07501 lacek08208 lacek11309 misc_allele: laceIRX6 lacea2 aberration_associated_allele: lace3 (T(Y;2)b8) phenotypic_notes: weak alleles escape with supernumerary wing vein fragments. phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD17449. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS04862.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS04862.2 genefinder: genscan: 66 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS04862 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR products from GM(1) and GH(1) libraries. ========================================================================== \+symbol: kek3 \+formal_name: BG:DS04862.1 genefinder: 110 genscan: 252 product: kek1-like match_to: GB U42767 e-25 D match_to: TR P91643 e-68 D match_to: TR P70193 e-17 M match_to: TR O15335 e-14ry H match_to: TR O16781 e-9 W EST: GH12215.5', GH14053.5' P1: DS04862 direction: + JR_notes: From Jean-Marc's data Df(2L)75c removes this gene. Duffy is going to make 75c, EGFR- recombinants to see whether (like kek1) kek3 rescues/suppresses the various EGFR phenotypes. SM_notes: Translation 5' from Genscan/genefinder, middle and 3' from full sequence of GH12215. This clone not full-length? 5' end has kek homology. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:BACR44L22.1 \+formal_name: BG:BACR44L22.1 genefinder: 25 genscan: 64 product: peptidase family M12A (Zn metalloprotease); astacin subfamily match_to: SP P55112 e-33 W match_to: SP Q16820 e-30 H match_to: SP Q61847 e-26 M EST: P1: BACR44L22 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR products from GH(2) and LP(5) libraries. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:BACR44L22.8 \+formal_name: BG:BACR44L22.8 genefinder: genscan: 110* (2 spans) product: peptidase family M12A (Zn metalloprotease); astacin subfamily match_to: SP P55112 e-26 W match_to: SP Q16820 e-19 H match_to: SP P55113 e-19 W match_to: TR G238981 e-19 H match_to: SP P28825 e-15 M EST: P1: BACR44L22 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from edited Genscan (two spans). Kerrie reports PCR product from GH(1) library. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:BACR44L22.2 \+formal_name: BG:BACR44L22.2 genefinder: 23 genscan: 110* (2 spans) product: peptidase family M12A (Zn metalloprotease); astacin subfamily match_to: SP P55112 e-31 W match_to: SP Q16820 e-30 H match_to: SP P55113 e-19 W match_to: TR G238981 e-24 H match_to: SP P28826 e-23 M (rat) EST: P1: BACR44L22 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from edited Genscan (two spans). Kerrie reports PCR products from GH(2) and LP(2) libraries. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:BACR44L22.3 \+formal_name: BG:BACR44L22.3 genefinder: genscan: 53 product: peptidase family M12A (Zn metalloprotease); astacin subfamily match_to: SP P55112 e-33 W match_to: TR G238981 e-27 H match_to: SP Q61847 e-23 M EST: P1: BACR44L22 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR products from GH(1) and LP(1) libraries. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:BACR44L22.4 \+formal_name: BG:BACR44L22.4 genefinder: genscan: (29) product: peptidase family M12A (Zn metalloprotease); astacin subfamily match_to: SP P55112 e-28 W match_to: TR G238981 e-25 H match_to: SP P28825 e-22 M EST: P1: BACR44L22 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR product from GH(1) library. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:BACR44L22.5 \+formal_name: BG:BACR44L22.5 genefinder: genscan: 51 product: match_to: EST: P1: BACR44L22 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:BACR44L22.6 \+formal_name: BG:BACR44L22.6 genefinder: 25 genscan: 59 (2 spans) product: peptidase family M12A (Zn metalloprotease); astacin subfamily match_to: SP P55112 e-35 W match_to: TR Q18439 e-23 W match_to: TR G238981 e-25 H match_to: SP Q16820 e-23 H match_to: SP Q61847 e-21 M EST: P1: BACR44L22 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from 5' edited Genscan and homology. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07108.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS07108.4 genefinder: 46(BACR44L22)/20(DS07108) genscan: 155(BACR44L22)/71(DS07108) product: match_to: SP P02750 e-9 H match_to: TR D1033423 e-8 M (rat) match_to: TR G2668616 e-7 W EST: LP11031.5', LP08921.5' P1: BACR44L22, DS07108 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan at 5' and complete sequence of LP11031 at 3' (clone not full-length?). ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07108.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS07108.2 genefinder: 128 genscan: 309 product: DHP-sensitive Ca-channel match_to: TR O08532 e-51 M match_to: TR O08533 e-51 M match_to: TR O08534 e-51 M match_to: TR O08535 e-51 M match_to: TR O08536 e-51 M match_to: SP P54289 e-51 H match_to: TR G2781441 e-53 H match_to: SP P34374 e-24 W EST: P1: DS07108 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR products from LD A8-F8 (2) library. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07108.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS07108.1 genefinder: genscan: 75 product: serine protease match_to: TR P91817 e-40 O (horseshoe crab) match_to: GB D87214 e-39 O (horseshoe crab) match_to: SP P21845 e-25 M match_to: SP Q05319 e-25 D match_to: SP P40313 e-23 H match_to: TR Q17800 e-19 W EST: P1: DS07108 direction: + JR_notes: Jean-Marc Reichhart has been assaying putative overlapping deletions in the lace-CycE interval for the absence of the serine proteases (DS07108.1 and .5). He has found that only 2 combinations Df(2L)75c/TE35D-17 and 75c/TE35D-19 remove these genes. None of the other 9 coming in from the left remove them and neither does the one other coming in from the right (TE35D-3). (This fits with the lace-DS07108.1 and DS07108.5-CycE distances.) SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07108.5 \+formal_name: BG:DS07108.5 P_element_allele: PZ09259 sequenced genefinder: genscan: 25 product: serine protease match_to: TR P91817 e-34 O (horseshoe crab) match_to: GB D87214 e-33 O (horseshoe crab) match_to: TR E1319203 e-25 M match_to: SP P05981 e-22 H EST: P1: DS07108 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. PZ09259 maps 3'(50257-50281) to this gene(37545-38529); allele ? ========================================================================== \+symbol: CycE \+formal_name: BG:DS07108.3 name: Cyclin E synonym: l(2)35Dd UID: FBgn0010382 references: FBrf0080145 == Kania et al., 1995, Genetics 139(4): 1663--1678 FBrf0073016 == Edgar, 1994, Curr. Biol. 4(6): 522--524 FBrf0077697 == Orr-Weaver, 1994, Trends Genet. 10(9): 321--327 FBrf0065548 == Richardson et al., 1993, Development 119(3): 673--690 FBrf0068557 == Knoblich et al., 1994, Cell 77(1): 107--120 FBrf0073011 == Duronio and O'Farrell, 1994, Development 120(6): 1503--1515 FBrf0073015 == Edgar et al., 1994, Development 120(11): 3131--3143 FBrf0081968 == Duronio and O'Farrell, 1995, Genes Dev. 9(12): 1456--1468 FBrf0082560 == Sauer et al., 1995, Genes Dev. 9(11): 1327--1339 FBrf0084309 == Richardson et al., 1995, Development 121(10): 3371--3379 FBrf0073016 == Edgar, 1994, Curr. Biol. 4(6): 522--524 FBrf0084488 == Weigmann and Lehner, 1995, Development 121(11): 3713--3721 FBrf0077261 == Finley and Brent, 1994, Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA. 91(26): 12980--12984 FBrf0091052 == Edgar and Lehner, 1996, Science 274(5293): 1646--1652 FBrf0092831 == Follette, , Cell 88: 309--314 cytology: 35D7--35D7 cytology_data: Left limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)el80f1 (FBrf0039455) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)A377 (FBrf0038050) genefinder: 94 genscan: 193/(33) product: cyclin match_to: SP P47794 e-60 O (zebrafish) match_to: SP P24864 e-57 H match_to: TR Q61457 e-57 M match_to: TR O01501 e-30 W match_to: SP P30283 e-18 Y EST: LD17578.5'; LD12856.5'; LD13027.5'; LD15627.5'; LD02508.5'; LD16315.5'; LD16315.5'; LD19554.5'; LD22682.5'; LD24885.5'; LD26520.5'; LD27646.5'; LD29877.5'; LD29878.5' P1: DS07108, DS09217 direction: - motifs: Cyclins signature protein. homology: species == Homo sapiens; gene == CCNE; GDB: 128967; OMIM: 123837 cDNA_sequence:X75026 ; g429166 cDNA_sequence:X75027 ; g429168 pr_sequence_SwissProt:P54733 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24479 pr_sequence_PIR:S41755 pr_sequence_PIR:S41756 ems_allele: CycE2 CycE3 CycEAR95 P_element_allele: CycE01672 CycE05206 sequenced CycE05277 CycE05278 CycE10427 CycE25-14 CycEk00807 CycEk02602 sequenced CycEk05007 sequenced CycEk09109 misc_allele: CycE4 CycE50-2 TE_insert_allele: CycE5 (Tp(1;2)TE35D) aberration_associated_allele: CycE1 (T(2;3)G16) phenotypic_class: vital; hypomorphic alleles female sterile. SM_notes: Translation for type 2 from alignment of GenBank X75027 on DS09217(1-284) and DS07108, type 1 from GenBank X75026 on DS07108. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS09217.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS09217.1 genefinder: 36 genscan: 60 product: match_to: (TR Q23597 e-6 W) EST: HL02152.5'; GH01660.5' P1: DS09217 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length GH01660. Evidence for alternative splicing since second exon of HL02152.5' extends further 3' than that of GH01660. =========================================================================== \+symbol: l(2)35Df \+formal_name: BG:DS09217.2 name: lethal (2) 35Df UID: FBgn0001986 references: cytology: 35D7--35D7 cytology_data: Left limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)TE35D-1 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b88c75 (FBrf0092813) ems_allele: l(2)35Df1 l(2)35Df2 l(2)35Df3 l(2)35Df4 l(2)35DfHL58 P_element_allele: l(2)35Dfk14423 sequenced k14422 cluster genefinder: 161 (2 spans) genscan: 404 product: MTR4 ATP-dependent RNA helicase match_to: SP P42285 0 H match_to: GB D29641 0 H (KIAA0052) match_to: SP Q15477 e-141 H match_to: SP P47047 e-264 Y match_to: GB Z49325 e-262 Y match_to: SP Q23223 e-243 W match_to: TR G2944423 e-133 M match_to: TR O04538 e-40 A EST: LD10786.5'; LD10786.3'; GM09051.5'; LD02559.5'; LD05183.5'; LD12317.5'; LD12395.5'; LD20038.5'; LD27110.5'; LD28043.5' P1: DS09217 direction: + phenotypic_class: vital; escapers HL58 female sterile, small bristles. SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD10786 and LD27110.5', because something fishy with LD10786 (has intron where other cDNAs from ESTs don't). P is inserted at 6949 of DS09217. The cDNA for BG:DS09217.1 is GH01660, and the full-length sequence is from 5693 to 4243 of DS09217 (reverse strand). The cDNA for BG:DS09217.2 is LD10786, and its full length sequence is from 6962 to 10532 (forward strand). However, the EST LD02559 extends even further 5', and starts at 6936. =========================================================================== symbol: l(2)35Di name: lethal (2) 35Di UID: FBgn0001989 references: cytology: 35D7--35D7 cytology_data: Left limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)TE35D-1 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b88c75 (FBrf0092813) ems_allele: l(2)35DiRAR8 phenotypic_notes: escapers with held out wings. phenotypic_class: vital. =========================================================================== \+symbol: Gli \+formal_name: BG:DS09217.3 name: Gliotactin synonym: l(2)35Dg UID: FBgn0001987 references: FBrf0081345 == Auld et al., 1995, Cell 81(5): 757--767 cytology: 35D7--35D7 cytology_data: Left limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)TE35D-1 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)b88c75 (FBrf0092813) product: gliotactin product: serine esterase \like genefinder: 100 genscan: 216 (7 spans) match_to: TR Q62888 e-53 O (rat) match_to: GB U22952 e-46 O (rat) match_to: TR Q20826 e-47 W match_to: SP P22303 e-43 H match_to: SP P21836 e-43 M match_to: LD07724.5' e-8; LD02542.5' e-6; LD30351.5' e-5 EST: P1: DS09217 direction: - motifs: Transmembrane domain protein. cDNA_sequence:L39083 ; g899062 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24350 pr_sequence_PIR:A56920 ems_allele: Gli1 Gli2 Gli3 Gli4 GliRAR77 P_element_allele: GliAE2 sequenced Auld GliJ29 sequenced Auld GlirL82 sequenced Auld k09033 sequenced EP(2)2322 sequenced EP(2)2416 sequenced EP(2)2306 sequenced EP(2)2463 sequenced EP(2)2615 sequenced P_element_derivative_allele: GliAE2Δ45 GliAE2Δ4a GliAE2Δ4b GliAE2Δ6a GliJ29Δ7b phenotypic_class: vital. JR_notes: k09033 viable and fertile. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank L39083. Gli from 17386-10808. EP2322, EP2416 at 17422, EP2306, EP2463, & EP2615 at 17429, l(2)k09033 at 17487. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS09217.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS09217.4 genefinder: 64 genscan: 105 product: match_to: SP P46554 e-52 W match_to: GB AA461616 e-26 H (Hum EST) match_to: TR G3258571 e-16 A match_to: YPD 927710 e-8 Y match_to: GB AA118474 e-17 M (Mus EST) EST: LD08227.3'; LD08227.5' P1: DS09217 direction: + JR_notes: could be 35Di, 35De or 35Dh (see next record). SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD08227. =========================================================================== \+symbol: l(2)35Ea \+formal_name: BG:DS09217.5 name: lethal (2) 35Ea UID: FBgn0001990 references: cytology: 35D7--35D7 cytology_data: Left limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)TE35BC-34 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)n78l3 (FBrf0051973) genefinder: 67 genscan: 137 product: Zinc finger protein match_to: TR D1024956 e-27 H match_to: TR Q62516 e-24 M match_to: TR Q22874 e-12 W match_to: TR O02265 e-12 W match_to: SP P47043 e-8 Y EST: LD02957.3'; LD02957.5'; LD22579.5'; LD22579.3' P1: DS09217 direction: - P_element: PZ05271 sequenced Gates ems_allele: l(2)35EaRAR14 misc_allele: l(2)35EaAM11 phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD02957. Julie Gates in Thummel's lab sequenced l(2)05271 by plasmid rescue, first bp of 275bp fragment (insertion site) maps to 22957 (276=22638), 281bp upstream from start of LD02957 (22676-21313) and 5bp downstream from the start of LD22579.5' (22962-22362). JR_notes: 05271 viable and fertile over deletions of 34-36, including 35D, so P not associated with lethality in strain. All but one of the excisions and male recombinants are viable over r10; exception male recombinant is l(2)35Ea. Some excisions over progenitor crippled legs and disrupted wings, therefore DS09217.5 =l(2)35Ea and PZ05271 has a weak crippled leg and reduced wing phenotype when heterozygous with a deletion. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS09217.6 \+formal_name: BG:DS09217.6 genefinder: 97 genscan: 262 product: Ku ATP-dep. DNA helicase II, 86kD subunit match_to: SP P27641 e-20 M match_to: SP P13010 e-15 H EST: P1: DS09217 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genefinder. Kerrie reports hits from LD A8-F8(6) library. JR_notes: could be 35Di, 35De or 35Dh (see previous record). ========================================================================== symbol: l(2)35De name: lethal (2) 35De UID: FBgn0001985 references: cytology: 35D7--35D7 cytology_data: Left limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)TE35D-1 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35BC-34 (FBrf0051973) aberration_associated_allele: l(2)35De1 (In(2L)NS) phenotypic_class: vital. status: uncertain. =========================================================================== symbol: l(2)35Dh name: lethal (2) 35Dh UID: FBgn0001988 references: cytology: 35D7--35D7 cytology_data: Left limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)TE35BC-34 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)n78l3 (FBrf0051973) ems_allele: l(2)35DhAS64 phenotypic_class: vital. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS02252.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS02252.3 genefinder: genscan: 376 product: ypt6 suppressor match_to: YPD 577221 e-7 Y EST: P1: DS02252 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR product from GH(1) library. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS02252.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS02252.4 genefinder: genscan: 71 product: match_to: SP P12036 e-8 H EST: P1: DS02252 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR product from GH(1) library. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS02252.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS02252.1 genefinder: 48 genscan: 129 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS02252 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR product from GH(2) and LP(3) libraries. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS02252.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS02252.2 genefinder: 40(DS02252)/61(DS00365) genscan: 86(DS02252)/189(DS00365) product: tektin A1 match_to: GB M97188 e-9(DS02252)/e-50(DS00365) O (sea urchin) match_to: TR Q26623 e-8(DS02252)/e-37(DS00365) O (sea urchin) match_to: TR G3005677 e-31(DS00365) H match_to: GB AA108986 e-8(DS02252)/e-18(DS00365) M (Mus EST) match_to: TR Q21641 e-14(DS00365) W EST: P1: DS02252, DS00365 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan on DS00365. Kerrie reports PCR products from GH(3) and LP(2) libraries. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00365.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS00365.1 genefinder: (14) genscan: 96 product: aminopeptidase N match_to: SP P15684 e-52 O (rat) match_to: SP P15144 e-48 H match_to: SP P97449 e-43 M match_to: TR Q21673 e-34 W match_to: SP P32454 e-31 Y EST: P1: DS00365 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR product from GH(3) and LP(2) libraries. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00365.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS00365.2 genefinder: 38 genscan: 253 product: alpha-macroglobulin match_to: TR E1247576 e-107 W match_to: TR E1247575 e-107 W match_to: TR Q60486 e-80 O (guinea pig) match_to: SP P20742 e-76 H match_to: GB X54380 e-75 H match_to: SP Q61838 e-66 M match_to: HL07316.5' e-23; HL04948.5' e-21 EST: P1: DS00365 direction: - M SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR product from LP(4) library. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS00365.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS00365.3 genefinder: 51 genscan: 170 product: carboxypeptidase match_to: TR E1247396 e-52 W match_to: SP P42660 e-37 O (mosquito) match_to: GB L46594 e-32 O (mosquito) match_to: GB AA117009 e-26 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA118637 e-26 M (Mus EST) match_to: TR O04084 e-17 A match_to: SP P32826 e-26 A match_to: SP P38109 e-19 Y match_to: SP P09620 e-15 Y match_to: SP P10619 e-13 H match_to: TR E1296581 e-13 H EST: P1: DS00365 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR product from GH(2) and LP(2) libraries. ========================================================================== \+symbol: beat-B \+formal_name: BG:DS00365.4 name: beaten path-B UID: references: Teg Pipes to JR 29 May 1997 genefinder: genscan: 127(DS00365)/(30)(DS07486) match_to: TR Q94534 e-41 D(DS00365) EST: P1: DS00365, DS07486 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from alignment of cDNA sequence from T. Pipes on DS00365 (3';1148-2590) and DS07486 (5';17-1147). =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07486.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS07486.3 genefinder: genscan: 300 product: serine protease match_to: TR P91817 e-31 O (horseshoe crab) match_to: GB D87214 e-29 O (horseshoe crab) match_to: SP P26262 e-22 M match_to: SP P40313 e-20 H match_to: TR Q17800 e-14 W EST: LP01559.5' P1: DS07486 direction: + Nested_in: beat-B SM_notes: Translation from full-length LP01559. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07486.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS07486.4 genefinder: genscan: 70 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS07486 direction: + Nested_in: beat-B SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR products from GH(3) and LP(3) libraries. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07486.5 \+formal_name: BG:DS07486.5 genefinder: genscan: 63 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS07486 direction: + Nested_in: beat-B SM_notes: Translation from edited Genscan (took out 2 exons--low probabilities). Kerrie reports PCR products from GH(3) and LP(3) libraries. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07486.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS07486.2 genefinder: 24 genscan: 54 product: outer arm dynein light chain 2 match_to: TR D1025094 e-34 O (sea urchin) match_to: GB AA923426 e-12 H (Hum EST) match_to: YPD 486343 e-8 Y EST: P1: DS07486 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== symbol: fs(2)35Ec phenotypic_class: female_sterile JR_notes: No alleles; overlapping deletion phenotype. =========================================================================== symbol: ms(2)35Eb name: male sterile (2) 35Eb UID: FBgn0004075 references: FBrf0082309 == Mahone et al., 1995, EMBO J. 14(9): 2043--2055 cytology: 35E1--35E1 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)RA5 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)Sco7 (FBrf0051973) phenotypic_class: male_sterile. JR_notes: No alleles; overlapping deletion phenotype. =========================================================================== symbol: fs(2)35Ed phenotypic_class: female_sterile JR_notes: No alleles; overlapping deletion phenotype. =========================================================================== \+symbol: beat-C \+formal_name: BG:DS00913.1 name: beaten path-C UID: references: Teg Pipes to JR 29 May 1997 genefinder: 26(DS00913) genscan: 157(DS00913) product: match_to: TR Q94534 e-169 D EST: P1: DS08681, DS00913 direction: + MA_notes: TE35D-GW19/RM5 is viable; hence beat-C is not lethal; = fs(2)35Ed ?. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of cDNA sequence from T. Pipes on DS08681 (5';10-791) and on DS00913 (3';718-4031). =========================================================================== \+symbol: BicC \+formal_name: BG:DS00913.2 name: Bicaudal C UID: FBgn0000182 references: FBrf0082309 == Mahone et al., 1995, EMBO J. 14(9): 2043--2055 FBrf0079309 == Saffman et al., 1995, A. Conf. Dros. Res. 36: 128B FBrf0087607 == Micklem, 1995, Dev. Biol. 172(2): 377--395 cytology: 35E1--35E1 cytology_data: Left limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)Sco7 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)fn26 (FBrf0051973) genefinder: 130 genscan: 270(10 spans) product: RNA-binding-protein match_to: TR Q21593 e-12 W EST: LD07303.5'; LD20765.5'; LD08973.5'; CK01824.3'; LD17549.5'; LD22511.5'; LD22888.5' P1: DS00913 direction: + motifs: KH domain protein. homology: species == Homo sapiens; gene == IMAGE: 25351; EMBL: R12003; DRES: 46 genomic_sequence:U15928 ; g1932822 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24009 pr_sequence_PIR:S55051 ems_allele: BicC1 BicC2 BicC3 BicC4 BicC5 BicCAA29 BicCAA4 BicCAB74 BicCAB79 BicCAR108 BicCAR72 BicCAR96 BicCPE37 BicCPX1 BicCQL53 aberration_associated_allele: BicCSco-rv18 (Df(2L)Scorv18) BicCTE35D-19 (Df(2L)TE35D-19) phenotypic_class: female_sterile. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of EMBL U15928 (curated by MA). JR_notes: Sco-rv18 is beat- according to Fambrough, therefore not BicC allele. =========================================================================== \+symbol: beat \+formal_name: BG:DS00913.3 name: beaten path synonym: tric UID: FBgn0013433 references: FBrf0057894 == van Vactor et al., 1993, Cell 73(6): 1137--1153 FBrf0091058 == Fambrough and Goodman, 1996, Cell 87(6): 1049--1058 FBrf0074804 == Wilson, 1993, Curr. Biol. 3: 536--539 FBrf0092815 == Tessier-Lavigne and Goodman, 1996, Science 274(5290): 1123--1133 FBrf0101922 == Holmes et al., 1998, Genetics 148: 1189--1201 cytology: 35E1--35E1 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)RM5 (FBrf0091058) cytology_data: Right limit from molecular mapping relative to BicC (FBrf0091058) genefinder: (16) genscan: 106 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS00913 direction: + cDNA_sequence:U67057 ; g1519540 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q94534 ems_allele: beat1 beat2 beat3 beattric aberration_associated_allele: In(2L)C163.41 In(2L)dppd36 phenotypic_class: vital. MA_notes: email from Heilig says that tric=beat . SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank U67057. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS04095.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS04095.1 genefinder: (10) genscan: 64 product: match_to: EST: GH09478.5' P1: DS04095 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from full-length GH09478 (different from Genscan at 3'). =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS04095.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS04095.2 genefinder: (15) genscan: 53 product: match_to: TR O16053 e-7 D (D.yakuba) EST: P1: DS04095 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS04095.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS04095.3 genefinder: genscan: product: match_to: EST: GH12941.3' P1: DS04095 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: Ca-α1D \+formal_name: BG:DS02795.1 name: Ca2+-channel protein α1 subunit D synonym: l(2)35Fa UID: FBgn0001991 references: FBrf0080516 == Zheng et al., 1995, J. Neurosci. 15(2): 1132--1143 FBrf0082309 == Mahone et al., 1995, EMBO J. 14(9): 2043--2055 cytology: 35F1--35F1 cytology_data: Left limit from sequence databank entry U00690 cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Tp(2;2)A446 (citation unavailable) genefinder: 74/37/56/(18) genscan: 626/(38) product: Ca2+-channel-protein-α1-subunit match_to: TR Q18698 0 W match_to: SP P24827 e-7 B match_to: TR Q13931 0 H match_to: TR Q01815 0 M match_to: SP P50077 e-12 Y EST: GH02029.5'; GH02129.5'; HL01607.5' P1: DS02795 direction: + cDNA_sequence:U00690 ; g457927 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24270 ems_allele: Ca-α1DAR66 Ca-α1DX10 Ca-α1DX7 misc_allele: Ca-α1DIK2 phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of EMBL U00690 (curated). Many other Ca channels from other species showed high homology, but these are just a random selection. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS02795.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS02795.3 genefinder: genscan: 108(DS02795)/63(DS07473) product: match_to: EST: P1: DS02795, DS07473 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from 3' edited Genscan on DS02795. Kerrie reports PCR products from GH(1) and LP(2) libraries. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07473.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS07473.1 genefinder: 104 genscan: 506 product: calcium channel match_to: TR O08536 e-62 M match_to: TR O08533 e-62 M match_to: TR O08535 e-62 M match_to: TR O08534 e-62 M match_to: TR O08532 e-62 M match_to: SP P54289 e-62 H match_to: SP P34374 e-48 W match_to: YPD 1015903 e-22 Y EST: P1: DS07473 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR products from LD A8-F8(3) library. ========================================================================== \+symbol: PRL-1 \+formal_name: BG:DS07473.3 name: putative prenylated protein tyrosine phosphatase UID: FBgn0024734 genefinder: (14) genscan: (39) product: protein tyrosine phosphatase (prenylated) match_to: TR Q15259 e-23 H match_to: TR Q12974 e-23 H match_to: TR G2992630 e-23 M match_to: TR G3152650 e-31 W match_to: TR Q22582 e-31 W match_to: GB U42846 e-11 W EST: LD12894.3'; LD12894.5'; CK00486.5'; GM07690.5'; GM14563.5'; GM14708.5'; GM14720.5'; LD18273.5'; LD20164.5'; GH03107.5'; LD33945.5'; LD33967.5'; LD33906.5'; LD34413.5' P1: DS07473 direction: - cDNA_sequence:AF063902 ; g3135664 enzyme: protein-tyrosine-phosphatase (prenylated) == EC P_element_allele: l(2)PZ03264 sequenced k09834 sequenced EP(2)0311 sequenced EP(2)2048 sequenced phenotypic_class: not vital phenotypic_notes: wing phenotype over deletions (Df(2L)el18, Df(2L)RN2). MA_notes: l(2)03264 has two inserts; that associated with this gene in FlyBase (FBgn0010534) is the 27F insertion. JR_notes: all excisions of 03264 are viable. EP(2)0311 is female semi-sterile o ver certain deletions in the 35F vicinity. SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD12894. LD12894 is significantly longer at the 5' end (a little longer at 3' end too) than AF063902 in GenBank. PZ03264 maps at 3235, EP(2)0311 maps at 8524, EP(2)2048 at 8597, k09834 at 8497. PRL-1 exon 1 is 2857 to 3346, exon 2 is 10 264 to 10341. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS07473.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS07473.2 genefinder: 48 genscan: 146 product: match_to: EST: LD25338.5'; LD29644.5' P1: DS07473, (DS02740) direction: + SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD25338. LD25338 full length sequence only 1-1323 of 3159 bp aligns to DS07473, and the 3' end is not on any other P1 (DS02740, DS09218, or DS02780). Could be a very, very long intron or chimeric clone. =========================================================================== \+symbol: twe \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.1 name: twine synonym:l (2)35Fh UID: FBgn0002673 UID: FBgn0016862 references: FBrf0055587 == Alphey et al., 1992, Cell 69: 977--988 FBrf0074608 == Thomas et al., 1994, Cell 77(7): 1003--1014 FBrf0073190 == Gonczy et al., 1994, Cell 77(7): 1015--1025 FBrf0055870 == Courtot et al., 1992, Development 116(2): 405--416 cytology: 35F1--35F7 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)RN2 (FBrf0055870) cytology_data: Right limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)II30 (citation unavailable) enzyme: protein-tyrosine-phosphatase == EC genefinder: 45 genscan: 123 product: protein-tyrosine-phosphatase match_to: SP Q29029 e-40 O (pig) match_to: SP P30307 e-39 H match_to: SP P48967 e-37 M match_to: SP P30606 e-33 M match_to: SP P30634 e-21 W match_to: SP P23748 e-18 Y EST: LD04211.5'; LD02913.5'; LD10764.5'; LD16907.5; LD19349.5'; LD19391.5'; LD20092.5'; LD23305.5' P1: DS07473, DS02740 direction: - homology: species == Schizosaccharomyces pombe; gene == cdc25 cDNA_sequence:M94158 ; g157056 cDNA_sequence:X69018 ; g8756 pr_sequence_SwissProt:Q03019 pr_sequence_PIR:A41910 pr_sequence_PIR:S26692 misc_allele: twe1 P_element_allele: k08310 EP(2)0613 sequenced aberration_associated_allele: tweDTD22 (T(2;4)DTD22) Df(2L)RN2 broken within twe phenotypic_class: maternal_effect_lethal; male_sterile. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank M94158. JR_notes: k08310 is female fertile. Synthetic deletion T(2;4)GV101 DTD22 is lethal with RN2. Both RN2 and DTD22 break in twe (RN2 has been molecularly mapped, DTD22 is mutant for twe), so the new synthetic and RN2 should only overlap for twe, therefore twe = 35Fh. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS02740.2 \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.2 synonym: MET30 genefinder: 20 genscan: 60 product: match_to: TR Q19986 e-43 W match_to: GB AA008890 e-15 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AI147754 e-15 H (Hum EST) EST: P1: DS02740 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from alignment of partial(?) cDNA sequence from Ling Hong & Damon Harvey. =========================================================================== \+symbol: crp \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.3 name: cropped synonym: lethal (2) 35Fd UID: FBgn0001994 references: FBrf0092259 == Chiu and Krasnow, 1997, A. Conf. Dros. Res. 38: 229A cytology: 35F1--35F2 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)RN2 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)TE35D-13 (FBrf0092813) genefinder: (11)/94 genscan: 223 product: AP-4 match_to: SP Q01664 e-16 H match_to: SP P34474 e-11 W match_to: SP P26687 e-11 M EST: LD12417.3'; LD12417.5'; LD02349.5'; LD02353.5'; GM01378.5'; GM03832.5'; GM08317.5'; GM08864.5'; LD04473.5'; LD05189.5'; LD07249.5'; LD11116.5'; LD18457.5'; LD21475.5'; LD26263.5'; LD28118.5'; LD34528.5'; LD27601.5' P1: DS02740 direction: - ems_allele: l(2)35FdRAR46 P_element_allele: l(2)35Fd00232 sequenced l(2)35Fd03101 l(2)35Fd06872 l(2)35Fdk00809 k05211 l(2)35Fdk05519 cluster: k05527 l(2)35Fdk05601 cluster: k05635;k05648;k05608;k05616;k05625;k05640;k05642;k05649 l(2)35Fdk05814 l(2)35Fdk06207 l(2)35Fdk07829 sequenced l(2)35Fdk08007 l(2)35Fdk08806 l(2)35Fdk09214 cluster: k09225;k09232 l(2)35Fdk09704 l(2)35Fdk10415 l(2)35Fdk11024 l(2)35Fdk13611 l(2)35Fdk16129 l(2)35Fdk21602 EP(2)0721 sequenced EP(2)0814 sequenced in Su(Ste) sequence k03505 misc_allele: l(2)35Fd2 phenotypic_class: vital. phenotypic_notes: Required for tracheal branching (FBrf0092259); pupal lethal (k11024, BDGP); early-larval lethal (k09232, k05519, BDGP). SM_notes: Translation from alignment of partial(?) cDNA sequence from Ling Hong & Damon Harvey. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS02740.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.4 genefinder: 70 genscan: 236 product: un-1 (protein kinase A anchoring protein) match_to: TR G2707344 e-35 H match_to: TR Q10955 e-11 W EST: HL02329.5' P1: DS02740 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from alignment of partial(?) cDNA sequence from Ling Hong & Damon Harvey. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS02740.5 \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.5 genefinder: 23 genscan: (33) product: match_to: EST: P1: DS02740 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR products from GM(1), GH(1), and LP(2) libraries. ========================================================================== \+symbol: l(2)35Fb \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.6 name: lethal (2) 35Fb UID: FBgn0001992 references: genefinder: 53 genscan: 142 product: cytochrome P450 match_to: GB U44753 e-41 D (Cyp18) match_to: SP Q95078 e-40 D (Cyp18) match_to: SP P00178 e-56 O (rabbit) match_to: SP P20813 e-51 H match_to: TR G2920650 e-51 M match_to: TR G2736526 e-42 W match_to: TR D1029479 e-25 A EST: P1: DS02740 direction: + cytology: 35F1--35F12 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)II30 (FBrf0092813) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)II30 (FBrf0092813) spontaneous_allele l(2)35Fbck ems_allele: l(2)35FbAS96 phenotypic_class: vital; escapers disorientated (Willingham). SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Cyp2b homolog; no longer have any cDNA sequence (Ling & Damon couldn't find). =========================================================================== \+symbol: heix \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.7 name: heixuedian synonym: lethal (2) 35Fc synonym: l(2)35Fc synonym: ipa-6d UID: FBgn0001993 references: cytology: 35F6--35F7 cytology_data: Left limit from in situ hybridisation (FBrf0067338) cytology_data: Right limit from in situ hybridisation (FBrf0067338) genefinder: 43 genscan: 103 product: ipa-6d match_to: GB AA087043 e-41 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB W58989 e-15 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA306118 e-27 H (Hum EST) match_to: GB R52058 e-13 H (Hum EST) EST: LD08373.5'; CK02500.5'; LD06174.5'; LD08295.5'; LD09003.5'; LD10383.5'; LD13786.5'; LD14441.5'; LD14872.5'; LD15648.5'; LD16196.5'; LD18123.5'; LD18475.5'; P1: DS02740 direction: - ems_allele: l(2)35Fc1 P_element_allele: l(2)35Fck11403 sequenced l(2)35Fck12401 sequenced l(2)k07114 misc_allele: l(2)35Fc91k phenotypic_class: vital. phenotypic_notes: pupal lethal (k07114, BDGP). SM_notes: Translation from alignment of partial(?) cDNA sequence from Ling Hong & Damon Harvey. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS02740.8 \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.8 genefinder: (11) genscan: 70 product: mkr2 (zinc finger) match_to: TR E1308763 e-26 D (Kr-H) match_to: TR E1308765 e-26 D (Kr-H) match_to: SP P51523 e-31 H match_to: TR Q92951 e-32 H match_to: SP Q13360 e-32 H match_to: TR Q62512 e-32 M match_to: SP P15620 e-29 M match_to: TR Q22874 e-23 W match_to: TR O02265 e-23 W match_to: SP P47043 e-18 Y EST: P1: DS02740 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from alignment of partial(?) cDNA sequence from Ling Hong & Damon Harvey (5' and 3' ends) and Genscan in middle. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS02740.9 \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.9 genefinder: (15) genscan: product: glial maturation factor match_to: TR D1019982 e-22 H match_to: SP P17774 e-23 H match_to: SP Q63228 e-28 O (rat) match_to: GB W50254 e-20 M (Mus EST) EST: P1: DS02740 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from alignment of partial(?) cDNA sequence from Ling Hong & Damon Harvey. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS02740.10 \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.10 genefinder: genscan: 54 product: un-4 match_to: EST: GM03132.5'; GM03132.3'; CK01361.c P1: DS02740 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from alignment of partial(?) cDNA sequence from Ling Hong & Damon Harvey and GM03125.5and3 at 5' and 3' ends (extend longer). ========================================================================== \+symbol: anon-35Fa \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.11 synonym: ZK4118 UID: FBgn0015338 references: FBrf0082538 == Roth et al., 1995, Cell 81(6): 967--978 cytology: 35F6--35F12 cytology_data: Left limit from molecular mapping relative to cni (FBrf0082538) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)III18 (FBrf0082538) genefinder: 26 genscan: (36) product: ZK4118 match_to: TR E1318685 e-31 H match_to: GB AA139591 e-28 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA485358 e-14 H (Hum EST) match_to: TR Q23483 e-12 W EST: GM07085.5'; GM13502.5'; LD33770.5' P1: DS02740 direction: - FB_internal_note: Encodes 1kb transcript III in Fig 6A pg 973. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of partial(?) cDNA sequence from Ling Hong & Damon Harvey. =========================================================================== \+symbol: Sed5 \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.12 synonym: lethal (2) 35Ff synonym: = anon-35Fb UID: FBgn0001996 UID: FBgn0015339 UID: FBgn0011708 references: FBrf0081366 == Banfield et al., 1994, J. Cell Biol. 127(2): 357--371 FBrf0082538 == Roth et al., 1995, Cell 81(6): 967--978 cytology: 35F1--35F12 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)RN2 (FBrf0051973) cytology_data: Right limit from non-inclusion within Df(2L)III18 (citation unavailable) genefinder: 53 genscan: 117 product: vesicle-targeting-protein match_to: SP Q13190 e-71 H match_to: SP Q20797 e-46 W match_to: GB AA072141 e-31 M (Mus EST) match_to: SP Q01590 e-22 Y match_to: TR G2981439 e-19 A EST: LD02623.3'; LD02623.5'; GM06766.5'; LD28045.5'; LD29042.5' P1: DS02740 direction: + homology: species == Saccharomyces cerevisiae; gene == SED5; SGDID: L0001861 cDNA_sequence:X78219 ; g467559 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24509 pr_sequence_PIR:S43101 ems_allele: l(2)35FfAR113 phenotypic_class: vital. FB_internal_note: Encodes 1.7kb transcript II in Fig 6A pg 973. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank X78219. =========================================================================== \+symbol: cni \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.13 name: cornichon UID: FBgn0000339 references: FBrf0082538 == Roth et al., 1995, Cell 81(6): 967--978 cytology: 35F6--35F12 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)III18 (FBrf0082538) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)II30 (FBrf0092813) homology: species == Homo sapiens; gene == IMAGE: 51056; EMBL: H18748; DRES: 82 genefinder: (11) genscan: product: match_to: TR Q22361 e-21 W match_to: GB Z78065 e-10 W match_to: TR O35372 e-29 M match_to: GB AA049525 e-28 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA309041 e-20 H (Hum EST) match_to: GB H18748 e-17 H (Hum EST) EST: P1: DS02740 direction: - cDNA_sequence:U28069 ; g886769 pr_sequence_PIR:A56724 pr_sequence_SwissProt:P49858 ems_allele: cni1 cniAA12 aka AA112 ? cniCF5 phenotypic_class: maternal_effect_lethal. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank U28069. =========================================================================== \+symbol: fzy \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.14 name: fizzy UID: FBgn0001086 references: FBrf0081900 == Dawson et al., 1995, J. Cell Biol. 129(3): 725--737 FBrf0058082 == Dawson et al., 1993, Development 117(1): 359--376 FBrf0084373 == Sigrist et al., 1995, EMBO J. 14(19): 4827--4838 FBrf0085992 == Stratmann and Lehner, 1996, Cell 84(1): 25--35 cytology: 35F6--35F12 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)III18 (FBrf0082538) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)II30 (FBrf0092813) homology: species == Saccharomyces cerevisiae; gene == cdc20; SGDID: L0000259 genefinder: 65 genscan: 114 product: match_to: TR Q12834 e-120 H match_to: TR G3088632 e-119 O (rat) match_to: GB AA008043 e-34 M (Mus EST) match_to: TR E1310059 e-83 A match_to: TR Q09649 e-71 W match_to: SP P53197 e-65 Y match_to: SP P26309 e-55 Y EST: LD08545.5'; CK02051.3'; GM02166.5'; GM10572.5'; LD08754.5'; LD11224.5'; LD12520.5'; LD13309.5'; LD14034.5'; LD18042.5'; LD18190.5'; LD22440.5'; LD22633.5'; LD22763.5'; LD23923.5'; LD24209.5'; LD24520.5'; LD24735.5'; LD33694.5'; LD26949.5'; LD30572.5'; LD31127.5'; GH02903.5'; LD32995.5'; LD34516.5' P1: DS02740 direction: + cDNA_sequence:U22419 ; g1109772 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24044 ems_allele: fzy1 fzy2 fzy3 X_ray_allele: fzyID misc_allele: fzy4 fzy5 fzy6 fzy7 fzy8 P_element_allele: EP(2)1028 sequenced phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank U22419. =========================================================================== \+symbol: cact \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.15 name: cactus UID: FBgn0000250 references: FBrf0053786 == Roth et al., 1991, Development 112: 371--388 FBrf0055573 == Geisler et al., 1992, Cell 71: 613--621 FBrf0055575 == Kidd, 1992, Cell 71: 623--635 cytology: 35F6--35F12 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)III18 (FBrf0082538) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)II30 (FBrf0092813) motifs: Ankyrin-repeat protein. genefinder: 51/(20) genscan: 143/(33) product: match_to: TR Q08353 e-11 O (pig) EST: LD10835.5'; CK01266.5'; CK01266.5'; HL04371.5'; HL04374.3'; LD03018.5'; LD03773.5'; LD05260.5'; LD08581.5'; LD10168.5'; LD10910.5'; LD13068.5'; LD14407.5'; LD14691.5'; LD15008.5'; LD16234.5'; LD17086.5'; LD19013.5'; LD19965.5'; LD21118.5'; LD23729.5'; LD24255.5'; LD26362.5'; LD30959.5'; LD30371.5'; LD33294.5'; LD33754.5'; LD33069.5'; LD31391.5'; LD34227.5'; LD28651.5'; LD29203.5' P1: DS02740 direction: - homology: species == Saccharomyces cerevisiae; gene == SWI6; SGDID: L0002254 homology: species == Homo sapiens; gene == NFKBI; GDB: 131399; OMIM: 164008 genomic_sequence:L03369 genomic_sequence:L03367 ; g157036 genomic_sequence:L03368 ; g157038 cDNA_sequence:L04964 ; g157041 pr_sequence_SwissProt:Q03017 pr_sequence_PIR:A44269 pr_sequence_PIR:A44268 pr_sequence_PIR:B44268 ems_allele: cact1 cact2 cact3 cact4 cact5 cact6 cact7 cact8 cact9 cact10 cact11 cact12 cact13 cact14 cact15 cact16 cact17 cact18 cactAA51 cactAA58 cactAB10 cactAB13 cactSu cactX6 cactY11 cactRN48 P_element_allele: cact255 k17027 sequenced k17003 sequenced PM_dysgenesis_allele: cact19 cact20 cact21 cact22 cactBQ cactE10 cactE13 cactE15 cactE17 cactE19 cactE2 cactE20 cactE25 cactE29 cactE4 cactE6 cactE8 cactEP cactP1 cactP3 cactP5 cactP6 cactP7 X_ray_allele: cactE10R01 cactE10RJ1 misc_allele: cact99 aberration_associated_allele: cactchif64 (Df(2L)cact-255rv64) Df(2L)H60-3 Df(2L)II30 Df(2L)III18 phenotypic_class: vital. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of GenBank L04964. k17027 & k17003 (66739) may be alleles of cact (66479-53838) since 260bp upstream. =========================================================================== \+symbol: anon-35F/36A \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.16 synonym: un5 UID: FBgn0014092 references: FBrf0055573 == Geisler et al., 1992, Cell 71: 613--621 cytology: 35F6--35F12 cytology_data: Left limit from molecular mapping relative to cni (FBrf0082538) cytology_data: Right limit from molecular mapping relative to cact (FBrf0055573) genefinder: 25 genscan: 50 product: un5 (NGG-1 interacting factor 3, NIF3) match_to: SP P53081 e-31 Y match_to: GB W63821 e-25 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB AA096836 e-25 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB H15210 e-15 H (Hum EST) match_to: GB H84119 e-15 H (Hum EST) EST: LD28566.5'; CK01378.3' P1: DS02740 direction: + JR_notes: John Tower calls this P2A; between 1kb and 2kb from 5' end of cact. Deletion excisions of k17027 are either cact- or 35Fe- (as predicted). Neither are 35Fg- i.e. DS02740.16 is not 35Fg. SM_notes: k17027 & k17003 (66739) may be alleles of this (67924-71177) but far (1185bp away). SM_notes: Translation from alignment of partial(?) cDNA sequence from Ling Hong & Damon Harvey. =========================================================================== \+symbol: l(2)35Fe \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.17 name: lethal (2) 35Fe synonym: Rpl4 UID: FBgn0001995 references: cytology: 35F11--35F12 cytology_data: Left limit from in situ hybridisation (FBrf0067338) cytology_data: Right limit from in situ hybridisation (FBrf0067338) genefinder: 35 genscan: (42) product: RPl4 (50S ribosomal protein L4) match_to: TR O17005 e-47 W match_to: SP P38516 e-23 B (50S ribosomal protein L4) match_to: GB AA045589 e-21 H (Hum EST) match_to: GB AA307866 e-28 H (Hum EST) match_to: GB AA124364 e-31 M (Mus EST) match_to: TR E1240162 e-8 A match_to: TR E1240160 e-8 A EST: LD33485.5' P1: DS02740 direction: - ems_allele: l(2)35Fe1 P_element_allele: l(2)35Fek14608 sequenced phenotypic_class: vital; mitotic; polyploid cells Gatti. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of partial(?) cDNA sequence from Ling Hong & Damon Harvey. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS02740.18 \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.18 genefinder: genscan: 336 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS02740 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports no PCR products after 2 attempts. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS02740.19 \+formal_name: BG:DS02740.19 genefinder: genscan: 205 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS02740 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR products from GH(4) and LP(2) libraries. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS09218.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS09218.1 genefinder: 23 genscan: 52 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS09218 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR products from LD A8-F8 library(6). ========================================================================== \+symbol: chif \+formal_name: BG:DS09218.2 name: chiffon UID: FBgn0000307 references: FBrf0078863 == Landis and Tower, 1995, A. Conf. Dros. Res. 36: 118A FBrf0054123 == Schupbach and Wieschaus, 1991, Genetics 129: 1119--1136 cytology: 35F6--36A2 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)cact-255rv64 (FBrf0058564) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)RA5 (FBrf0051973) genefinder: 44 genscan: 570 product: match_to: TR E1288127 e-7 O (S. pombe) EST: LD14373.3'; LD14373.5'; LD19808.5'; LD19808.3'; GM06264.5'; GM12481.5'; HL02831.5'; GH01539.3'; LD28038.5' P1: DS09218 direction: - ems_allele: chif1 chif2 chif3 chif4 chifDB23 chifPS55 chifQY42 P_element_allele: chifA507 n(2)k04216 sequenced phenotypic_class: female_sterile. JR_notes: k04216 is viable and fertile with chif. SM_notes: Translation from alignment of cDNA from G. Landis and J. Tower. k04216 inserted at 10147 of DS09218, LD19808.5' at 10154-9758, so P inserted in first exon 7bp downstream of EST start. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS09218.3 \+formal_name: BG:DS09218.3 genefinder: 39 (1 span) genscan: product: match_to: EST: LD12474.3'; LD12474.5'; LD27171.5'; LD33101.5'; P1: DS09218 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD12474 (no good ORF). =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS09218.4 \+formal_name: BG:DS09218.4 genefinder: 86 genscan: 179 product: protein disulfide isomerase match_to: SP Q11067 e-112 W match_to: SP Q15084 e-108 H match_to: TR G2702281 e-70 A match_to: GB W80331 e-42 M (Mus EST) match_to: GB M76982 e-14 Y match_to: GB X52313 e-14 Y match_to: GB X54535 e-14 Y EST: LD05503.3'; LD05503.5'; GM02162.5'; GM05173.5'; GM12483.5'; LD12134.5'; LD14462.5'; LD14683.5'; LD20301.5'; LD23109.5'; LD24243.5'; LD24557.5'; LD33982.5'; LD29677.5'; LD31351.5'; LD31057.5'; LD31108.5'; LD25852.5'; LD28038.5' P1: DS09218 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length LD05503. =========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS09218.5 \+formal_name: BG:DS09218.5 genefinder: 22 genscan: 78 product: match_to: TR Q24622 e-12 O (D.pseudoobscura Toll) EST: P1: DS09218 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from Genscan. Kerrie reports PCR product from LP(1) library. ========================================================================== \+symbol: BG:DS02780.1 \+formal_name: BG:DS02780.1 genefinder: 38 genscan: 125 product: match_to: GB L25390 e-12 O (Dros. pseudoobscura Tl) EST: CK01518.3'; CK01518.5'; GH08155.5' P1: DS02780 direction: - SM_notes: Translation from full-length CK01518. =========================================================================== \+symbol: Idgf1 \+formal_name: BG:DS02780.5 genefinder: 31 genscan: 81 product: imaginal disc growth factor match_to: TR Q23997 e-121 D match_to: TR O15993 e-28 O (Penaeus japonicus) match_to: TR Q13231 e-25 H match_to: SP P36222 e-26 H match_to: TR Q15749 e-26 H match_to: SP Q62010 e-20 M match_to: TR Q61362 e-20 M match_to: SP Q11174 e-13 W match_to: LD25940.5' e-34; LD12729.5' e-34; LD22916.5' e-34; LD30495.5' e-34 etc. EST: GM09616.5'; GH07837.5'; GH03533.5'; GH07581.5'; GH04843.3' P1: DS02780 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from ESTs (5' & 3' ends) and Genscan. =========================================================================== \+symbol: Idgf2 \+formal_name: BG:DS02780.4 genefinder: 45 genscan: 101 product: imaginal disc growth factor match_to: TR Q23997 e-121 D match_to: TR O15993 e-28 O (Penaeus japonicus) match_to: TR Q13231 e-25 H match_to: SP P36222 e-26 H match_to: TR Q15749 e-26 H match_to: SP Q62010 e-20 M match_to: TR Q61362 e-20 M match_to: SP Q11174 e-13 W match_to: LD25940.5' e-34; LD12729.5' e-34; LD22916.5' e-34; LD30495.5' e-34 etc. EST: GH12581.5'; HL02712.5'; GH02092.5'; GH02192.5'; GH05540.5'; GH06632.5'; GH07990.5'; GH10214.5'; GH12262.5'; GH15212.5'; LP05630.3' P1: DS02780 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from full-length GH12581. =========================================================================== \+symbol: Idgf3 \+formal_name: BG:DS02780.2 genefinder: 45 genscan: 125 product: imaginal disc growth factor match_to: TR Q23997 e-121 D match_to: TR O15993 e-28 O (Penaeus japonicus) match_to: TR Q13231 e-25 H match_to: SP P36222 e-26 H match_to: TR Q15749 e-26 H match_to: SP Q62010 e-20 M match_to: TR Q61362 e-20 M match_to: LD25940.5' e-34; LD12729.5' e-34; LD22916.5' e-34; LD30495.5' e-34 etc. EST: CK00436.5'; CK00436.3'; GM05553.5'; GH07453.5'; GH09372.5'; GM04853.5' P1: DS02780 direction: + SM_notes: Translation from full-length CK00436. =========================================================================== symbol: l(2)35Fg UID: FBgn0015959 references: cytology: 35F6--36A2 cytology_data: Left limit from inclusion within Df(2L)cact-255rv64 (FBrf0067338) cytology_data: Right limit from inclusion within Df(2L)RA5 (FBrf0067338) P_element_allele: l(2)35Fgk08106 phenotypic_class: vital. JR_notes: Defined by l(2)k08106, but multiple insert (two inserts in 35F). =========================================================================== \+symbol: dac \+formal_name: BG:DS02780.3 name: dachshund synonym: l(2)36Ae UID: FBgn0005677 references: FBrf0075101 == Mardon et al., 1994, Development 120: 3473--3486 FBrf0087175 == Garrity et al., 1996, Cell 85(5): 639--650 FBrf0089691 == Huang and Kunes, 1996, Cell 86(3): 411--422 FBrf0091167 == Shen and Mardon, 1997, Development 124(1): 45--52 FBrf0092671 == Roush, 1997, Science 275(5300): 618--619 FBrf0092657 == Pignoni and Zipursky, 1997, Development 124(2): 271--278 cytology: 36A1--36A2 cytology_data: Left limit from in situ hybridisation (FBrf0067338) cytology_data: Right limit from in situ hybridisation (FBrf0067338) genefinder: 50 genscan: 123 product: match_to: EST: P1: DS02780 direction: - cDNA_sequence:U19269 ; g624298; g624297; g624300; g624296; g624299 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24027 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24028 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24029 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24030 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24031 misc_allele: dac2 dac3 dac5 dac6 dac7 dac8 dac9 P_element_allele: dacrK364 phenotypic_class: vital; escapers with crippled legs SM_notes: Only nucleotides 3037-4976 of gene. Translation from aligned GenBank sequence U19269 . =========================================================================== Genes whose status is uncertain, or have not been mapped though may be in region. =========================================================================== symbol: l(2)35Ab UID: FBgn0013532 references: FBrf0075330 == J. Roote, Personal communication to FlyBase, 16 November 1994 cytology: 35A3--35B1 cytology_data: Included in Df(2L)fn2 cytology_data: Not included in Df(2L)fn3 ems_allele: l(2)35Ab1 phenotypic_notes: GR17 lethality. status: uncertain. =========================================================================== symbol: snRNA:U5:35EF name: small nuclear RNA U5 at 35EF UID: FBgn0003936 references: FBrf0040068 == Saluz et al., 1983, Nucleic Acids Res. 11: 77--90 FBrf0048816 == Saluz et al., 1988, Nucleic Acids Res. 16: 3582 cytology: 35E1--35F12 cytology_data: Left limit from in situ hybridisation (FBrf0040068) cytology_data: Right limit from in situ hybridisation (FBrf0040068) product: snRNA-U5 =========================================================================== symbol: DopR name: Dopamine receptor synonym: Dop1 cytology: 35E--35F na_sequence:X77234 ; g479128 na_sequence:U22106 ; g722319 pr_sequence_SwissProt:P41596 pr_sequence_TREMBL:Q24038 pr_sequence_PIR:S68780 pr_sequence_PIR:S44275 MA_notes: No match with BDGP sequences of X77234 via their BLAST server. July 14 97.; Sima says may be DS05899.2.3 =========================================================================== symbol: Nc34CD name: Neural conserved at 34CD UID: FBgn0005690 references: FBrf0054219 == Kokoza et al., 1991, Genetika, Moscow 27: 51--60 FBrf0056302 == Perelygina et al., 1992, Genetika, Moscow 28(3): 98--104 cytology: 34C1--34D8 misc_notes: said to encode 2, 1.5 and 1.2-kb transcripts. status: uncertain. e=========================================================================== symbol: fs(2)lto1 UID: FBgn0005615 synonym: PN48 references: FBrf0049878 == Schupbach and Wieschaus, 1989, Genetics 121: 101--117 FBrf0054123 == Schupbach and Wieschaus, 1991, Genetics 129: 1119--1136 FBrf0089631 == Digilio et al., 1996, Dev. Biol. 178(1): 90--100 cytology: 35E6--36A7 ems_allele: fs(2)lto11 phenotypic_class: female_sterile. JR_notes: Fertile over A48, r10, osp29, cact225rv64 - the latter is Df 35F;36D =========================================================================== symbol: bls name: bractless cytology: 35E6--36A7 phenotypic_notes: Lacks bracts on bristles. JR_notes: Information from Lewis Held. =========================================================================== symbol: ifx references: Verheyen et al., 1996, Genetics 144(3): 1127--1141 \*c 34C1--34D4 JR_notes: probably distal to region JR_notes: semilethal over el88, complements b84h50