Dear Rachel, The sevenless-GAL4 transgene I made is constructed as follows. (I named it sevEP-GAL4 to distinguish it from the Dickson construct called sE-GAL4). A single copy of the sevenless enhancer, defined as a 1.2 kb XhoI fragment, was placed 5' to a 1.05 kb EcoRI/EcoRV fragment containing the endogenous sevenless promoter. A GAL4 cDNA (XbaI/HindIII) was placed immediately downstream. A poly A signal is provided by a 170 bp BamHI fragment. The transformation vector used is pw8, a Pw+ vector. UAS-lacZ experiments confirm that this driver is much more cell type-specific than the sE-GAL4 construct. That is, it does not appear to exhibit the enhancer-independent, leaky activity of the Hsp promoter in the sE-GAL4 construct. Since sE-GAL4 tends to yield more robust phenotypes than sevEP-GAL4 I think that it is usually favored unless someone has a particular concern about the basal, sev-independent activity of the construct. . Sincerely, Adina