Re: EST clones in Science 286:2179-2184 paper. After re-BLASTing the EST sequences against the whole genome sequence, we determined that there are 4 clones from Figure 3B that correspond to projectin (bt). They are GM13171 (mislabeled titin), GM10074 (mislabeled C-protein), HL02324 (mislabeled myosin LCK), and HL05966 (labeled correctly as projectin). The other clone IDs currently appear to still be up-to-date with the identity corresponding to a known Drosophila gene (such as HL03534 which is troponinI up and GM05163 which is a myophilin-type molecule that corresponds to the gene mp20). Alternatively, they are labeled with the name of the closest homolog in a BLAST search (such as GM14784 which is closest to troponinC and HL01080 which is related to telokin and titin).