FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Reference Report
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Balasov, M.L., Belyaeva, E.S., Shestopal, S.A., Makunin, I.V., Zhimulev, I.F. (2000). The transposon A(R)4-24P[white, rosy] in Drosophila melanogaster is subject to position-effect variegation at a non-centromeric insertion site.  Mol. Gen. Genet. 264(1-2): 105--111.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
The white gene within the transposon A(R)4-24P[white,rosy] inserted at cytological location 24D1-2 in the euchromatic portion of the Drosophila melanogaster genome exhibits a mosaic pattern of expression which is modified by temperature and Y-chromosome number, as in cases of classical position-effect variegation (PEV). The eye colour of the flies in this variegated stock remains mosaic in the presence of the PEV modifier Su(var)3-6, slightly less so with Su(var)3-9 and Su(var)2-5, and full suppression of variegation occurs in the presence of Su(var)3-7. We have induced further transposition of A(R)4-24 and isolated two mosaic stocks with this transgene at new cytological locations. In these stocks, the A(R)4-24 transposon was flanked by the same genomic DNA fragments as in the original location. Spontaneous loss of these fragments leads to reversion of the variegated eye colour to wild-type. We suggest that the flanking DNA fragments from 24D1-2 are capable of inducing position-effect variegation without any association with centromeric heterochromatin. In situ hybridisation and Southern analysis demonstrate that the 5' flanking genomic fragment contains repeated sequences which are abundantly present in heterochromatin.
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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Mol. Gen. Genet.
    Molecular and General Genetics
    Publication Year
    Data From Reference
    Aberrations (2)
    Alleles (4)
    Genes (4)
    Insertions (3)