Subject: P{PZ}TlrK344 From: Kevin Cook, Bloomington Stock Center Subject: P{PZ}TlrK344 The proximity of the P{PZ} insertion in the 'l(3)rK344' line (FBti0009958) to the Toll gene (BDGP data) suggested that it was a mutant Tl allele. Complementation tests against Df(3R)Tl-X, Df(3R)Tl-P, Df(3R)Tl-I and Df(3R)ME61 showed no lethality; however, females laid eggs that did not hatch. Complementation tests against Tlr3 and Tlr4 also produced sterile females. Examination of eggs from the Tlr3 complementation test showed dorsalized embryos. Consequently, the genotype of the 'l(3)rK344' chromosome should be changed from P{PZ}l(2)rK344rK344 to P{PZ}TlrK344, l(3)rK344rK344 to indicate that the P insertion is associated with Tl and that the lethality is not associated with the P insertion.