FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Reference Report
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Orr, W. (2001.3.5). Helping FlyBase: ADRC-10709. 
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Personal communication to FlyBase
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
Text of Personal Communication
Subject: Helping FlyBase: ADRC-10709
Dear William,
We are currently curating the abstracts for the upcoming 42nd
(Washington, D.C.) Annual Drosophila Research Conference, for FlyBase.
I am writing in connection with your abstract:
'The Peroxiredoxin Gene Family in Drosophila melanogaster.'
You mention genes that are new to FlyBase, Px4156, Px4783, Px5037,
Px2540 and Px6005. Do you know which of the Genome Project CG
annotations your genes correspond to? All the CGs have corresponding
gene records in FlyBase already and we don't like to make duplicate
records for what is actually the same gene unless we can't avoid it.
If any of your genes do not correspond to a CG then perhaps you could
tell me their map location, as this is valuable information for the
genome annotation project. Also, you say 'peroxidredoxin (Prx) genes'
and then give them symbols such as DPx4156, DPx4783 and DPx5037 (though
we must drop the D for Drosophila hence they will be going in the
database as Px4156, Px4783 and Px5037 etc). If you would prefer them
to be Prx4156, Prx4783 and Prx5037 etc in FlyBase, now would be a good
time to say so.
Thank you for your help,
with best wishes,
Subject: Re: Helping FlyBase: ADRC-10709
Dear Rachel,
If the D needs to be dropped, then by all means I would prefer the
designation Prx rather than Px, to denote the individual peroxiredoxin
genes. All of these genes have CGs and are listed below:
Prx2540 CG11765 and CG12405
Prx4156 CG1274
Prx5037 CG5826
Prx4783 CG1633
Prx6005 CG3083
Best regards, Bill
Associated Information
Associated Files
Other Information
Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Data From Reference
    Genes (6)