Subject: Re: FlyBase Query (cy1236) Chiro, Here they are! All the best. Peter Name molecule CRIB-sequence Accession dPAK1 S/T kinase NISYP-TNFEHTVHVGF AAF54131 (AE003675) dPAK2 S/T kinase LISMP-SNFEHRVHTGF CAA09699 (AE003502) dPAK3 S/T kinase EIGAP-TNFQRHFHVSR AAF55316 (AE003713) dMLK2 S/T kinase QISLP-TGFRHTITAVR AAF46344 (AE003443) dMRCK S/T kinase MISAP-TNFNHISHMGP AAB96643 (AF029395) dACK Y kinase MISKPQNDFKHTGHVGD AAF58423 (AE003819) dWASP ABP DISRP-TNFVHLSHVGW AAF56819 (AE003767) dSPEC2 Adapter MIGNP-TNFVHTGHIGS AAF51990 (AE003602) dPAR-6 Adapter SISIP-HDFRQVSAIID AAF48757 (AE003506) Chihiro Yamada wrote: > Dear Dr Burbelo, > > I am currently curating your paper for FlyBase: > > Pirone et al., 2001, Trends Genet. 17(7): 370--373 > > I have a few quick questions for you, > > In your review in Fig 1. you mention four Drosphila genes below: > > dMRC > dPAK2 > dPAK3 > dSPEC > > We do not have genes in FlyBase. Presumably they each correspond to a > CG resulting from the Drosophila genome project. Can you tell me which > CG corresponds to which gene? > > Thanks and best wishes, > > Chihiro > \---------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chihiro Yamada. > > FlyBase (Cambridge), > \----------------------------------------------------------------------