FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
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Levis, R., Spradling, A. (2001.8.14). Wrong gene assignment for l(2)k00619? 
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
Subject: Wrong gene assignment for l(2)k00619?
I'm writing to suggest that the current gene assignment for
l(2)k00619 may be incorrect. l(2)k00619 is shown in FlyBase as an
allele of the gene capt. As far as I can tell from a cursory
investigation, this allelic assignment was originally made by
Spradling et al. 1999 (Genetics 153: 135-177) because the insertion
is located just upstream to the 5' end of capt (which at that time
was known by the name Dcap). Allan's records do not shown any
genetic data confirming that l(2)k00619 is an allele of capt (such as
non-complementation of an insertion mutation within the coding region
of capt). In looking at the position of the l(2)k00619 insertion on
GeneSeen, I noticed that it is closer to the annotated 5' end of
CG4775 than the annotated 5' end of capt. Moreover, l(2)k00619 hits
the cDNA SD10843, which overlaps the annotated position of CG4775
rather than capt. Neither the 5' nor 3' EST's for SD10843 coincide
with the annotated ends of CG4775, which might indicate some
adjustment is needed there, but I don't have the time or the
expertise to look at all of the data for this. In summary, I don't
think there's strong evidence supporting the current assignment of
l(2)k00619 as an allele of capt. It may affect the function of capt
or CG4775 or both.
There is a stock for l(2)k00619 at the Bloomington stock center
(BL-10484), so the stock center name and other information for this
stock should be corrected too.
Robert W. Levis, Ph.D.
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Subject: Re: Wrong gene assignment for l(2)k00619?
I would like to agree and amplify upon Bob's correction. l(2)k00619 mutates
CG4775 based on its location within that transcript. It does not mutate capt,
however. l(2)06955 is inserted within the capt transcript (Flybase genes;
GeneSeen), and these two lines were shown to genetically complement (Spradling
et al. Genetics 153: 135). Therefore, all public databases and the
Bloomington Stock Center should be corrected to indicate that l(2)k00619 is an
allele of CG4775, and that l(2)06955 is an allele of capt.
Associated Information
Associated Files
Other Information
Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Data From Reference
    Alleles (2)
    Genes (2)
    Insertions (1)