Mastermind (Mam) is a component of Notch pathway signaling. In combination with the intracellular domain of Notch and Suppressor of Hairless, Mam forms a transcriptional activation complex. We have initiated a genetic approach to identify other loci involved in Mam function. The screen utilizes engineered mutations in Mam that derive from GAL4-UAS-directed expression of dominant negative constructs. When driven at the wing margin, truncated versions of Mam phenocopy Notch pathway mutations. Correlated with these phenotypes is depression of Notch pathway target expression. Strains expressing truncated versions of Mam were tested for genetic interactions with a large collection of chromosomal deficiencies. Genomic segments that enhanced and suppressed the dominant wing phenotype were identified. These regions may contain uncharacterized loci involved in Notch pathway function.