Gene or accession: CG17159 Release: 2 Missed gene Comments: CG17159 is probably in cytogenetic region 20E, since it is adjacent to the su(f) gene, which FlyBase estimates to be in cytogenetic region 20E. The annotated 5' end of CG17159 (13588 of AE002936.2) corresponds to the 5' end of an exon of unknown gene, adjacent to su(f) and divergently transcribed with respect to it, in the annotation of the sequence with accession X62679.1 (gi 2511641) submitted by O'Hare. While it is not stated, I infer that O'Hare's evidence for this exon is from analysis of cloned cDNAs. The annotated exon length in O'Hare's sequence is slightly longer than that predicted in the Celera/BDGP scaffold annotation.