Cell proliferation and patterning must be coordinated for the development of properly proportioned organs. If the same molecules were to control both processes, such coordination would be ensured. Here we address this possibility in the Drosophila wing using the Dpp signaling pathway. Previous studies have shown that Dpp forms a gradient along the AP axis that patterns the wing, that Dpp receptors are autonomously required for wing cell proliferation, and that ectopic expression of either Dpp or an activated Dpp receptor, Tkv(Q253D), causes overgrowth. We extend these findings with a detailed analysis of the effects of Dpp signaling on wing cell growth and proliferation. Increasing Dpp signaling by expressing Tkv(Q253D) accelerated wing cell growth and cell cycle progression in a coordinate and cell-autonomous manner. Conversely, autonomously inhibiting Dpp signaling using a pathway specific inhibitor, Dad, or a mutation in tkv, slowed wing cell growth and division, also in a coordinate fashion. Stimulation of cell cycle progression by Tkv(Q253D) was blocked by the cell cycle inhibitor RBF, and required normal activity of the growth effector, PI3K. Among the known Dpp targets, vestigial was the only one tested that was required for Tkv(Q253D)-induced growth. The growth response to altering Dpp signaling varied regionally and temporally in the wing disc, indicating that other patterned factors modify the response.