Subject: l(2)k08901 \- two insertions? The FlyBase record for P{lacW}l(2)k08901k08901 (synonym l(2)k08901) treats it as having a single P element insertion with a flanking sequence accession \# AQ034114. This accession number is for the 5' flanking sequence recovered by BDGP. BDGP also recovered a 3' flanking sequence, GenBank accession \# AQ025874, which is not given in the FlyBase record for l(2)k08901. The two flanks map 30 kb apart, suggesting either two insertions 30 kb apart or an insertion associated with a 30 kb deletion. The 3' flank to an intron of CG4798. ...Bob Levis \-- \------------------------------------ Robert W. Levis, Ph.D. Carnegie Institution of Washington \------------------------------------ Subject: Re: l(2)k08901 \- two insertions? Dear Bob, Gillian and I have looked into this now. Sorry to take so long. The gene record for l(2)k08901 does in fact have both accessions for k08901, AQ025874 and AQ034114. BLAST of AQ025874 maps to the large intron of CG4798. BLAST of AQ034114 maps to about 30kb distal, just 5' to BEST:GM02553 . According to gbrowse the large intron of CG4798 includes the insertions k08901 (AQ025874) and k01209 (AQ025700). gbrowse shows no l(2)k08901 label for AQ034114 5' to BEST:GM02553 . AQ025700 maps to the large intron of CG4798 So here is what I will do. I will reinstate l(2)k01209 as a gene and merge the record with that for CG4798. I will disentangle l(2)k08901 from l(2)k01209, and invent an aberration 'Df(2R)k08901'. One of the aberration breakpoints will be 'l(2)k01209k08901', which will have both a link to FBti0006619, and to the new aberration. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, All the best Rachel.