Subject: Re: FlyBase Query (cy1790) Hi Chihiro, You've picked out some mistakes in the paper that I've corrected below. If you can note these corrections as a personal communication to flybase, I would appreciate it. Thanks, Ranjiv >Dear Dr Khush, > >I am currently curating your paper for FlyBase: > >Khush et al., 2002, Curr. Biol. 12(20): 1728--1737 > >I have a few questions I was hoping you could answer for me. > >dCullin1 >======== >In your materials and methods you describe an allele, >dCullin1l(2)02074. This confuses me for a number of reasons. > >The only gene we have in our records that has been called Cullin1 or >dCul1 is a gene which is called lin19 in FlyBase, aka CG1877 or >l(2)k01207. This has been placed at 43F. This gene was called dCul1 >in Bocca et al., 2001, Biochem. biophys. Res. Commun. 286(2): 357--364 > >We currently have a gene called l(2)02074, which has an allele >l(2)0207402074, caused by an insertion, P{PZ}l(2)0207402074. This >has been placed at 39EF by insitu. I BLASTed the flanking sequence for >this insertion, and again it is placed at 39-40. > >Which annotation/gene do you mean when you use the symbol dCullin1 in >your Curr. Biol. paper? > >Do you mean the gene at 39EF which is affected by the insertion >P{PZ}l(2)0207402074, or do you mean CG1877 at 43F? > >Do you have data on the P{PZ}l(2)0207402074 insertion that FlyBase >does not know about? Any more information you have about this would be >greatly appreciated. I made a mistake: l(2)02074 is an insertion in cul-2 or CG1512. The mutation that I described in the paper is l(2)k01207, the insertion in dCullin1. .. Ranjiv Khush Department of Microbiology and Immunology Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, CA 94305-5124 USA