Subject: Drosophila... FLYBASE (Suggestions, amendments, additions...) Df (1) 18-80 I mapped this neutron induced small (probably a two complementation units) deletion as being allelic to l (1) w-2 (fliI14) and l (1) w-4 (l (1) 19Fe4). In the Flybase Report of gene fliI it can be seen that under synonyms appears l (1) l8-80. The designation 18-80 also appears as a synonym of fliI18-80 . Since years ago I sent a bunch of stocks to Miklos (though I don't remember if this particular one was included) I wonder if we are not talking about the same chromosome . My data indicates that Df (1) 18-80 is: Lethal with Df (1) B-12 and with lethals w-2 and w-4. Viable with Dfs. B- 111, B-57, 16-3-35 (Fb), 17-25 (Fb), 17-137 (Fb), 16-2-14 and A-118 and with lethals E-54, A-112, LB20, B-214, B-56, w-1, R-9-28, E-81 and AA-33. Normal with ot and with bbl. bk1: Between l ( 1) B-214 and w-2. Left limit from non-inclusion of B-214; right from inclusion of w-2. bk2: Between l (1) w-4 and l (1) LB20. Left limit from inclusion of w-4; right from non-inclusion of LB20. l (1) l7-169 Is a male sterile double lethal. One is allelic to vao (vao2); the other is allelic to run (run19). Thus, run has 3 neutron induced alleles (all are male sterile): 17-169 (run19), 17-26 (run18) and 17-44 (to be added to the Flybase). In vao2, run18 and run19 please correct the spelling: is not Munos, but Munoz. eo l (1) 17-36 (eo33) (Fb), l (1) 17-260 (eo34) (Fb), and lethals: 14-1, 17-427, 16- 3-119 and 16-2-27 are all neutron induced alleles described under l (1) 16-2- 27 in the list of group B lethals. In Flybase l (1) 17-360 (eo17-360) appears as synonym of l (1) 17-260 (eo34) but it is actually a different lethal. 17-360 is a male fertile allele of shak B (shak B20) (Fb), l (1) 17-96 (shak18) (Fb) and l (1) 17-189 (shak19) (Fb); the two latter are male sterile. In shak B18, B19 and B20 please correct the spelling: is not Munos but Munoz. Df (1) 16-2-19 Polytene analysis by Schalet and Lefevre (see reference in Group B Lethals). l (1) 16-3-212 (unc2) (Fb) This is the original mutant used to describe the 'new?' unc because the phenotype was similar to a lost mutant described by Famy (see Schalet and Lefevre). In Flybase under synonyms of the gene unc appears l (1) 6-3-212. I'm sure l (1) 16-3-212 and l (1) 6-3-212 refers to the same lethal. l (1) 16-2-9 Is a double lethal. One is allelic to l (1) x-4 (sph) and the other is between wap and uncl and lethal with l (1) Q-56.- Males carrying Dp (1;Y) y+ mal106 are sterile. Df (1) sp (Jlc) In the Flybase under synonyms appear: l (1) 17-18 and Df (1) 17-8. I didn't finished the analysis of my neutron induced l (1) l7-18. I lost my copy and lost control over the stocks left in Leiden. I think that Df (1) l7-8 refers to the spontaneous lethal described by Schalet in Mutation Research 163, 115-144. I recovered a neutron induced Df (1) 17-8. It is a large deficiency that maps in the proximal end of the X. Although I don't know if it has been used by others I think it may be wise to name it as Df (1) n17-8 (n for neutron). Df (1) n 17-8 : Lethal with Dfs B-111 and B-12 and with lethals A-200, Q- 56, Q-456, 114, x-3, P-19, Q-463, x-4, R-9-18, 3-Des, B-56, B-214, w-2, w-4, LB20, 17-62 (Fb) bbl and 14-1. Viable with Dfs. B-57, 16-3-35 (Fb) and 17- 25 (Fb) and with lethal 16-3-212 (Fb). Normal with ot. bk1: Betweem unc and lfl. Left limit from non inclusion of Df (1) B-57 and l (1) 16-3-212; right from inclusion of l (1) B-56. bk2: To the right of bb? from lethality with bbl. Hlc17-62 It may be convenient to mention that l (1) 17-62 is neutron induced. I isolated and localized it as an allele of l (1) A112.