The following information accompanied stocks donated to the Bloomington Stock Center by Andrea Wellington. University of Arizona (3/05). P{otu-capu.W} consists of the wild type capu sequence cloned into P{COG}. It gives partial rescue of the capu fused dorsal appendage phenotype. P{otu-capu.W}5 is a homozygous viable and fertile, third chromosome insertion. P{otu-chic.W} consists of the wild type chic sequence cloned into P{COG}. It rescues the chic small egg, sterility and premature ooplasmic streaming phenotypes. P{otu-chic.W}1 is a third chromosome insertion. P{otu-chic.Y126Q} consists of the chic sequence with an alternation causing a Y126Q amino acid change cloned into P{COG}. It partially rescues the chic small egg phenotype. P{otu-chic.Y126Q}7 is a homozygous viable and fertile, third chromosome insertion. P{otu-chic.Y120H} consists of the chic sequence with an alternation causing a Y120H amino acid change cloned into P{COG}. It partially rescues the chic small egg, sterility and premature ooplasmic streaming phenotypes. P{otu-chic.Y120H}3 is a homozygous viable and fertile, third chromosome insertion. P{otu-chic.Y126R} consists of the chic sequence with an alternation causing a Y126R amino acid change cloned into P{COG}. It does not rescue the chic small egg, sterility and premature ooplasmic streaming phenotypes. P{otu-chic.Y126R}2C is a homozygous viable and fertile, third chromosome insertion. P{otu-chic.Y126R}4 is a homozygous and hemizygous viable and fertile, X chromosome insertion. pP{COG} was described in Robinson & Cooley, 'Examination of the function of two kelch proteins generated by stop codon suppression', Development 1997 124(7):1405--1417 (FBrf0093201). P{UAS-spir.L.GFP} consists of the sequence for the long isoform of spir tagged with GFP cloned into P{UAST}. P{UAS-spir.L.GFP}3 is a homozygous viable and fertile, third chromosome insertion. P{UAS-spir.S.GFP} consists of the sequence for the short isoform of spir tagged with GFP cloned into P{UAST}. P{UAS-spir.S.GFP}3 is a homozygous viable and fertile, third chromosome insertion. Both P{UAS-spir.L.GFP} and P{UAS-spir.S.GFP} give partial rescue of the spir fused dorsal appendage phenotype when driven by GAL4 expressed from a maternally-expressed alpha-Tubulin promoter. The long and short spir isoforms were described in Wellington et al., 'Spire contains actin binding domains and is related to ascidian posterior end mark-5', Development 1999 126(23):5267--5274 (FBrf0124975).