Subject: Helping FlyBase: ADRC-60116 Dear Ingo, We are currently curating the abstracts for the upcoming 48th (Philadelphia) Annual Drosophila Research Conference, for FlyBase. I am writing in connection with your abstract: The cytohesin Steppke is essential for insulin signalling in Drosophila. You mention a gene symbol that is new to FlyBase, step. Do you know which of the CG annotations your gene corresponds to? All the CGs have corresponding gene records in FlyBase already and we don't like to make duplicate records for what is actually the same gene unless we can't avoid it. The CG symbols become synonyms when an annotation is named with a more descriptive or functional name. Best regards, Rachel. Subject: Re: Helping FlyBase: ADRC-60116 Dear Rachel, yes, I know the CG annotation: it's the gene General receptor for phosphoinositides 1 (Grp1, FBgn0032960, CG11628). The name Grp1 for CG11628 was just given because of homology to mammalian Grp1 (Cytohesin 3). As our name steppke (step) describes a mutant phenotype (in German it means small boy) and as this work has been published in the meantime (PMID: 17167488; Fuss et al., Nature, 2006 Dec 14;444(7121):945-8), we propose the gene name steppke as name for CG11628. Kind regards, Ingo Dr. Ingo Zinke University Bonn LIMES (Life and Medical Sciences Bonn) Program Unit Development & Genetics Laboratory of Molecular Developmental Biology Poppelsdorfer Schloss 53115 Bonn Germany