Subject: New mutants Dear FlyBase, We identified 10 lethal EMS complementation groups that failed to complement Df(3R)Espl3 (96F1; 97B1) and Df(3R)Exel6204 (96F9; 97A6). These mutants include: dysfusion (dys), groucho (gro), and 8 unknown loci, currently named l(3)Cha-h. It is anticipated that as functions and phenotypes are discovered for the l(3)Cha-h genes, the discoverers will choose to rename them. These mutants were published in: Jiang, L. and Crews, S. T. (2006). dysfusion transcriptional programming of Drosophila tracheal migration, adhesion, and fusion. Mol. Cell. Biol. 26, 6547-6556. However, they were not formally named in that paper, but only listed in a table reproduced below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Df(3R)Exel6204 complementation groups Mutants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1, 13 2 (gro) 2, 3, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 31, 33, 43, 45, 59 3 (dys) 4, 6, 14, 35, 42, 51, 53, 54, 57 4 5, 15, 20, 34, 39, 40, 52, 55 5 7, 12, 60 6 8, 11, 19, 23, 32, 46, 56 7 9, 10, 49 8 38, 44, 47, 48 9 41 10 58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Df(3R)Espl3 complementation groups Mutants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 21 12 24 13 30 14 37 15 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 mutants failed to complement Df(3R)Espl3 (96F1; 97B1). These mutants were crossed inter se and placed into 15 complementation groups numbered 1-15. 10 of those complementation groups also failed to complement Df(3R)Exel6204 (96F9; 97A6), and 5 lie outside that chromosomal interval. The Group 3 mutants were named dys1-9 in ascending order. Complementation group 2 contains alleles of groucho (gro). ______________________________________________________________________ CH mutants: The correspondence is: 1=Cha, 4=CHb, 5=CHc, 6=CHd, 7=CHe, 8=CHf, 9=CHg, 10=CHh. Two alleles (the first two) of each gene, except CHg and CHh, were sent to Bloomington (they weren't yet listed on their website the last time I checked so I don't know the stock number), and their genotypes are listed below. Alleles 1 and 2 were the first two for each gene (e.g. 1=Cha1, 13=Cha2, 5=CHb1, 15=CHb2), and other alleles would be in order (e.g. 32=CHd5, 47=CHf3). e l(3)CHa1 / TM3 P<up>Kr-Gal4; w+</up> P<up>UAS-GFP; w+</up> Sb e w; e l(3)CHa2 / TM3 P<up>Kr-Gal4; w+</up> P<up>UAS-GFP; w+</up> Sb e w; e l(3)CHb1 / TM3 P<up>Kr-Gal4; w+</up> P<up>UAS-GFP; w+</up> Sb e w; e l(3)CHb2 / TM3 P<up>Kr-Gal4; w+</up> P<up>UAS-GFP; w+</up> Sb e e l(3)CHc1 / TM3 P<up>Kr-Gal4; w+</up> P<up>UAS-GFP; w+</up> Sb e w; e l(3)CHc2 / TM3 P<up>Kr-Gal4; w+</up> P<up>UAS-GFP; w+</up> Sb e e l(3)CHd1 / TM3 P<up>Kr-Gal4; w+</up> P<up>UAS-GFP; w+</up> Sb e w; e l(3)CHd2 / TM3 P<up>Kr-Gal4; w+</up> P<up>UAS-GFP; w+</up> Sb e e l(3)CHe1 / TM3 P<up>Kr-Gal4; w+</up> P<up>UAS-GFP; w+</up> Sb e w; e l(3)CHe2 / TM3 P<up>Kr-Gal4; w+</up> P<up>UAS-GFP; w+</up> Sb e e l(3)CHf1 / TM3 P<up>Kr-Gal4; w+</up> P<up>UAS-GFP; w+</up> Sb e e l(3)CHf2 / TM3 P<up>Kr-Gal4; w+</up> P<up>UAS-GFP; w+</up> Sb e e l(3)CHg1 / TM3 P<up>Kr-Gal4; w+</up> P<up>UAS-GFP; w+</up> Sb e e l(3)CHh1 / TM3 P<up>Kr-Gal4; w+</up> P<up>UAS-GFP; w+</up> Sb e Obviously, it would have been preferable to have first named the genes before publication to avoid this renaming confusion, but since the paper was really only about the dys mutants, I guess I forgot about the other mutants. There also exists another 5 single allele complementation groups (#11-15; see Table above) that failed to complement Df(3R)Espl3 but complemented Df(3R)Exel6204. These could lie between 96F1-F9 and 97A6-97B1. However, since all 5 are single allele complementation groups, this interpretation may be wrong, and some or all may reside outside Df(3R)Espl3. I did not send these mutants to Bloomington, nor give them a "CH" name. My feeling is that there is insufficient data at this time to list these on FlyBase, but let me know if you think otherwise. Dys mutants: Also note that dys mutants (dys1-9) have been given an allele number based on their order (e.g. 4=dys1, 35=dys4). Groucho mutants: There were also 13 alleles of gro isolated. You are welcome to name or number them as you see fit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------