FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Reference Report
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O'Farrell, F., Esfahani, S.S., Engstrom, Y., Kylsten, P. (2008). Regulation of the Drosophila lin-41 homologue dappled by let-7 reveals conservation of a regulatory mechanism within the LIN-41 subclade.  Dev. Dyn. 237(1): 196--208.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
Drosophila Dappled (DPLD) is a member of the RBCC/TRIM superfamily, a protein family involved in numerous diverse processes such as developmental timing and asymmetric cell divisions. DPLD belongs to the LIN-41 subclade, several members of which are micro RNA (miRNA) regulated. We re-examined the LIN-41 subclade members and their relation to other RBCC/TRIMs and dpld paralogs, and identified a new Drosophila muscle specific RBCC/TRIM: Another B-Box Affiliate, ABBA. In silico predictions of candidate miRNA regulators of dpld identified let-7 as the strongest candidate. Overexpression of dpld led to abnormal eye development, indicating that strict regulation of dpld mRNA levels is crucial for normal eye development. This phenotype was sensitive to let-7 dosage, suggesting let-7 regulation of dpld in the eye disc. A cell-based assay verified let-7 miRNA down-regulation of dpld expression by means of its 3'-untranslated region. Thus, dpld seems also to be miRNA regulated, suggesting that miRNAs represent an ancient mechanism of LIN-41 regulation.
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    Language of Publication
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    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Dev. Dyn.
    Developmental Dynamics
    Publication Year
    Data From Reference