The following information accompanied stocks donated to the Bloomington Stock Center by John Roote, University of Cambridge. ms(2)34FeZ0639, ms(2)35BiZ0778, gftZ1089, ms(2)35BjZ1683 and l(2)34DhZ2321 are EMS-induced mutations from the screen described in Koundakjian et al., Genetics 167: 203-206, 2004 (FBrf0179036). ms(2)34FeZ0639 was male sterile in combination with ms(2)34Fe1. ms(2)35BiZ0778 was male sterile in combination with ms(2)35Biz0090. gftZ1089 was male sterile over gft2. ms(2)35BjZ1683 defines a new male sterile locus lying between l(2)35Bd and l(2)35Bg based on complementation with Df(2L)k08808-rv63, Df(2L)b84a3 and Df(2L)Pi1A1 and noncomplementation with Df(2L)fn31, Df(2L)b80k and Df(2L)TE35BC-24. Candidates genes are therefore GABA-B-R1, CG33310 and CG31832. l(2)34DhZ2321 defines a new locus mapping between kuz and l(2)34Db. The presence of a lethal locus called l(2)35Cc was inferred from the lethality associated with Df(2L)rd9 (see FBrf0111326). PBac{WH}f03621 (FBti0051348) was lethal in combination with Df(2L)rd9 and P{SUPor-P}CG15266KG01622 (FBti0021701), but complemented alleles of rd. Consequently, CG15266 corresponds to l(2)35Cc and the two insertions should be renamed PBac{WH}l(2)35Ccf03621 and P{SUPor-P}l(2)35CcKG01622.