Stocks of most of the deletions described in Parks et al. (2004). "Systematic generation of high-resolution deletion coverage of the Drosophila melanogaster genome." Nature Genetics 36: 288-292 ( were transferred from Exelixis, Inc. to the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center for public distribution. Some deletions from this publication, however, do not exist in stock. They were either lost prior to transfer, the stocks did not carry the described deletion or the stocks were discarded due to other problems. Some chromosomes identified as deletions by PCR tests may have carried other FLP-induced, non-deletion rearrangements, but the nature of these "false positives" is not known. The scientists at Exelixis, Inc. did not have time to characterize the deletion strains fully before releasing them to the public, so we undertook quality control complementation tests in Bloomington to cull the stocks that did not carry the described deletion. The following list gives deletions that no longer exist. The rationale for discarding a stock is noted. The phenotypes scored in complementation tests are abbreviated as l=lethality, fs=female sterility, ms=male sterility and v=visible phenotype. Df(1)Exel6222 Homozygotes present in stock Df(1)Exel6224 Complemented Df(1)su(s)83 (l, fs) Df(1)Exel6228 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented dor1 (v) Df(1)Exel6246 Homozygotes present in stock Df(1)Exel6247 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented g1 (v) Also analyzed by Reza Farahani who concluded the stock is no good. Df(1)Exel6249 Homozygotes present in stock Df(1)Exel6250 Homozygotes present in stock Df(1)Exel9052 Breakpoints identical to Df(1)Exel9049, which was retained. Df(2L)Exel6019 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented Df(2L)XE-2750 (l, fs), Df(2L)BSC41 (l, fs) Df(2L)Exel6020 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented Su(var)2055 (l, fs), Btk29Ak00206 (l, fs), Btk29AEP2167 (l, fs) Df(2L)Exel6026 Complemented bsk1 (l, fs), chico1 (l, fs), nmd08774 (l, fs), trk1 (l, fs) Larry Madden also reported that this stock is no good: chico, bsk, pten, trk, nmd all complemented in his tests. Payal Ray showed that Df was not present by PCR tests. Df(2L)Exel6037 John Roote complementation tested stock against mutations in the region and found no Df present. Df(2L)Exel7009 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented aop1 (l, fs), l(2)s5379s5379 (l, fs), Df(2L)Exel6007 (l, fs), Df(2L)Exel7010, (l, fs), Df(2L)Exel6006 ((l, fs)) Df(2L)Exel7017 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented sobd06074 (l, fs), odd5 (l, fs), Df(2L)drm-P2 (l, fs), Df(2L)Exel7018 (l, fs) Df(2L)Exel7061 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented ck13 (v, l, fs), l(2)35Bb1 (l, fs), l(2)35Bd4 (l, fs), l(2)35Bg2 (l, fs), TfIIS2 (l, fs) Df(2L)Exel7065 Homozygotes present in stock John Roote complementation tested stock against mutations in the region and found no Df present in the stock. Df(2L)Exel7082 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented cul-202074 (l, fs), tsh04319 (l, fs), Df31k05815 (l, fs), Df(2L)Exel7081 (l, fs) Df(2L)Exel8001 Complemented Df(2L)BSC4 (l, fs), U2af3806751 (l, fs), Df(2L)al (l, fs), Df(2L)net-PMF (l, fs), U2af38k14504 (l, fs) Df(2L)Exel8004 Homozygotes present in stock Laura Torroja showed Nlaz gene sequences were present by PCR. Df(2L)Exel8011 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented RpL27AKG01128 (l, fs), tutl01085 (l, fs), Df(2L)dp-h25 (l, fs), dpov1 (v) Df(2L)Exel8021 Homozygotes present in stock Should delete grk, so should have balancer. Df(2L)Exel8024 Homozygotes present in stock Should delete RpL7, but no Minute phenotype present. Df(2L)Exel8029 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented Df(2L)BSC31 (l, fs) Jim Erikson found no Df present by PCR. Df(2L)Exel8032 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented Df(2L)fn7 (l, fs), l(2)34Fak00811 (l, fs), wb09437 (l, fs), l(2)34Fa1 (l, fs), wbSF11 (l, fs) Df(2L)Exel9023 Complemented Df(2L)ED778 (l, fs), Df(2L)ED784 (l, fs), Df(2L)Exel7055 (l, fs), Df(2L)Exel8029 (l, fs) Df(2L)Exel9027 Complemented bur1 (l, fs), Df(2L)Exel6047 (l, fs), Acon07054 (l, fs) Df(2L)Exel9063 Breakpoints identical to Df(2L)Exel9033, which was retained. Df(2R)Exel6073 Complemented Pu2 (l, fs), Df(2R)PL3 (l, fs), Df(2R)Exel6072 (l, fs) Df(2R)Exel6081 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented eIF-5A01296 (l, fs), enok1 (l, fs), gek09373 (l, fs), tsrk05633 (l, fs) Df(2R)Exel6281 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented bs1 (v), slbo01310 (fs) Df(2R)Exel7112 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented Df(2R)stan2 (l, fs), Df(2R)E3363 (l, fs) Df(2R)Exel7129 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented mam8 (l, fs), mam2 (l, fs), Cp1llcnbw38 (l, fs), AGO104845 (l, fs), Df(2R)50C-129 (l, fs) Df(2R)Exel7133 Complemented Df(2R)03072 (l, fs), Df(2R)Exel6284 (l, fs) Df(2R)Exel7139 Complemented Df(2R)Jp4 (l), Df(2R)Jp1 (l) Df(2R)Exel7147 Complemented cnkE-2083 (l, fs), cnkk16314 (l, fs), Df(2R)BSC44 (l, fs), Df(2R)Exel6066 (l, fs) Daniel Barbash showed no Df present by PCR. Df(2R)Exel7152 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented Hsf2 (l, fs), stau1 (l, fs), Df(2R)PC4 (l, fs) Df(2R)Exel7163 Complemented Df(2R)AA21 (l, fs), Df(2R)D4 (l, fs), Df(2R)BSC19 (l, fs), l(22)0551005510 (l, fs) Df(2R)Exel7167 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented Df(2R)AA21 (l, fs), Df(2R)F36 (l, fs), Df(2R)Exel6072 (l, fs), Df(2R)Exel6073 (l, fs), Xbp1k13803 (l, fs) Df(2R)Exel7178 Mini-white present. Df(2R)Exel7174 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented Df(2R)X58-8 (l), Df(2R)X58-12 (l) Df should delete two Minute loci, RpS16 and RpS24, but stock doesn't show a Minute phenotype. Df(2R)Exel7176 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented Df(2R)59AD (l, fs), Df(2R)3-70 (l, fs) Judy Kassis showed that CG9895 could be PCR amplified from homozygotes. Df(2R)Exel7179 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented chrwk06908 (l, fs), Df(2R)bw-HB132 (l, fs), Df(2R)bw5 (l, fs), bw1 (v) Df(2R)Exel7184 This distal 2R Df was in a region balanced poorly by CyO. The stock broke down and the Df could not be recovered. Df(2R)Exel7185 This distal 2R Df was in a region balanced poorly by CyO. The stock broke down and the Df could not be recovered. Df(2R)Exel8048 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented PginNC1 (l, fs), Df(2R)Np3 (l, fs), Df(2R)Np1 (l, fs), Dmnk16109 (l, fs) Df(2R)Exel8049 Complemented Mmp2k00604 (l, fs), Mmp202353 (l, fs), Mmp2EY08942 (l, fs), Mmp2DG24601 (l, fs), Map60KG00506 (l, fs) Df(2R)Exel9021 Complemented Df(2R)nap19 (l, fs), Df(2R)nap1 (l, fs) Df(2R)Exel9022 Homozygotes present in stock Df(2R)Exel9024 Complemented Phmk07623 (l, fs), Df(2R)Exel7182 (l, fs), Df(2R)Chig230 (l, fs) Df(3L)Exel6100 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented RfC40B6 (l, fs), RfC40A18 (l, fs), Df(3L)ED4341 (l, fs), masxs76 (l, fs), RopG27 (l, fs) Df(3L)Exel6111 Complemented Cdc27L7123 (l, fs), NeosL2249 (l, fs), Df(3L)pbl-X1 (l, fs), Df(3L)Exel6110 (l) Df(3L)Exel6113 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented smg1 (l, fs), bol1 (l, fs, ms), Df(3L)ED4421 (l, fs), mRpL7-L1210534 (l, fs) Df(3L)Exel6124 Complemented shd2 (l, fs), Df(3L)XG12 (l, fs), Df(3L)ED4543 (l, fs) Df(3L)Exel6139 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented Df(3L)ED231 (l, fs), Df(3L)ED5017 (l, fs) Df(3L)Exel6261 Complemented Df(3L)BSC12 (l, fs), Syx1301470 (l, fs), In(3LR)C190LUbx42TR (l, fs), trnS064117 (l, fs), Df(3L)ED4502 (l, fs) Df(3L)Exel9005 Df(3L)ED4685 (l, fs), Complemented Df(3L)ED4710 (l, fs), Eip74EFDL-1 (l, fs), Df(3L)Exel6132 (l, fs), PepKG00294 (l, fs) Df(3R)Exel6175 Complemented Df(3R)Exel7326 (l, fs), Df(3R)Exel8162 (l, fs), Df(3R)Exel7327 (l, fs) Df(3R)Exel6177 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented osa2 (l, fs), Df(3R)ED5780 (l, fs) Bill Gilliland tested stock by PCR and found no Df. Df(3R)Exel6219 Complemented Df(3R)awd-KRB (l, fs), Df(3R)tll-e (l, fs) Joan Hooper says this complements Grk2 and doesn't show expected genetic interactions. Df(3R)Exel6220 Complemented Df(3R)awd-KRB (l, fs), ttk1 (l, fs), awdj2A4 (l, fs), l(3)s1921s1921 (l, fs), ttk1e11 (l, fs) Df(3R)Exel6258 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented Df(3R)p-XT103 (l, fs), neur11 (l, fs), neur1 (l, fs) Df(3R)Exel6260 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented dco2 (l, fs), l(3)0367003670 (l, fs), Df(3R)tll-e (l, fs), Df(3R)R133 (l) Df(3R)Exel6266 Complemented hth5E04 (l, fs), hth05745 (l, fs), Df(3R)BSC38 (l, fs) Df(3R)Exel6268 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented Df(3R)sbd104 (l, fs), tara03881 (l, fs), Df(3R)Exel7329 (l, fs), tara1 (l, fs) Df(3R)Exel6271 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented Df(3R)H-B79 (l, fs), Df(3R)Dl-BX12 (l, fs) Df(3R)Exel6286 Homozygotes present in stock Complemented Df(3R)BSC24 (l, fs), Aats-trp03559 (l, fs), Df(3R)by10 (l, fs), Df(3R)by416 (l, fs), Df(3R)Exel9036 (l, fs) Df(3R)Exel6287 Complemented sr1 (v) Df(3R)Exel7323 Complemented Hsc70-403550 (l, fs), Su(var)3-91 (l, fs), Hsc70-454.1 (l, fs), Tm102299 (l, fs) Failed to suppress position effect variegation of In(1)wm4h. Df(3R)Exel8156 Complemented Df(3R)ry81 (l, fs), Df(3R)kar-Sz8 (l, fs) Df(3R)Exel8160 Complemented effmer1 (l), eff8 (fs), effs1782 (l)