I'd like you to make a note on the transposon entry for PBac{RB}e02063 (FBti0047479), because there is some confusion about the location of the insertion. The Gene Disruption Project mapped the insertion to Release 5 coordinate 2R:5 ,731,218 and this is the coordinate currently displayed in the entry, but Exelixis, Inc. mapped the insertion to Release 5 coordinate 3R:7585211 (mapped forward from Release 3 coordinate 3R:7585229 ). Since Exelixis used PBac{RB}e02063 to generate Df(3R)Exel8154, the 3R insertion site is probably correct. We showed that Df(3R)Exel8154 failed to complement Df(3R)M-Kx1, Df(3R)Exel7309 and Df(3R)T-61. While these complementation tests are not definitive proof, they suggest that the deletion stock is good. Note: PBac{RB}e02063 is in the plus orientation. -- Kevin Cook, Ph.D. Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center