FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Reference Report
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Cook, K., Spana, E., Cook, K. (2010.2.12). Microarray analysis of Df(3R)T-32. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
Microarray analysis of Df(3R)T-32
Kim Cook, Eric Spana and Kevin Cook
DNA samples from Df(3R)T-32 (FBab0002655) heterozygotes were compared to samples from wild type flies by Comparative Genomic Hybridization microarrays at the Duke Model System Genomics Unit as described in Erickson and Spana, 2006 (http://flybase.org/reports/FBrf0193934.html). Corning CGAP slides spotted with the AROS Drosophila V1.1.1 ~70 nucleotide oligo set from Eurofins MWG Operon (www.operon.com) were used for the analysis. Most annotated genes were represented by a single oligo (denoted by a DM number). Sequences present at one copy in deletion heterozygotes are detected by lower relative fluorescence when compared to sequences present in two copies in wild type flies.
The left Df(3R)T-32 breakpoint lies within CG5214 or CG31386 or in the region between them, and lies in the range  3R:7072252..7095418  (R5) (predicted cytology: 86D9) based on the following evidence.
The gene order at the left Df(3R)T-32 end is CG17734 (FBgn0037890), CG5214 (FBgn0037891), CG31386 (FBgn0051386). A sequence within CG31386 (DM00014524,  3R:7095418..7095486  (R5)) was deleted. A sequence within CG5214 (DM00008176,  3R:7072184..7072252  (R5)) was not deleted, but CG5214 may have been disrupted. A sequence within CG17734 (DM00004832,  3R:7069563..7069631  (R5)) was not deleted.
The right Df(3R)T-32 breakpoint lies within CG6225 or CG14395 or in the region between them, and lies in the range  3R:8486218..8498999  (R5) (predicted cytology: 87C3-87C4) based on the following evidence.
The gene order at the left Df(3R)T-32 end is CG6225 (FBgn0038072), CG14395 (FBgn0038073), CG6188 (FBgn0038074). A sequence within CG6225 (DM00008978,  3R:8486150..8486218  (R5)) was deleted. A sequence within CG14395 (DM00002779,  3R:8498999..8499067  (R5)) was not deleted, but CG14395 may have been disrupted. A sequence within CG6188 (DM00008945,  3R:8501076..8501144  (R5)) was not deleted.
The rest of the microarray data are consistent with genes between CG31386 and CG6225 being deleted in Df(3R)T-32.
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