The "DC" small X duplications at the Bloomington Stock Center are from a project aimed at producing 80-100 kb duplications of the X chromosome using the Pacman system. This is a joint project of the Bellen, Hoskins and Kaufman labs. The excel spreadsheets listed in the "Associated Files" section of the Reference Report list details for each duplication. Below is some general information that is not provided in the spreadsheets. There are two progenitors for each duplication - the docking site and the BAC clone: The docking site used is listed in the spreadsheet as an abbreviation - VK33 and is common to all but one of the duplications, DC005 was inserted into VK37. The full names of the docking sites are: PBac{y+-attP-3B}VK00033 ; FBti0076453 And for DC005 PBac{y+-attP-3B}VK00037 - FBti0076455 The reference associated with the docking sites is Venken et al., 2006 Science 314:1747--1751 (FBrf0194996). The second progenitor is the individual BAC used to generate each insertion, these are listed in the BAC name column and unlike the VK33 site are different for each stock. The reference for these is Venken et al., 2009 Nature Methods 6:431 ; FBrf0209231. The BAC sequences can be obtained from the Pacman web site, by entering the BAC name at the end of the URL below: For example, the link for BAC CH321-32O15 is: Three of the duplications were published in Venken et al., 2009 Nature Methods (same as above). The synonyms and reference are provided in the relevant table. The publication for this collection is : Koen J. T. Venken, Ellen Popodi, Stacy L. Holtzman, Karen L. Schulze, Soo Park, Joseph W. Carlson, Roger A. Hoskins, Hugo J. Bellen, and Thomas C. Kaufman. "A Molecularly Defined Duplication Set for the X Chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster"