From: Susan Tsunoda To: Beverley Matthews Beverley, I apologize for the delay (and the absence of the cg number in the paper!). The CG number is CG6623. Should we enter this in GenBank? thanks, Susan Susan Tsunoda Associate Professor Department of Biomedical Sciences Colorado State University 1617 Campus Delivery Fort Collins, CO 80523 From: Beverley Matthews To: susan.tsunoda Dear Dr. Tsunoda, I am doing a first pass curation of your recent Mol. Cell. Neurosci. paper FBrf0211355 PMID:20550966 2010 Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 45(1): 75--83 for FlyBase and have a question about the newly described SIDL gene. I would like to properly annotate the gene in FlyBase but need more information. Does the sequence correspond at least in part to any proteins already annotated in FlyBase? If so, can you tell me the corresponding CG identifier number? If not, have you published the sequence in GenBank or elsewhere. I would like to obtain the cDNA or aa sequence so I can properly annotate the gene on the Drosophila genome. If you provide this information, with your permission, I will use your correspondence as a personal to communication to FlyBase as a citation. Thanks for your help, Beverley Matthews FlyBase Curator