Makunin, I.V., Yurlova, A.A. (2010). [LTR retrotransposons as source of promoters in the Drosophila genome]. Genetika, Moscow 46(9): 1202--1204.
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Publication Type
Research paper
Mobile genetic elements affect structure and function in various ways. Significant number of genes in human and mouse are transcribed from alternative promoters located in LTR retrotransposons. As a rule, these retrotransposons are located upstream of annotated genes, and their promoters initiate transcription of alternative first exon. We investigated role of LTR retrotransposons in expression of genes in Drosophila. Using database of spliced ESTs we identified only 13 potential cases of transcription initiation from long terminal repeats of LTR within euchromatic part of the Drosophila genome. Our results indicate on insignificant role of promoters of LTR retrotransposons in expression of genes in Drosophila.