The following information accompanied stocks donated to the Bloomington Stock Center by Joost Schulte, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. P{UAS-Mob4-N-Cherry} expresses Mob4 protein with an N-terminal Cherry tag under UAS control. P{UAS-Mob4-C-Cherry} expresses Mob4 protein with a C-terminal Cherry tag under UAS control. P{UAS-Mob4-N-Cherry}attP2 and P{UAS-Mob4-C-Cherry}attP2 are phiC31 integrase-mediated insertions into P{CaryP}attP2 at 68A4, 3L:11063638..11063638 (R5 flank). Both lines are able to rescue the larval lethality of Mob4EYDeltaL3 using actin-GAL4 or tubulin-GAL4 drivers.