FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
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Hooper, J. (2013.6.26). Additional information on stocks from Joan Hooper. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
The following information was provided by Joan Hooper, University of Colorado, Denver.
Ggamma1R26.1 is a Ggamma1 allele caused by imprecise excision of P{lacW}Ggamma1k08017.  By PCR, the entire P element is gone and the deletion goes upstream relative to Ggamma1. The Ggamma1coding region is intact. Sequence from -981 to -1213 (relative to the Ggamma1 transcription start) does NOT amplify but sequence from -2.4 kb to - 3.3 kb does.  The excision thus deletes the Ggamma1 promoter/transcription start as well as the upstream gene MrgBP.  The status of CG13751 and ana2 is unknown.
Df(2R)CG1448034.1 is a lethal CG14480 allele caused by imprecise excision of P{lacW}l(2)k07406k07406.  It is a local hop that removes the P element (there is no PCR amplification from inside the P element ends to adjacent chromosomal DNA, either in parental orientation or flipped orientation). Homozygotes also fail to PCR amplify CG43324 using primers that are 17nt upstream of P{EP}G7530 to 289 nt downstream of P{EP}G7530 or to a 2nd overlapping primer pair (a 340 nt fragment beginning 112 nt downstream of P{EP}G7530 ). We do not know how large the excision is, but suspect it encompasses several genes. It is a cell lethal (by clonal analysis) whereas CG43324Delta57.2 is not.
CG43324Delta57.2 is a lethal CG43324 allele caused by imprecise excision of P{EP}G7530.  It is recessive lethal.  It is viable with P{lacW}l(2)k07406k07406 (but be aware the semi-lethal on the k07406 chromosome is separable from the P-element by recombination).
Gprk2R7.3 is an allele of Gprk2 caused by imprecise excision of P{PZ}Gprk206936. Has similar phenotypes to Df(3R)Gprk2.
Df(2R)Galphaq1.3 was generated via FRT-mediated recombination using PBac{WH}Galphaqf04219 (FBti0042325) and PBac{WH}muskelinf04338 (FBti0042342). It takes out Galphaq, CG30054, CG17760, muskelin and part of CG33792.
P{UAS-FLAG-smo.act} - Expresses constitutively active smo (mutation truncates the protein at S670 removing the PKA-regulated domain of the cytoplasmic tail) under the control of UAS.
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