FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Reference Report
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White-Grindley, E., Li, L., Mohammad Khan, R., Ren, F., Saraf, A., Florens, L., Si, K. (2014). Contribution of Orb2A Stability in Regulated Amyloid-Like Oligomerization of Drosophila Orb2.  PLoS Biol. 12(2): e1001786.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
How learned experiences persist as memory for a long time is an important question. In Drosophila the persistence of memory is dependent upon amyloid-like oligomers of the Orb2 protein. However, it is not clear how the conversion of Orb2 to the amyloid-like oligomeric state is regulated. The Orb2 has two protein isoforms, and the rare Orb2A isoform is critical for oligomerization of the ubiquitous Orb2B isoform. Here, we report the discovery of a protein network comprised of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), Transducer of Erb-B2 (Tob), and Lim Kinase (LimK) that controls the abundance of Orb2A. PP2A maintains Orb2A in an unphosphorylated and unstable state, whereas Tob-LimK phosphorylates and stabilizes Orb2A. Mutation of LimK abolishes activity-dependent Orb2 oligomerization in the adult brain. Moreover, Tob-Orb2 association is modulated by neuronal activity and Tob activity in the mushroom body is required for stable memory formation. These observations suggest that the interplay between PP2A and Tob-LimK activity may dynamically regulate Orb2 amyloid-like oligomer formation and the stabilization of memories.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC3921104 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
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    PLoS Biol.
    PLoS Biology
    Publication Year
    1545-7885 1544-9173
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