Transcriptional activation of Notch signaling targets requires the formation of a ternary complex that involves the intracellular domain of the Notch receptor (NICD), DNA-binding protein Suppressor of Hairless [Su(H), RPBJ in mammals] and coactivator Mastermind (Mam). Here, we report that E(y)1/TAF9, a component of the transcription factor TFIID complex, interacts specifically with the NICD-Su(H)-Mam complex to facilitate the transcriptional output of Notch signaling. We identified E(y)1/TAF9 in a large-scale in vivo RNA interference (RNAi) screen for genes that are involved in a Notch-dependent mitotic-to-endocycle transition in Drosophila follicle cells. Knockdown of e(y)1/TAF9 displayed Notch-mutant-like phenotypes and defects in target gene and activity reporter expression in both the follicle cells and wing imaginal discs. Epistatic analyses in these two tissues indicated that E(y)1/TAF9 functions downstream of Notch cleavage. Biochemical studies in S2 cells demonstrated that E(y)1/TAF9 physically interacts with the transcriptional effectors of Notch signaling Su(H) and NICD. Taken together, our data suggest that the association of the NICD-Su(H)-Mastermind complex with E(y)1/TAF9 in response to Notch activation recruits the transcription initiation complex to induce Notch target genes, coupling Notch signaling with the transcription machinery.