The following information accompanied stocks donated to the Bloomington Stock Center by Paula Watnick, Boston Children's Hospital. P{UAS-mtd.RD} is a construct expressing the coding region of the "RD" transcript (according to FB2010_07, released September 3rd, 2010) from the mtd gene under UAS control. The coding region was amplified from cDNA using primers that placed a NotI site immediately adjacent to the ATG start codon and an EcoRI site immediately adjacent to the TGA stop codon. The amplified fragment was cloned into the polylinker of pP{UAST} following NotI and EcoRI digestion. P{UAS-mtd.RB} is a pP{UAST} construct expressing the protein encoded by the mtd RB transcript under UAS control. P{UAS-OXR1.HA} is a pP{UAST} construct expressing human OXR1 protein with a C-terminal HA tag under UAS control. P{UAS-NCOA7.HA} is a pP{UAST} construct expressing human NCOA7 protein with a C-terminal HA tag under UAS control. P{UAS-TLDC2.HA} is a pP{UAST} construct expressing human TLDC2 protein with a C-terminal HA tag under UAS control. P{UAS-CG17244.HA} is a pP{UAST} construct expressing CG17244 protein with a C-terminal HA tag under UAS control. P{CG17244-GAL4} expresses GAL4 under control of the CG17244 regulatory sequences within 1 kb of the transcription start site. P{UAS-mtd.RC}6, P{UAS-mtd.RH}1, P{UAS-mtd.RD}8, P{UAS-mtd.RB}9, P{UAS-OXR1.HA}1, P{UAS-NCOA7.HA}1, P{UAS-TLDC2.HA}2, P{UAS-CG17244.HA}2 and P{CG17244-GAL4}5 are second chromosome insertions. P{UAS-OXR1.HA}4, P{UAS-NCOA7.HA}2, P{UAS-CG17244.HA}1 and P{CG17244-GAL4}1 are third chromosome insertions. -- Kevin Cook, Ph.D. Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center