Yilmazer, Y.B., Koganezawa, M., Sato, K., Xu, J., Yamamoto, D. (2016). Serotonergic neuronal death and concomitant serotonin deficiency curb copulation ability of Drosophila platonic mutants. Nat. Commun. 7(): 13792.
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Research paper
Drosophila platonic (plt) males court females, but fail to copulate. Here we show that plt is an allele of scribbler (sbb), a BMP signalling component. sbb knockdown in larvae leads to the loss of approximately eight serotonergic neurons, which express the sex-determinant protein Doublesex (Dsx). Genetic deprivation of serotonin (5-HT) from dsx-expressing neurons results in copulation defects. Thus, sbb(+) is developmentally required for the survival of a specific subset of dsx-expressing neurons, which support the normal execution of copulation in adults by providing 5-HT. Our study highlights the conserved involvement of serotonergic neurons in the control of copulatory mechanisms and the key role of BMP signalling in the formation of a sex-specific circuitry.