The TRiP-CRISPR Overexpression (TRiP-OE) collections consist of fly stocks containing transgenic constructs designed for CRISPR/Cas9-based transcriptional activation of a gene of interest. In the TRiP-OE-VPR collection, each construct constitutively expresses two sgRNAs that target ~500 base pairs upstream of the transcriptional start site of the targeted gene. When crossed to a stock that contains a source of nuclease-dead Cas9 fused to a transcriptional activator domain, such as dCas9-VPR, the gene of interest will be over-expressed in the domain of expression of this activator. In the TRiP-OE-flySAM collection, each construct constitutively expresses a single sgRNA that contains MS2 loops. The tagged sgRNA forms one component of the three-component flySAM (synergistic activation mediator) system, which is designed to produce effective transcriptional activation of the gene targeted by the sgRNA. In the TRiP-OE-flySAM.dCas9 collection, each construct constitutively expresses a single sgRNA that contains MS2 loops. The tagged sgRNA forms one component of the three-component flySAM (synergistic activation mediator) system, which is designed to produce effective transcriptional activation of the gene targeted by the sgRNA. In this collection, each construct also contains the other two components of the flySAM system (nuclease-dead Cas9 fused to a transcriptional activation domain plus an MCP-tagged transcriptional activator), and so target gene expression can be activated by crossing to any GAL4 line. The TRiP-CRISPR Knockout collections consist of fly stocks containing transgenic constructs designed for CRISPR/Cas9-based mutation of a gene of interest. In the TRiP-KO collection, each construct constitutively expresses an sgRNA that targets the coding sequence of a gene. When crossed to a stock that contains a source of Cas9, cleavage and mutagenesis of this target gene is induced, resulting in an indel (small insertion or deletion mutation). In the TRiP-KO-UAS collection, each construct expresses two sgRNAs under the control of UAS regulatory sequences. In most cases, both sgRNAs target the coding sequence of a single gene (in a small number of cases, each sgRNA targets the coding sequence of a different gene). When crossed to a stock that contains a source of both Cas9 and GAL4, cleavage and mutagenesis of this target gene is induced, resulting in an indel (small insertion or deletion mutation). The 'Associated Files' for this personal communication consist of .xlsx files that were submitted to FlyBase at the time that each set of fly stocks was sent to the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center. The .xlsx files contain data concerning the vector used to generate the construct, its type (Overexpression or Knockout) and the gene(s) targeted by the sgRNA(s).