Homeostasis is a vital mode of biological self-regulation. The hallmarks of homeostasis for any biological system are a baseline set point of physiological activity, detection of unacceptable deviations from the set point, and effective corrective measures to counteract deviations. Homeostatic synaptic plasticity (HSP) is a form of neuroplasticity in which neurons and circuits resist environmental perturbations and stabilize levels of activity. One assumption is that if a perturbation triggers homeostatic corrective changes in neuronal properties, those corrective measures should be reversed upon removal of the perturbation. We test the reversibility and limits of HSP at the well-studied Drosophila melanogaster neuromuscular junction (NMJ). At the Drosophila NMJ, impairment of glutamate receptors causes a decrease in quantal size, which is offset by a corrective, homeostatic increase in the number of vesicles released per evoked presynaptic stimulus, or quantal content. This process has been termed presynaptic homeostatic potentiation (PHP). Taking advantage of the GAL4/GAL80TS/UAS expression system, we triggered PHP by expressing a dominant-negative glutamate receptor subunit at the NMJ. We then reversed PHP by halting expression of the dominant-negative receptor. Our data show that PHP is fully reversible over a time course of 48-72 h after the dominant-negative glutamate receptor stops being genetically expressed. As an extension of these experiments, we find that when glutamate receptors are impaired, neither PHP nor NMJ growth is reliably sustained at high culturing temperatures (30-32°C). These data suggest that a limitation of homeostatic signaling at high temperatures could stem from the synapse facing a combination of challenges simultaneously.