FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Reference Report
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Lee, P.T., Zirin, J., Kanca, O., Lin, W.W., Schulze, K.L., Li-Kroeger, D., Tao, R., Devereaux, C., Hu, Y., Chung, V., Fang, Y., He, Y., Pan, H., Ge, M., Zuo, Z., Housden, B.E., Mohr, S.E., Yamamoto, S., Levis, R.W., Spradling, A.C., Perrimon, N., Bellen, H.J. (2018). A gene-specific T2A-GAL4 library for Drosophila.  eLife 7(): e35574.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
We generated a library of ~1000 Drosophila stocks in which we inserted a construct in the intron of genes allowing expression of GAL4 under control of endogenous promoters while arresting transcription with a polyadenylation signal 3' of the GAL4. This allows numerous applications. First, ~90% of insertions in essential genes cause a severe loss-of-function phenotype, an effective way to mutagenize genes. Interestingly, 12/14 chromosomes engineered through CRISPR do not carry second-site lethal mutations. Second, 26/36 (70%) of lethal insertions tested are rescued with a single UAS-cDNA construct. Third, loss-of-function phenotypes associated with many GAL4 insertions can be reverted by excision with UAS-flippase. Fourth, GAL4 driven UAS-GFP/RFP reports tissue and cell-type specificity of gene expression with high sensitivity. We report the expression of hundreds of genes not previously reported. Finally, inserted cassettes can be replaced with GFP or any DNA. These stocks comprise a powerful resource for assessing gene function.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC5898912 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
Related Publication(s)
Personal communication to FlyBase

Data submitted by the Gene Disruption Project to FlyBase for the CRIMIC insertion line collection.
Gene Disruption Project members, 2018-, Data submitted by the Gene Disruption Project to FlyBase for the CRIMIC insertion line collection. [FBrf0239542]

Additional information about CRIMIC insertion lines described in FBrf0238661.
Levis, 2018.8.30, Additional information about CRIMIC insertion lines described in FBrf0238661. [FBrf0240219]

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