FlyBase curator comment: As of the FB2018_05 FlyBase release, there were 35 D. melanogaster genes known/predicted to be UDP-Glycosyltransfereases (UGTs), as shown in the GT1 FAMILY OF UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASES Gene Group (FBgg0000797) or via an InterPro search with the "UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase" (IPR002213) signature. As of FB2018_05, the FlyBase nomenclature of these genes was inconsistent and confusing: 5 are named based on the nomenclature approved by the 'UGT nomenclature committee' (Ugt35a, Ugt35b, Ugt37a1, Ugt37b1, Ugt37c1), 12 are named based their cytological location on polytene chromosomes (Ugt36Ba, Ugt36Bb, Ugt36Bc, Ugt58Fa, Ugt86Da, Ugt86Dc, Ugt86Dd, Ugt86De, Ugt86Dg, Ugt86Dh, Ugt86Di, Ugt86Dj), 1 is named for a whimsical reason (Dot), and the remaining 17 are unnamed. In order to provide a single, standardized nomenclature for the D. melanogaster UGT genes, we have adopted the unified nomenclature approved by the 'UGT nomenclature committee'.