The RMCE-MiMIC Double Header collection consists of transgenic fly stocks in which the RMCE cassette in a progenitor Mi{MIC} insertion has been replaced with a 'Double Header' (DH) trapping cassette. The DH cassette comprises two independent trapping modules oriented in opposite directions: 1. a protein-trap (PT) module for tagging endogenous proteins, composed of a splice acceptor site, a EGFP-FlAsH-StrepII-TEV-3xFlag ("GFSTF") multi-tag cassette and a splice donor site, and 2: a gene-trap (GT) module designed to truncate the endogenous gene into which it inserts, as it contains T2A-GAL4 followed by a polyadenylation signal. Translation should skip at the T2A sequence, truncating the endogenous protein and producing a separate GAL4 protein. Depending on the orientation in which the DH cassette is inserted relative to the direction of transcription of an endogenous gene, the inserted element can either be in the 'protein-trap' or 'gene-trap' orientation for that gene. The 'Associated Files' for this personal communication consist of .xlsx files that were submitted to FlyBase at the time that each set of the fly stocks was sent to the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center. The .xlsx files contain data primarily concerning the progenitor MiMIC line used, the phase of the donor construct used in the RMCE event, and the identities of any gene(s) in which the RMCE-MiMIC element is inserted. The column "Trap? _PT_GT_N_" for each gene indicates whether the cassette is in protein trap (PT) orientation, gene trap (GT) orientation or is not expected to trap (N) the gene. Note that this is a prediction and does not necessarily indicate whether or not there is experimental evidence.