The following information accompanied stocks donated to the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center by Barry Honda, Simon Fraser University. Based on complementation tests, the distal breakpoint of Df(3L)MX18 lies between mRpS5 and scro and the proximal breakpoint lies between RpL15 and CG17514. P{UAS-FASN3.RNAi.S} expresses dsRNA targeted to exon 1 of FASN3 under UAS control. P{UAS-FASN3.RNAi.S}2M is a homozygous viable and fertile, second chromosome insertion. RpL15301 is a loss-of-function RpL15 mutation. P{UAS-Rad21.HA}14.11 is a homozygous and hemizygous viable and fertile, X chromosome insertion. P{UAS-Rad21.HA}2 is a homozygous viable and fertile, second chromosome insertion. P{UAS-Dbp80.RNAi}19-1 is a homozygous viable and fertile, third chromosome insertion. nvdG4 is a loss-of-function nvd allele generated in the screen described in Vilinsky et al. (FBrf0152037).