Dziedziech, A., Schmid, M., Arefin, B., Kienzle, T., Krautz, R., Theopold, U. (2019). Data on Drosophila clots and hemocyte morphologies using GFP-tagged secretory proteins: Prophenoloxidase and transglutaminase. Data Brief 25(): 104229.
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Publication Type
Research paper
Insect hemolymph coagulation: Kinetics of classically and non-classically secreted clotting factors Schmid et al., 2019. The linked article demonstrates the localization of two secretory proteins in Drosophila melanogaster, Prophenoloxidase (PPO2) and Transglutaminase-A (Tg) in hemocytes as well the clot with different tissue-specific drivers. Here we provide further data for the usefulness of the GFP-tagged version of the two crosslinking enzymes that are involved in clot hardening. The morphology of crystal cells is described using GFP-tagged PPO2 rather than with the use of antibodies in ex vivo hemolymph preparations. The use of the GFP-tagged proteins PPO2 and Tg is shown in additional contexts.