Mishra, A., Cronley, P., Ganesan, M., Schulz, D.J., Zars, T. (2020). Dopaminergic neurons can influence heat-box place learning in Drosophila. J. Neurogenet. 34(1): 115--122.
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Publication Type
Research paper
Dopamine provides crucial neuromodulatory functions in several insect and rodent learning and memory paradigms. However, an early study suggested that dopamine may be dispensable for aversive place memory in Drosophila. Here we tested the involvement of particular dopaminergic neurons in place learning and memory. We used the thermogenetic tool Gr28bD to activate protocerebral anterior medial (PAM) cluster and non-PAM dopaminergic neurons in an operant way in heat-box place learning. We show that activation of PAM neurons influences performance during place learning, but not during memory testing. These findings provide a gateway to explore how dopamine influences place learning.