TREX-2 complex is responsible for general mRNA export from nucleus to cytoplasm in eukaryote. The main protein of TREX-2 complex of D. melanogaster is protein Xmas-2. Its homologues in yeast and humans are Sac3 and GANP proteins, respectively. All three proteins contain the highly conserved domain Sac3-GANP, which is essential for interaction of TREX-2 complex with mRNA and another protein of the complex, PCID2. We identified two Xmas-2 homologues in D. melanogaster using the Sac3-GANP family domain sequence. These proteins have a common domain responsible for interaction with the PCID2 protein and RNA and are present in other eukaryotes. The function of these proteins is unknown. However, on the basis of their structural organization, we can assume that they interact with nucleic acids.