Intronic ratchet points (RPs) are abundant within long introns in the Drosophila genome and consist of juxtaposed splice acceptor and splice donor (SD) sites. Although they appear to encompass zero-nucleotide exons, we recently clarified that intronic recursive splicing (RS) requires a cryptic exon at the RP (an RS-exon), which is subsequently always skipped and thus absent from mRNA. In addition, Drosophila encodes a smaller set of expressed exons bearing features of RS. Here, we investigate mechanisms that regulate the choice between RP and RS-exon SDs. First, analysis of Drosophila RP SD mutants demonstrates that SD competition suppresses inclusion of cryptic exons in endogenous contexts. Second, characterization of RS-exon reporters implicates exonic sequences as influencing choice of RS-exon usage. Using RS-exon swap and mutagenesis assays, we show exonic sequences can determine RS-exon inclusion. Finally, we provide evidence that splicing can suppress utilization of RP SDs to enable RS-exon expression. Overall, multiple factors can influence splicing of Drosophila RS-exons, which usually result in their complete suppression as zero-nucleotide RPs, but occasionally yield translated RS-exons.