FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Reference Report
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Goldman, C.H., Neiswender, H., Baker, F., Veeranan-Karmegam, R., Misra, S., Gonsalvez, G.B. (2021). Optimal RNA binding by Egalitarian, a Dynein cargo adaptor, is critical for maintaining oocyte fate in Drosophila.  RNA Biol. 18(12): 2376--2389.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
The Dynein motor is responsible for the localization of numerous mRNAs within Drosophila oocytes and embryos. The RNA binding protein, Egalitarian (Egl), is thought to link these various RNA cargoes with Dynein. Although numerous studies have shown that Egl is able to specifically associate with these RNAs, the nature of these interactions has remained elusive. Egl contains a central RNA binding domain that shares limited homology with an exonuclease, yet Egl binds to RNA without degrading it. Mutations have been identified within Egl that disrupt its association with its protein interaction partners, BicaudalD (BicD) and Dynein light chain (Dlc), but no mutants have been described that are specifically defective for RNA binding. In this report, we identified a series of positively charged residues within Egl that are required for RNA binding. Using corresponding RNA binding mutants, we demonstrate that specific RNA cargoes are more reliant on maximal Egl RNA biding activity for their correct localization in comparison to others. We also demonstrate that specification and maintenance of oocyte fate requires maximal Egl RNA binding activity. Even a subtle reduction in Egl's RNA binding activity completely disrupts this process. Our results show that efficient RNA localization at the earliest stages of oogenesis is required for specification of the oocyte and restriction of meiosis to a single cell.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC8632098 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    RNA Biol.
    RNA Biology.
    Publication Year
    1547-6286 1555-8584
    Data From Reference