In vertebrates, stimulus-independent activity accompanies neural circuit maturation throughout the developing brain1,2. The recent discovery of similar activity in the developing Drosophila central nervous system suggests that developmental activity is fundamental to the assembly of complex brains3. How such activity is coordinated across disparate brain regions to influence synaptic development at the level of defined cell types is not well understood. Here we show that neurons expressing the cation channel transient receptor potential gamma (Trpγ) relay and pattern developmental activity throughout the Drosophila brain. In trpγ mutants, activity is attenuated globally, and both patterns of activity and synapse structure are altered in a cell-type-specific manner. Less than 2% of the neurons in the brain express Trpγ. These neurons arborize throughout the brain, and silencing or activating them leads to loss or gain of brain-wide activity. Together, these results indicate that this small population of neurons coordinates brain-wide developmental activity. We propose that stereotyped patterns of developmental activity are driven by a discrete, genetically specified network to instruct neural circuit assembly at the level of individual cells and synapses. This work establishes the fly brain as an experimentally tractable system for studying how activity contributes to synapse and circuit formation.