Forgetting is an essential component of the brain's memory management system, providing a balance to memory formation processes by removing unused or unwanted memories, or by suppressing their expression. However, the molecular, cellular, and circuit mechanisms underlying forgetting are poorly understood. Here we show that the memory suppressor gene, sickie, functions in a single dopamine neuron (DAn) by supporting the process of active forgetting in Drosophila. RNAi knockdown (KD) of sickie impairs forgetting by reducing the Ca2+ influx and DA release from the DAn that promotes forgetting. Coimmunoprecipitation/mass spectrometry analyses identified cytoskeletal and presynaptic active zone (AZ) proteins as candidates that physically interact with Sickie, and a focused RNAi screen of the candidates showed that Bruchpilot (Brp)-a presynaptic AZ protein that regulates calcium channel clustering and neurotransmitter release-impairs active forgetting like sickie KD. In addition, overexpression of brp rescued the impaired forgetting of sickie KD, providing evidence that they function in the same process. Moreover, we show that sickie KD in the DAn reduces the abundance and size of AZ markers but increases their number, suggesting that Sickie controls DAn activity for forgetting by modulating the presynaptic AZ structure. Our results identify a molecular and circuit mechanism for normal levels of active forgetting and reveal a surprising role of Sickie in maintaining presynaptic AZ structure for neurotransmitter release.