Sun, J., Liu, W.K., Ellsworth, C., Sun, Q., Pan, Y., Huang, Y.C., Deng, W.M. (2023). Integrating lipid metabolism, pheromone production and perception by Fruitless and Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4. Sci. Adv. 9(26): eadf6254.
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Research paper
Sexual attraction and perception are crucial for mating and reproductive success. In Drosophila melanogaster, the male-specific isoform of Fruitless (Fru), Fru[M], is a known master neuro-regulator of innate courtship behavior to control the perception of sex pheromones in sensory neurons. Here, we show that the non-sex-specific Fru isoform (Fru[COM]) is necessary for pheromone biosynthesis in hepatocyte-like oenocytes for sexual attraction. Loss of Fru[COM] in oenocytes resulted in adults with reduced levels of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), including sex pheromones, and show altered sexual attraction and reduced cuticular hydrophobicity. We further identify Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 (Hnf4) as a key target of Fru[COM] in directing fatty acid conversion to hydrocarbons. Fru or Hnf4 depletion in oenocytes disrupts lipid homeostasis, resulting in a sex-dimorphic CHC profile that differs from doublesex- and transformer-dependent CHC dimorphism. Thus, Fru couples pheromone perception and production in separate organs to regulate chemosensory communications and ensure efficient mating behavior.