Lipolysis, the key process releasing fat acids to generate energy in adipose tissues, correlates with starvation resistance. Nevertheless, its detail mechanisms remain elusive. BubR1, an essential mitotic regulator, ensures proper chromosome alignment and segregation during mitosis, but its physiological functions are largely unknown. Here, we use Drosophila adult fat body, the major lipid storage organ, to study the functions of BubR1 in lipolysis. We show that both whole body- and fat body-specific BubR1 depletions increase lipid degradation and shorten the lifespan under fasting but not feeding. Relish, the conserved regulator of IMD signaling pathway, acts as the downstream target of BubR1 to control the expression level of Bmm and modulate the lipolysis upon fasting. Thus, our study reveals new functions of BubR1 in starvation-induced lipolysis and provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms of lipolysis mediated by IMD signaling pathway.